[ANNOUNCE] dxr3plugin-0.2.3-pre2

  • Hi vdr fans.

    After some comments from a guy from vdr-portal i will now release the *very buggy* pre2. Yes you have
    read correct - very buggy. At the moment i dont want to release the pre2 but as a result of the comments
    i will do it now.

    So i will start with the known bugs:
    * slowmotion does crash vdr
    * there is only one speed in replay mode - others may crash
    * Resting Hardware -> crazzy dx3-plugin :)
    * digital output seems to be broken
    * stillpicutre seems not to work

    If you find other bugs, please use the bugtracker at sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=112648&atid=663452
    There is also a log-file of the plugin... named dxr3plugin.log - it should be in /video, but it can depend on vdr configuration.

    If you have a patch, please use sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=112648&atid=663454

    So it is easier for me to handle all.

    Yeah... sounds not very good, but as i told you before i was "forced" to release a "working" version. At the moment
    i was woring on the colormanger, paletmanger and the spu_encoder to make it more felxible and more bug free.
    But the new changes will not be in this release, because i am not finished yet.

    Now to the big changes since the 0.2.2 version:

    2004-06-22: Version 0.2.3-alpha1 (only for vdr-portal.de)

    - we are using now <linux/em8300.h> instead of "em8300.h"
    - updated multichannelaudio.h/c with newest AC3overDVB-Patch-Source (0.2.6)
    - switched to new osd routines for vdr-1.3.7
    - added dxr3singleton.h
    - new interface to work with ffmpeg (chagned include to <avcodec.h>)
    - added a lot of commments and cosmetic code cleanups
    - using everywhere std::string - makes life nicer
    - moved dxr3absdevice to dxr3interface
    - rewritten some parts of dxr3interface
    - added anti-glinsch-when-fast-forward-and-then-play-patch ;)
    - killed DIAG and added a global logger, which is used only in
    a few functions and not in every like DIAG
    - removed cDxr3StatusMonitor - i dont know why we need this
    - cleaned out unneeded includes
    - fixed memory leak in cDxr3Interface::UploadMicroCode:
    If uploading of the microcode failed, the allocated memory wasn't
    - If we are changing the audiooutput now the plugin will call an overworked
    AudioRepoen function, which does not shutdown the whole card.
    - Things like VIDEOMODE and AUDIOMODE are now set only ONCE on plugin start!
    - added check if memory in cDxr3SyncBuffer is allocated correct
    - introced a 'ToDo-System'.
    in every *.c file there can be something like this at the top of the file:
    - cDxr3SyncBuffer::Push: XXX This is only a workaround until a sufficient control algorithm is implemented

    So it is easier to keep track of stuff, which needs more work.
    - some small changes in dxr3colormanger.h/c
    - some small changes in dxr3pesframe.h/c
    - some small changes in spuenc.h/c
    - killed spu_dump in spuenc.h/c
    - renamed spuenc.h/c to dxr3interface_spu_encoder.h/c
    - changed dxr3audiodecoder to support the new ffmpeg interface
    - renamed dxr3absspu/dxr3absspulist to dxr3interace_spu/dxr3interace_spu_list
    - volume control logarithmic instead of linear.
    This is a more natural sounding way of controlling the
    volume. Thanks to Jon Burgess <mplayer@jburgess.uklinux.net>
    - added patch for DVD subtitles. Thanks to Stuart Daines <s.daines@ntlworld.com>
    - fixed memory leak in dxr3osd.c - Thanks to Miika Pekkarinen <miipekk@ihme.org>
    - added Tools namespace, which has a fixed Rgb2YCrCb function in it (dxr3tools.h)
    - kicked out Cmd in dxr3osd.h/c
    - added dxr3i18n.h/c
    - added Portuguese language support - thanks to Paulo Lopes <pmml@netvita.pt>
    - added Finnish language support - thanks to Hannu Savolainen <hannu@opensound.com>
    - added Swedish language support - thanks to Tomas Prybil <tomas@prybil.se>
    NOTE: I havent found time to include all of the languages, will be done in pre3
    - kicked out - i hope - some unneeded usleeps
    - rewrote cSPUEncoder: Now we imitate the Cmd funtion form the dvb drivers. So
    we can use now the normal osd functions form dvbosd.c :)
    - added support for vdr-1.3.11
    - added videomode pal 60

    2004-07-29: Version 0.2.3-pre2 (now aviable on SourceForge)

    - fixed audio and video problems
    - works now with vdr < 1.3.7
    - added YUV2Rgb int dxr3tools.h (for dxr3spudecoder)
    - added some more debug infos in dxr3outputthread.c
    - added const keyword in dxr3configdata.h
    - added EM8300 include define in Makefile
    - added debuglevels, so we can define how much we want to log
    - assimilated spudecoder from vdr's dvbspu.c/h -> nice nav in dvds
    - kicked out cDxr3InterfaceSpu from dxr3interface.c/h
    - a little fix for cDxr3Interface::ResampleVolume
    - kicked out dxr3interface_spu.c/h and dxr3interface_spu_list.c/h, because
    the new spudecoder dont need it anymore.
    - added dxr3cpu.c/h to get some infos about the cpu
    - added dxr3memcpy.c/h to get a little speedup - i hope
    - maybe a little audiofix: lastHeader in cDxr3AudioDecoder will now set to 0
    with the constr. and not via Init()-function. So there should be now some lesser
    audio scratches.
    - osd works now on every resolution (viva, viva plus,...)
    - added main-menu-entry
    - added in some parts some memory allocation tests
    - added fix for Makefile from vdr-portal.de -> should compile on more machines :)
    - added Tools::WriteInfoToOsd(...) - now some infos like "Releasing devices" are show
    now on the osd again
    - fixed dxr3osd_subpicutre.h - thanks to Paavo Hartikainen <pahartik@sci.fi>

    maybe this makes now some hope.
    Here is now the dl-link: http://prdownloads.sourceforge…3-0.2.3-pre2.tgz?download
    The new homepage of the dxr3-plugin: http://dxr3plugin.sf.net
    In the 1-2 days i also will use the cvs...

    Hope you arn't to much frustrated with this release,
    Christian Gmeinerfor vdr-portal.de)

    - we are using now <linux/em8300.h> instead of "em8300.h"
    - updated multichannelaudio.h/c with newest AC3overDVB-Patch-Source (0.2.6)
    - switched to new osd routines for vdr-1.3.7
    - added dxr3singleton.h
    - new interface to work with ffmpeg (chagned include to <avcodec.h>)
    - added a lot of commments and cosmetic code cleanups
    - using everywhere std::string - makes life nicer
    - moved dxr3absdevice to dxr3interface
    - rewritten some parts of dxr3interface
    - added anti-glinsch-when-fast-forward-and-then-play-patch ;)
    - killed DIAG and added a global logger, which is used only in
    a few functions and not in every like DIAG
    - removed cDxr3StatusMonitor - i dont know why we need this
    - cleaned out unneeded includes
    - fixed memory leak in cDxr3Interface::UploadMicroCode:
    If uploading of the microcode failed, the allocated memory wasn't
    - If we are changing the audiooutput now the plugin will call an overworked
    AudioRepoen function, which does not shutdown the whole card.
    - Things like VIDEOMODE and AUDIOMODE are now set only ONCE on plugin start!
    - added check if memory in cDxr3SyncBuffer is allocated correct
    - introced a 'ToDo-System'.
    in every *.c file there can be something like this at the top of the file:
    - cDxr3SyncBuffer::Push: XXX This is only a workaround until a sufficient control algorithm is implemented

    So it is easier to keep track of stuff, which needs more work.
    - some small changes in dxr3colormanger.h/c
    - some small changes in dxr3pesframe.h/c
    - some small changes in spuenc.h/c
    - killed spu_dump in spuenc.h/c
    - renamed spuenc.h/c to dxr3interface_spu_encoder.h/c
    - changed dxr3audiodecoder to support the new ffmpeg interface
    - renamed dxr3absspu/dxr3absspulist to dxr3interace_spu/dxr3interace_spu_list
    - volume control logarithmic instead of linear.
    This is a more natural sounding way of controlling the
    volume. Thanks to Jon Burgess <mplayer@jburgess.uklinux.net>
    - added patch for DVD subtitles. Thanks to Stuart Daines <s.daines@ntlworld.com>
    - fixed memory leak in dxr3osd.c - Thanks to Miika Pekkarinen <miipekk@ihme.org>
    - added Tools namespace, which has a fixed Rgb2YCrCb function in it (dxr3tools.h)
    - kicked out Cmd in dxr3osd.h/c
    - added dxr3i18n.h/c
    - added Portuguese language support - thanks to Paulo Lopes <pmml@netvita.pt>
    - added Finnish language support - thanks to Hannu Savolainen <hannu@opensound.com>
    - added Swedish language support - thanks to Tomas Prybil <tomas@prybil.se>
    NOTE: I havent found time to include all of the languages, will be done in pre3
    - kicked out - i hope - some unneeded usleeps
    - rewrote cSPUEncoder: Now we imitate the Cmd funtion form the dvb drivers. So
    we can use now the normal osd functions form dvbosd.c :)
    - added support for vdr-1.3.11
    - added videomode pal 60

    2004-07-29: Version 0.2.3-pre2 (now aviable on SourceForge)

    - fixed audio and video problems
    - works now with vdr < 1.3.7
    - added YUV2Rgb int dxr3tools.h (for dxr3spudecoder)
    - added some more debug infos in dxr3outputthread.c
    - added const keyword in dxr3configdata.h
    - added EM8300 include define in Makefile
    - added debuglevels, so we can define how much we want to log
    - assimilated spudecoder from vdr's dvbspu.c/h -> nice nav in dvds
    - kicked out cDxr3InterfaceSpu from dxr3interface.c/h
    - a little fix for cDxr3Interface::ResampleVolume
    - kicked out dxr3interface_spu.c/h and dxr3interface_spu_list.c/h, because
    the new spudecoder dont need it anymore.
    - added dxr3cpu.c/h to get some infos about the cpu
    - added dxr3memcpy.c/h to get a little speedup - i hope
    - maybe a little audiofix: lastHeader in cDxr3AudioDecoder will now set to 0
    with the constr. and not via Init()-function. So there should be now some lesser
    audio scratches.
    - osd works now on every resolution (viva, viva plus,...)
    - added main-menu-entry
    - added in some parts some memory allocation tests
    - added fix for Makefile from vdr-portal.de -> should compile on more machines :)
    - added Tools::WriteInfoToOsd(...) - now some infos like "Releasing devices" are show
    now on the osd again
    - fixed dxr3osd_subpicutre.h - thanks to Paavo Hartikainen <pahartik@sci.fi>

    maybe this makes now some hope.
    Here is now the dl-link: http://prdownloads.sourceforge…3-0.2.3-pre2.tgz?download
    The new homepage of the dxr3-plugin: http://dxr3plugin.sf.net
    In the 1-2 days i also will use the cvs...

    Hope you arn't to much frustrated with this release,
    Christian Gmeiner

    PS: Please use the cvs-drivers for the dxr3 - they are much better.

  • gute arbeit ac!

    ich durfte ja bereits die pre2 vorab testen :)

    hab das ebuild mal auf die aktuelle version angepasst (getestet mit 2.6er kernel und dxr3 treibern von vor 2 wochen)



    da mir langweilig ist, hier noch die anleitung wie man neue ebuilds compiled - für gentoo-neulinge ... :p

    als root:

    cd /usr/portage/media-video/vdrplugin-dxr3/ 
    wget http://vdr.poogle.de/files/vdrplugin-dxr3-0.2.3.ebuild
    ebuild vdrplugin-dxr3-0.2.3.ebuild digest
    emerge vdrplugin-dxr3

    Sobald das ebuild im gentoo-de cvs ist, müsst ihr natürlich keinen digest mehr selbst erstellen...

    vdr hardware: amd 1.2ghz, 512mb sdram, blaues 128x64 parport-lcd, 160gb hdd
    vdr software: gentoo, 2.6.7-vanilla, vdr 1.3.11, dvbtreiber aus dem kernel, em8300-cvs, lirc-0.7.0pre6, ...
    plugins/addons: dxr3-0.2.3-pre2, dvd-0.3.5b06, mplayer-0.9.2, tvonscreen, osdteletext, vdradmind, ...

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://valor.zapto.org/vdrsmi.png]

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von valor ()

  • Läuft das dxr3-plug nicht mit gcc-2.95 !?
    Bekomme Fehler im dxr3memcpy.c ...

    Bei Bedarf poste ich gerne die komplette Ausgabe!


    Wohnzimmer (Client 1): C't Vdr (Sarge), 2.6.15-sl, 1.4.0-2, TT-1.5 FF, Hermes 651, 40 GB, 2Ghz Celeron, 512MB, PSOne TFT
    Server: C't VDR (Sid), 2.6.15-1-k7, 1.4.1-1, TT-1.6 FF, XP-2000+, 500GB, 512MB
    Schlafzimmer (Client 2): MediaMVP
    MediaMVP, Bose S 100, 400er Oldischlepptopp für den Garten

  • Here you are ...

    Wohnzimmer (Client 1): C't Vdr (Sarge), 2.6.15-sl, 1.4.0-2, TT-1.5 FF, Hermes 651, 40 GB, 2Ghz Celeron, 512MB, PSOne TFT
    Server: C't VDR (Sid), 2.6.15-1-k7, 1.4.1-1, TT-1.6 FF, XP-2000+, 500GB, 512MB
    Schlafzimmer (Client 2): MediaMVP
    MediaMVP, Bose S 100, 400er Oldischlepptopp für den Garten

  • Hallo,

    hier mal ein kurzer Erfahrungsbericht:

    Ich habe die pre2 jetzt seit ca. 3 Wochen mit vdr-1.3.11 im Einsatz und hatte seitdem keinen einzigen DXR3-Absturz oder Hänger im OSD mehr. Das hat bisher noch keine Version des Plugins geschafft. :]

    Die noch fehlende Slow Motion stört mich nicht. Ich würde mir eigentlich nur noch die Behebung der kleinen Darstellungsfehler im OSD (Fehlfarben) wünschen, dann wäre auch meine Frau ganz zufrieden... :D

    Ein großes Lob an Austrian Coder! :applaus


  • Danke für das Lob.

    Das ist für die pre3 geplant:
    * Dolby Digital Interface - wenn ich ein billiges 5.1 Soundsystem finde
    * Digitalausgang Fixes
    * Neuer i18n support
    * set brightness/contrast/saturation via OSD
    * Und dann noch das OSD - doch der Teil ist der schwierigste, die Fertigstellunge mache ich als letztes :D
    * Und evt. noch ein paar fixes im Demuxer

  • Auch von mir ein großes Lob. Funktioniert echt super.

    Ich hab jedoch ein Problem mit dem em8300 Treibern unter

    Ich habe den kernel patch für die em8300 treiber benutzt und mein Log läuft nun mit fehlermeldungen über:

    In der em8300 mailingliste wurde auch schon über das Problem gesprochen. Auch Du hast dich dort zu dem Thema geäußert. Ich finde jedoch keine Lösung zu diesem Problem. Gibt es einen Patch?

  • Zitat

    Original von neumann2k
    Ich hab jedoch ein Problem mit dem em8300 Treibern unter

    Ich habe den kernel patch für die em8300 treiber benutzt und mein Log läuft nun mit fehlermeldungen über:

    Was für einen Patch den? Einfach den CVS der em8300 Treber verwenden, und das wars.

  • Zitat

    Original von Austrian Coder

    Was für einen Patch den? Einfach den CVS der em8300 Treber verwenden, und das wars.

    Ha, vielen Dank :))

    Dachte, die normalen cvs treiber laufen nocht nicht mit nem 2.6er kernel. Hatte deshalb einen 2.6er kernel patch genommen. Aber läuft super jetzt. Klasse.

    Das einzige, was ein wenig stört, ist das die kanalinfo ein wenig "schlecht" aussieht. Das Menü allerdings ist völlig ok.

  • Anscheinend haben die DXR3-Treiber-Entwickler etwas an ihrem Makefile geändert, denn AC's ebuild em8300-modules-cvs-20031209 bricht mit folgenden Ausgaben ab:

    also, im ebuild statt

    make clean all

    zwei Zeilen draus gemacht

    make clean || die "problem cleaning modules"
    make || die "problem compiling modules"

    und schon läuft's wieder.

    Oder war das nicht nur bei mir so?!
    Viele Grüsse

  • Ich meinte ja auch die em8300-*-cvs-20031209 ebuilds - sorry, habe zu wenig Copy&Pasted.

    PS: Hier für alle, die jetzt nicht wissen, worum's geht.

  • Ist in dieser ToDo-Liste auch das Abspielen von DD-Ton aus Aufnahmen geplant?

    Client: LinVDR 0.7 (1.4.2-3) + DXR3-Plugin (0.2.6) auf EPIA ME6000 + Hollywood+, ohne dvb, 128 MB Flash, Sony dts-Receiver, mit "Pimp-My-LinVDR 0.7"

    Server: Ct-VDR7, Xenified with Lenny Kernel 2.6.26-2-xen-686, 1TB HD, 1x Nova-s:lovevdr

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by Austrian Coder
    Jo ist dabei, da ich das Dolby Digital Interface vom VDR verwende.

    Cool, darauf habe ich schon lange gewartet ;) Weiter so Austrian Coder!

    Client: LinVDR 0.7 (1.4.2-3) + DXR3-Plugin (0.2.6) auf EPIA ME6000 + Hollywood+, ohne dvb, 128 MB Flash, Sony dts-Receiver, mit "Pimp-My-LinVDR 0.7"

    Server: Ct-VDR7, Xenified with Lenny Kernel 2.6.26-2-xen-686, 1TB HD, 1x Nova-s:lovevdr

  • Hallo!

    Ich bekomme beim Kompilieren der CVS-Version für VDR 1.2.6 auf einem Debian Woody mit gcc 2.95.4 immmer folgenden Fehler:

    Mach ich da was falsch? ?(



  • hallo auch,
    die krieg ich auch: unter vdr 1.2.6, SUSE 9.0, Kernel 2.4.25, gcc 3.irgendwas.
    Die Fehler mit den Farben kommen weil diese in dxr3interface_spu_encoder nicht define-d sind=> Läßt sich einfach beheben. Aber die syntax error before '*' hab ich noch nicht beseitigen können. Liegt vermutlich an meinen eher bescheidenen C++ Kenntnissen.

    Unter vdr 1.3.12 läufts super.


    vdr 1.3.34 : Kernel 2.4.25 : Celeron 633 : technotrend 1.6 : PsoneTFT : 120er Pabst@5V für CPU und NT

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