Bill Could Criminalize Fast-Forwarding DVD Ads, Trailers

  • Hi!


    EDIT: I removed the rest, because it isn't allowed to redistribute the article. Maybe this extract is allowed.

    Isn't that neat? :§$%


    - -- --- ================================================================ --- -- -
    Antec Fusion, Intel E5200, Asus P5N7A-VM (VDPAU), DD CineS2 v6 + DD DuoFlex CI // yavdr-0.6.1
    - -- --- ================================================================ --- -- -

    Edited 2 times, last by Brougs78 ().

  • Hmm, kann das mal bitte jemand "übersetzen" ?

    Gehts da drum das es bald nicht erlaubt sein soll die Previews auf DVDs zu überspringen (obwohl ich die DVD gekauft habe) ?

    Hab Probleme den Text zu übersetzen, ergibt für mich nicht wirklich Sinn ...


  • Quote

    Original von mbc
    Gehts da drum das es bald nicht erlaubt sein soll die Previews auf DVDs zu überspringen (obwohl ich die DVD gekauft habe) ?

    Yep - Previews und Advertisement - Wenn du ein eDVD erwirbst , mußt du sowohl alle darauf existierenden Vorschauen sowie die enthaltene Werbung schauen - dur darfst nicht vorspulen , nicht skippen und auch nicht pischern gehen oder am Weinchen nippen ;)

    Aber du wohnst nicht in den USA oder ? ;)


    Die spinnen die Exil Tommies ... :gaga

  • Hier ein paar Details:

    News Target: Orwellian new Copyright Bill HR2391 would criminalize skipping commercials, destroy Fair Use:


    The United States Senate is about to pass a new copyright bill that would turn everyday Americans into criminals. This report is not a joke: it's about HR2391, the intellectual property protection act. Keep reading to learn how your consumer rights are under intense attack, and then forward this to your friends to help spread the word. Because if this bill isn't stopped, you could technically be thrown in prison for burning an audio CD and copying the files to your favorite MP3 player.

    Technology Review: Is 'Fair Use' in Peril?


    Do you like fast-forwarding through commercials on a television program you’ve recorded? How much do you like it? Enough to go to jail if you’re caught doing it? If a new copyright and intellectual property omnibus bill sitting on Congress’s desk passes, that may be the choice you'll face. (...) Included in the legislation are eight separate bills, five of which have already passed one branch of Congress, one of which was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee, and two of which have merely been proposed. By lumping all the bills together and pushing the package through both houses of Congress, proponents hope to score an enormous victory for Hollywood and some content industries.

  • Und hier unter dem Mikroskop:

    Public Knowledge: The Intellectual Property Protection Act (Analyse und wichtige Links)

    Der Aufschrei scheint aber dieses Mal noch etwas gefruchtet zu haben... :rolleyes:

    Soeben erschienene Presseerklärung:


    Consumers won a major victory when the Senate passed legislation removing the most egregious elements of the omnibus copyright bill that had previously been under consideration. We strongly support the version of the Family Movie Act, included in the bill, which gives families more control over how they watch movies and television, preserving the right to skip over commercials. The bill will benefit consumers, both in their entertainment choices now, and from the innovation in technology that will result in coming years.

    We are also pleased that HR 4077 was dropped from the bill that passed. That legislation would have lowered the standard for copyright infringement. The Senate also wisely removed the PIRATE Act, which would have made the government the entertainment industry’s private law firm at taxpayer expense.

    The Senate should also be commended for including in the bill legislation helping to preserve orphan works and reauthorizing the National Film Preservation Board. These features of the bill are important steps in preserving our nation’s culture. We look forward to working with Congress in coming sessions to make further progress in advancing consumer interests and preserving copyright balance.

  • Quote

    ist da sex noch erlaubt ?

    Nur in dunklen Zimmern, mit ner Papiertüte überm Kopf, und mit richterlicher Genehmigung.

    Mal ehrlich. Die spinnen die Ammis !!!


  • Ruhig Blut, Freunde. Wenn man aus Amerika herüber nach Deutschland schaut, mag man manchmal das ganze vice-versa auch so denken. Wobei ich jetzt hier in Deutschland sitze ;D



  • Quote

    Original von hjs
    Die spinnen die Exil Tommies ... :gaga

    Das ist ja nix neues.

      Flaschen auf der Straße in Papiertüten
      Nur "low fat" oder "no fat" im Supermarkt, aber unendlich viel Dicke
      Ausschließlich Fast-Food oder Edelrestaurants
      Wer nicht mein Freund ist, ist Feind :trooper
      Schwarz und Weiß, aber NIEMALS Grau

    Wie kann man nur so verstört sein? Ich habe immer gesagt, daß ich einmal nach USA reisen möchte, um meine Vorurteile abzubauen. Das diese sich noch VERSTÄRKEN hätte ich nicht gedacht. Und schwupps, sind aus Vorurteilen Urteile geworden :) Macht Euch nur mal die Mühe, die Gesetze einiger Bundesstaaten zu durchforsten.

    Und das "Verbot", vorzuspulen, kann auch nur aus solch kranken Gehirnen kommen. Ebenso wie das "1-click Patent" u.ä. Da bin ich dann doch froh, in EUR zu leben

    Die spinnen, die Amis :gaga

    Glotze: yaVDR (ASRock Q1900M, 4GB RAM, DD Cine S2 V6.5, ZOTAC GT630 (Rev. 2)
    Server: HP ProLiant MicroServer G8, VMware ESXi 5.5 :P

  • Quote

    Original von knebb
    Und das "Verbot", vorzuspulen, kann auch nur aus solch kranken Gehirnen kommen. Ebenso wie das "1-click Patent" u.ä. Da bin ich dann doch froh, in EUR zu leben

    wobei ich nicht glaube das dies ein "amerikanisches" Problem ist - das Problem ist die Medien Industrie ...


    hier in Österreich wird pro gekaufter Rohling CD ein Anteil an die AKM (D : GEMA) überwiesen - könnte ja jemand ein Kopie einer Audio CD machen (was aber wieder verboten ist :wand ...)



    gen2vdr 2.0
    TT1.3, Skystar 2.6c, activy300, STBs AVBoard

  • Moin Leute,

    das ist schon wieder Deutsch im International :)


    This discussion is fairly interesting, but why the heck is it again in German? Aren't we "International >> Off-Topic" right now?

    I guess the original post was done in English by purpose, right?


  • uuups ?(



    gen2vdr 2.0
    TT1.3, Skystar 2.6c, activy300, STBs AVBoard

  • Quote

    Original von sdu
    wobei ich nicht glaube das dies ein "amerikanisches" Problem ist - das Problem ist die Medien Industrie ...

    Naja, und wer dominiert diese?


    hier in Österreich wird pro gekaufter Rohling CD ein Anteil an die AKM (D : GEMA) überwiesen - könnte ja jemand ein Kopie einer Audio CD machen (was aber wieder verboten ist :wand ...)

    Das ist allerdings genauso krank, ja. Manonman. Wenn man nur wüßte wohin, sollte man auswandern....

    Glotze: yaVDR (ASRock Q1900M, 4GB RAM, DD Cine S2 V6.5, ZOTAC GT630 (Rev. 2)
    Server: HP ProLiant MicroServer G8, VMware ESXi 5.5 :P

  • OK in English now:
    Take a look at the constitution of some German states, e.g. the one of Hesse: There is one article concerning the maximum punishment for committing crimes. Still capital punishment (means death penalty) is allowed there. Only because of the enforcement the German Grundgesetz has, it is disabled. In Northrine-Westfalia capital punishment was abolished in the state itself...

    And most of the problems the US have, are arriving us either. And this is not only because of the dominance the US have...

    So far


  • Quote

    Original von Full_ack
    And most of the problems the US have, are arriving us either. And this is not only because of the dominance the US have...

    i think we all here in europe have our own problems see this (attention: text is in german)
    it says that you have to pay for each disk to the austro mechana even if you use your disks for private use only (say for holiday pictures :rolleyes: )



    gen2vdr 2.0
    TT1.3, Skystar 2.6c, activy300, STBs AVBoard

    Edited 2 times, last by sdu ().

  • This is exactly what i am saying.
    I am not Uncle Sam himself, there is a lot to critizise in the US. But a discussion should not be let from arguements like: "All US citzens are stupid and do not know what democracy and free speech means". To critizise others while not realising the same problems in your own country is - excuse me - stupid. So full ack sdu!


  • Quote

    Original von Full_ack
    OK in English now:

    Eh- ok ?(


    Take a look at the constitution of some German states,

    First of all, there is a big difference between constitution als laws. For constitution you can have an other opinion- but even then it isn't at all idiotic.
    Look at this (german).
    For the USA there is ONLY black OR white. In Europe there ist also GREY accepted.

    Glotze: yaVDR (ASRock Q1900M, 4GB RAM, DD Cine S2 V6.5, ZOTAC GT630 (Rev. 2)
    Server: HP ProLiant MicroServer G8, VMware ESXi 5.5 :P

  • OK, black and white and not grey? So this is either ironic or - excuse me again - stupid. Only because of the friend-enemy speeches Bush delivers, this is not common sense in the US. The content of the page you linked is maybe true (I would believe so, but do not know it exactly). But the same kind of ridiculous laws you have in Germany too. Some month ago I got mail after mail with the same content, but concerning German laws.


  • Quote

    Original von Full_ack
    OK, black and white and not grey? So this is either ironic or - excuse me again - stupid.

    Sorry, no. Of course I don't talk about ALL the people in the USA. And of course it is a big view from above. And I don't talk about Bush. This "black-white" thinking has a "good and long tradition" in the USA (prohibition). And I'm not talking only about laws- it was just an example. (BTW: I don't think, that all laws from the link are reality).
    But, and this is my opinion: The state, the community (mean: Gesellschaft), and the comercials are "black-white" thinking. The "middle-way" seems to be bad.
    Why is there (almost) no "normal" restaurant? Why can't I buy an "normal" fat think? Why are there no rooms without climate- control? And so on.

    If there's one think that's found "bad" there will be some months later restrictions for a complete "destruction" of it. At the time it seems to be the smokers.


    Glotze: yaVDR (ASRock Q1900M, 4GB RAM, DD Cine S2 V6.5, ZOTAC GT630 (Rev. 2)
    Server: HP ProLiant MicroServer G8, VMware ESXi 5.5 :P

  • Quote

    Original von knebb
    Look at this (german).

    I am about sure that this (and a lot of other information about legislation in the states) is a known urban legend... This does not mean that there are not definitively stupid laws coming to europe from overseas....


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