Aktuelle Treiber für Octopus(ddbridge), CineS2(ngene/ddbridge), DuoFlex-S2, DuoFlex-CT, CineCT sowie TT S2-6400 (Teil 2)

  • mit dem 3.2.0-4-amd64 geht die karte ohne Probleme bei mir unter debian

  • Gebaut bekommen habe ich sie auch. Aber leider bringt dmesg | grep -i dvb nur mit Kernel 3.10.7

    dmesg | grep -i dvb
    v4l-dvb-saa716x: 0dab24906ff057b72537b01605bdf06c4dbb1c62 saa716x: i2c_del_adapter() fix
    [ 7.428875] DDBridge driver detected: Digital Devices Cine S2 V6.5 DVB adapter
    [ 7.429762] Port 0 (TAB 1): DUAL DVB-S2
    [ 7.430399] Port 1 (TAB 2): DUAL DVB-S2
    [ 7.431913] DVB: registering new adapter (DDBridge)
    [ 7.431914] DVB: registering new adapter (DDBridge)
    [ 7.431915] DVB: registering new adapter (DDBridge)
    [ 7.431915] DVB: registering new adapter (DDBridge)
    [ 8.007626] DDBridge 0000:02:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (STV090x Multistandard)...
    [ 8.045498] DDBridge 0000:02:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 1 frontend 0 (STV090x Multistandard)...
    [ 8.202237] DDBridge 0000:02:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 2 frontend 0 (STV090x Multistandard)...
    [ 8.245594] DDBridge 0000:02:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 3 frontend 0 (STV090x Multistandard)...

    Ich habe es mit 3.10.11 getestet. Auch dort geht es nicht.

    Wie kann ich die config Datei für den Treiber für einen erneuten make Lauf mit einem neuen Kernel wiederverwenden?
    Welche Treiber müssen ausgewählt sein um ein funktionierendes ddbridge Modul zu bekommen?
    Vielleicht habe ich ja was falsch gemacht, daß es unter 3.11.0 und 3.10.11 nicht alle DVB Ports erkennt.

    Wer kann mir hier helfen? Bräuchte den aktuellen Kernel, da Standby mit meinem Board besser funktioniert.

  • Danke für die positive Info über den Kernel 3.10.7. Auf den will ich nämlich gerade updaten (der aktuell stabile freigegebe bei Gentoo). Gibt es einen Ort, wo diese Info auch noch gepflegt wird?

    VDR-Server: Gentoo (AMD64/Core-i7) / VDR-1.7.23 / Digital Devices Octopus CI & 2xDuoFlex S2 HDTV (Rev. V3)
    VDR-Client: Gentoo (AMD64/Atom-D525) / VDR-1.7.23 / Chieftech & iMON-Pad / ASUSTeK - AT5IONT-I / 4GB-RAM & 65GB-SSD
    Alt: 3xTT-1.5 / linuxtv-dvb-1.1.1 + test_av-1.28 + FW-2622 / vdr-1.3.37 / viele Plugins / LFS-4.1

  • Danke für die positive Info über den Kernel 3.10.7. Auf den will ich nämlich gerade updaten (der aktuell stabile freigegebe bei Gentoo). Gibt es einen Ort, wo diese Info auch noch gepflegt wird?

    3.10.7 on Gentoo works just fine; will try 3.11 the next few days with my 'copy only ddbridge' way. Wil report once i've tried.

  • Hi

    I am trying to get my Digital Devices Cine S2 rev 6.5 card to work with TVHeadend and I have no success in that. TVHeadends drop-down list where I should be able to select my tuners is empty.

    I have tried to follow the instructions in post number 1 by UFO on how to install the driver (and firmware) but unfortunately no success in getting TVHeadend to see the CINE S2 card.

    I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with all the updates until yesterday.

    The output of "lspci" shows the following:

    03:00.0 Multimedia controller: Digital Devices GmbH Octopus DVB Adapter
    Subsystem: Digital Devices GmbH Cine S2 V6.5 DVB adapter
    Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 17
    Memory at fbdf0000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]
    Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 3
    Capabilities: [70] MSI: Enable- Count=1/2 Maskable- 64bit+
    Capabilities: [90] Express Endpoint, MSI 00
    Capabilities: [100] Vendor Specific Information: ID=0000 Rev=0 Len=00c <?>
    Kernel driver in use: DDBridge
    Kernel modules: ddbridge

    04:00.0 PCI bridge: Integrated Technology Express, Inc. Device 8892 (rev 10) (prog-if 01 [Subtractive decode])
    Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0
    Bus: primary=04, secondary=05, subordinate=05, sec-latency=32
    Capabilities: [90] Power Management version 2
    Capabilities: [a0] Subsystem: Device 0000:0000

    so the card seems to be recognized by Ubuntu?

    However, the output of "dmesg" shows the following:

    [ 2.511725] Digital Devices PCIE bridge driver, Copyright (C) 2010-11 Digital Devices GmbH
    [ 2.511760] DDBridge driver detected: Digital Devices PCIe bridge

    I was hoping to see something like:

    DDBridge driver detected: Digital Devices Cine S2 V6.5 DVB adapter
    DVB: registering new adapter (DDBridge)
    DVB: registering new adapter (DDBridge)

    It definately looks like the adapter is not being registered at all since I am not able to see the above messages when doing "dmesg"?

  • If you are running 12.04, then I would recommend using the media-build-experimental-dkms package of the yavdr team.
    With that you would get current Drivers with a simple packageinstall. And with each new kernel the modules will generated automatically. Much easier + much more convenient.
    Hint: As the modules will becompiled during the package install, the install may take a while..

    See here

    Zum Guggen: yavdr0.6 + Silverstone GD04 + Intel DH57DD + Intel G6950 + Nvidia GT630 + Unicable/Jess-Sat (JPS0501-12) mit DD/L4M Max8 + 4TB WD-red + bequiet SFX300W
    Zum Testen : yavdr-Ansible + GMC Toast + B365M+i3-8100+ Nvidia GT1030 + L4M CineS2v6 o. SAT>IP Plugin mit DD-O'net
    VaaS (VDR-as-a-Service): yavdr06 + ML03+DH67BL+G530+2GB RAM + 2TB WD-EARX + Zotac GT610 + L4M v5.4 + bequiet SFX300W
    Squeezeboxserver: DN2800ML im Streacom F1CS NAS: HP ProLiant MicroServer NL36+ Smart Array P212

  • Zitat

    If you are running 12.04, then I would recommend using the media-build-experimental-dkms package of the yavdr team.

    With that you would get current Drivers with a simple packageinstall. And with each new kernel the modules will generated automatically. Much easier + much more convenient.

    Hint: As the modules will becompiled during the package install, the install may take a while..

    Ok great. I will look into that tonight back at home.

    Do I have to do some kind of uninstalling of the current package before I install the package from https://launchpad.net/~yavdr/+archive/main/

    Sorry but since I am pretty new with Ubuntu (and Linux overall) I am not sure of the procedure to install the new package.

    Is it just for me to follow the instructions at https://launchpad.net/~yavdr/+archive/main/# (under the subwindow "Technical details about this PPA")?

    deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/yavdr/main/ubuntu 12.04 main (or should I write "Precise" instead of the version number "12.04"?)
    deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/yavdr/main/ubuntu 12.04 main (or should I write "Precise" instead of the version number "12.04"?)

    or should I follow the instructions found at https://launchpad.net/+help-soyuz/ppa-sources-list.html ?

    I tried to search in this thread but couldn´t find a clean example on the procedure. Sorry.

    Ah! Found the following quote:

    It's very simple as it requires only installing a package:
    "sudo apt-get install media-build-experimental-dkms"
    Then reboot.

    Is the above enough to get the package installed and compiled?

  • If you want to add the "main" repo of yavdr you would add:

    deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/yavdr/main/ubuntu precise main
    deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/yavdr/main/ubuntu precise main

    and than a simple apt-get install media-build-experimental-dkms will do the install for you.

    or the quick way:

    cd [somewhere]
    wget https://launchpad.net/~yavdr/+archive/main/+files/linux-media-dkms_0~20120810.git285.323772.3~precise_all.deb
    dpkg -i linux-media-dkms_0~20120810.git285.323772.3~precise_all.deb

    and yes uninstalling the files from your manual install would be definitely a good thing. Not sure how that works (never did that), but I would try to cd to the mediabuild directory from step2 in post#1. and try there a

    make rminstall

    (That is what I found in INSTALL textfile in the mediabuild directory)

    Maybe someone can step in and confirms that is the right way....

    Zum Guggen: yavdr0.6 + Silverstone GD04 + Intel DH57DD + Intel G6950 + Nvidia GT630 + Unicable/Jess-Sat (JPS0501-12) mit DD/L4M Max8 + 4TB WD-red + bequiet SFX300W
    Zum Testen : yavdr-Ansible + GMC Toast + B365M+i3-8100+ Nvidia GT1030 + L4M CineS2v6 o. SAT>IP Plugin mit DD-O'net
    VaaS (VDR-as-a-Service): yavdr06 + ML03+DH67BL+G530+2GB RAM + 2TB WD-EARX + Zotac GT610 + L4M v5.4 + bequiet SFX300W
    Squeezeboxserver: DN2800ML im Streacom F1CS NAS: HP ProLiant MicroServer NL36+ Smart Array P212

  • Is the above enough to get the package installed and compiled?

    yes with dkms package it is that easy :D Thanks to work of the yavdr team.
    But you will need some patience as the compile of modules during the install will take some time (depends on the performance of your box). you could run a htop or top in a second window with that you would see that your box is working hard :]

    Zum Guggen: yavdr0.6 + Silverstone GD04 + Intel DH57DD + Intel G6950 + Nvidia GT630 + Unicable/Jess-Sat (JPS0501-12) mit DD/L4M Max8 + 4TB WD-red + bequiet SFX300W
    Zum Testen : yavdr-Ansible + GMC Toast + B365M+i3-8100+ Nvidia GT1030 + L4M CineS2v6 o. SAT>IP Plugin mit DD-O'net
    VaaS (VDR-as-a-Service): yavdr06 + ML03+DH67BL+G530+2GB RAM + 2TB WD-EARX + Zotac GT610 + L4M v5.4 + bequiet SFX300W
    Squeezeboxserver: DN2800ML im Streacom F1CS NAS: HP ProLiant MicroServer NL36+ Smart Array P212

  • Aribaaaa!! :respekt

    It works on the first attempt after installing the package

    "sudo apt-get install media-build-experimental-dkms"

    and then when compiling was done (took a while) reboot.

    Now the dmesg output shows that the kernel registers the DVB-adapter (4 adapters since it is a quad tuner card). Wonderful!

    I was also able to remove the prev package by going to the directory "/media_build_experimental" and there doing

    "sudo make rminstall"

    Big thank you to the VDR team for this package making a Linux-newbie's life easier! :lovevdr

    I can now continue with the next steps in creating my TV-server under Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Hopefully I will have a good combo with all modules running nicely during the weekend... :schiel

  • I copied the 0.8 ddbridge files as described in my earlier post to 3.11 and works just fine. No issues that I can see.

    The "plain"-Kernel 3.11 don't work? I hope the 3.10.7 works fine.

    VDR-Server: Gentoo (AMD64/Core-i7) / VDR-1.7.23 / Digital Devices Octopus CI & 2xDuoFlex S2 HDTV (Rev. V3)
    VDR-Client: Gentoo (AMD64/Atom-D525) / VDR-1.7.23 / Chieftech & iMON-Pad / ASUSTeK - AT5IONT-I / 4GB-RAM & 65GB-SSD
    Alt: 3xTT-1.5 / linuxtv-dvb-1.1.1 + test_av-1.28 + FW-2622 / vdr-1.3.37 / viele Plugins / LFS-4.1

  • The "plain"-Kernel 3.11 don't work? I hope the 3.10.7 works fine.

    Both should work just fine, but that would be using the 0.5 ddbridge driver, I'm using the new, from UFO's repository, 0.8 driver with 3.11 :) I didn't want to go through the whole media build and using that kernel, so I just patched in the 0.8 driver to replace the 0.5 driver, as the 0.5 is known to have issues.

  • Hi all,

    I'm sorry for writing in english (as this is a german forum), but as a Norwegian my Deutch sind nicht gut as you can imagine. :D

    I just got hold of a DD Cine S2 v6.5 and I'm having bit of a trouble getting the card to work properly. The card is installed in a ESXi box and I'm using passthrough to an Ubuntu Server VM version 12.04.3 TLS. I added

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yavdr/main

    and then

    sudo apt-get install media-build-experimental-dkms

    (build-experimental-media-dkms was not found).

    I rebooted and was greeted with

    [    5.633378] I2C timeout[    5.633423] IRS 00000001[    6.633358] I2C timeout[    6.633442] IRS 00000001[    7.633336] I2C timeout[    7.633418] IRS 00000001

    lspci gives me

    03:00.0 Multimedia controller: Digital Devices GmbH Octopus DVB Adapter

    I have to admit that I want to use TVHeadEnd and the card is not to be found in the backend. I guess I'm missing something due to my problem understanding german. ;) I did test the card in Windows 7 with no problems so the problem must be a Ubuntu driver issue. Can someone please help me with a pointer or two?

    Thank you in advance.

    Best regards

  • Hi Jon (exxon),

    I did nearly the same way as you did, last Sunday. But starting from a "dist-upgrad"ed yavdr 0.5.0a everything worked fine after:

    sudo aptitude install media-build-experimental-dkms; sudo shutdown -r

    After that not only the DDBridge was found, but also the tuner were working! (DDBridge was found before too, but tuners did not work)

    So I gues you are missing something else, coming with yavdr package?

    Note: Now I have problems with suspend to ram. Which was working with the Satix Card I used before this ... - Needs further checking on the weekend. ;)


  • Hi Stefan,

    I have tried severs dists of Ubuntu and yaVDR on my ESXi but no luck.
    Today I tested on another computer running bare Ubuntu and media-build-experimental-dkms worked without a hitch. :) The two tuners popped up in TVHeadEnd.

    I'm just noticed that there is an BIOS update for my TYAN SS512 so I will give that I try this evening.

    Best regards

  • Greetings. After installing the card like http://linuxtv.org/hg/~endriss/ngene-octopus-test DD Cine S2 Ver. 6.5 does not work. For version 6.2 I am now using it and it worked. I know that in media_build_experimental to use this driver and works there. Is it possible to patch the driver http://linuxtv.org/hg/~endriss/ngene-octopus-test to operate with Cine S2 version 6.5? I can not use my driver media_build_experimental because it does not work with one application that does not find the source code.


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