By advance 'Sorry' if the question was already asked, but I haven't found a solution and GoogleTranslate is not so good. I can try the English, but my native language is the French.
My aim is to use VDR with a Raspberry Pi3, Raspbian Stretch and a TNT Tuner 'Sundtek MediaPro III' :
I use LibreElec (OSMC), with the same hardware, but I like the look of VDR and I would have the possibility to edit the videos : cut the commercials per example.
It's a fresh install of Raspbian used only for VDR. The licenses keys for MPG2 and WVC1 are active.
I can have an image and the sound but the movement is very slow. The reading of a video file (MP4 ou TS) with 'Omxplayer' is good.
The actions on the keyboards take a long time to be active. The Sundtek MediaPro III has a remote command, but it seems not recognized. The 'channels.conf' is good.
The Xine interface seems not usable too ... The image and the sound are present but the image move by steps and I don't know how to change the channels.
I have followed some links to install VDR under Debian with my Raspberry Pi3.
https://www.linuxtv.org/pipermail/vdr/2009-June/020740.html to modify the "~/.xine/config" and "~/.xine/config_xineliboutput" for adjust the buffers and the number of frames without visible results.
The Sundtek MediaPro III's remote command is the number '3' :
Bellow, you find my configuration.
Again 'Sorry' if the subject is already treated in the German forum.
Any help will be appreciate.
Best regards.
The last lines of '/boot/config' are :
The Debian Raspbian configuration is the full version with the auto-login as 'Pi' user :
QuoteDisplay More$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.3 (stretch)
Release: 9.3
Codename: stretch
The SD-card is a SanDisk 'microSDHC UHS-I' of 32 GB.
The '/etc/hosts' file contains the following lines (extract) :
Quote127.0.0.1 localhost rpi3.mydomain.org rpi3
The service for the Sundtek MediaPro III (/lib/systemd/system/sundtek.service) contains :
QuoteDisplay More[Unit]
Description=Sundtek MediaTvPro
ExecStart=/opt/bin/mediaclient --start=4 --loglevel=min --setdtvmode=DVBT
ExecStop=/opt/bin/mediaclient --shutdown
The service for VDR (/lib/systemd/system/vdr.service) contains :
QuoteDisplay More[Unit]
Description=Video Disk Recorder
ExecStartPre=/bin/sh /usr/lib/vdr/merge-commands.sh "commands"
ExecStartPre=/bin/sh /usr/lib/vdr/merge-commands.sh "reccmds"
RestartPreventExitStatus=0 2
With the delay (--start) for the Sundtek's service, for the moment I make a 'systemctl restart vdr' when the Raspberry Pi is up.
The installed packages for VDR and Xine are :
QuoteDisplay Morelibdvdnav4/stable,now 5.0.3-3 armhf [installé, automatique]
libdvdread4/stable,now 5.0.3-2 armhf [installé, automatique]
libvcdinfo0/stable,now 0.7.24+dfsg-0.2 armhf [installé, automatique]
libxcb-xinerama0/stable,now 1.12-1 armhf [installé, automatique]
libxine2-bin/stable,now 1.2.6-1.3 armhf [installé, automatique]
libxine2-console/stable,now 1.2.6-1.3 armhf [installé, automatique]
libxine2-doc/stable,now 1.2.6-1.3 all [installé, automatique]
libxine2-ffmpeg/stable,now 1.2.6-1.3 armhf [installé, automatique]
libxine2-misc-plugins/stable,now 1.2.6-1.3 armhf [installé, automatique]
libxine2-plugins/stable,now 1.2.6-1.3 all [installé, automatique]
libxine2/stable,now 1.2.6-1.3 armhf [installé, automatique]
libxine2-vdr/stable,now 1.2.6-1.3 armhf [installé]
libxine2-x/stable,now 1.2.6-1.3 armhf [installé, automatique]
libxine2-xvdr/stable,now 1.1.0+cvs20150907-3+b4 armhf [installé, automatique]
libxinerama1/stable,now 2:1.1.3-1+b1 armhf [installé, automatique]
openbox/stable,now 3.6.1-4+rpi6 armhf [installé, automatique]
vdr-plugin-epgsearch/stable,now 1.0.1~beta6+git20150211-4+b2 armhf [installé]
vdr-plugin-xineliboutput/stable,now 1.1.0+cvs20150907-3+b4 armhf [installé]
vdr-plugin-xine/stable,now 0.9.4-14 armhf [installé, automatique]
vdr/stable,now 2.2.0-6 armhf [installé]
w-scan/stable,now 20161022-1 armhf [installé]
xine-console/stable,now 0.99.9-1.3 armhf [installé]
xineliboutput-sxfe/stable,now 1.1.0+cvs20150907-3+b4 armhf [installé]
xine-ui/stable,now 0.99.9-1.3 armhf [installé]
The status for the services (systemctl status sundtek vdr) :
QuoteDisplay More● sundtek.service - Sundtek MediaTvPro
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sundtek.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Sun 2018-02-04 20:30:50 CET; 1h 44min ago
Process: 322 ExecStart=/opt/bin/mediaclient --start=4 --loglevel=min --setdtvmode=DVBT (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 322 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CGroup: /system.slice/sundtek.service
├─552 /opt/bin/mediasrv -d --pluginpath=/opt/bin
└─553 /opt/bin/mediasrv -d --pluginpath=/opt/bin
févr. 04 20:30:49 rpi3 systemd[1]: Starting Sundtek MediaTvPro...
févr. 04 20:30:50 rpi3 systemd[1]: Started Sundtek MediaTvPro.
● vdr.service - Video Disk Recorder
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/vdr.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2018-02-04 20:58:50 CET; 1h 16min ago
Process: 1437 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh /usr/lib/vdr/merge-commands.sh reccmds (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 1426 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh /usr/lib/vdr/merge-commands.sh commands (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 1449 (vdr)
Status: "Ready"
CGroup: /system.slice/vdr.service
└─1449 /usr/bin/vdr
févr. 04 21:38:50 rpi3 vdr[1449]: [1764] epg data writer thread started (pid=1449, tid=1764, prio=low)
févr. 04 21:38:50 rpi3 vdr[1449]: [1764] epg data writer thread ended (pid=1449, tid=1764)
févr. 04 21:48:51 rpi3 vdr[1449]: [1794] epg data writer thread started (pid=1449, tid=1794, prio=low)
févr. 04 21:48:51 rpi3 vdr[1449]: [1794] epg data writer thread ended (pid=1449, tid=1794)
févr. 04 21:58:00 rpi3 vdr[1449]: [1458] EPGSearch: timer conflict check started
févr. 04 21:58:00 rpi3 vdr[1449]: [1458] EPGSearch: timer conflict check finished
févr. 04 21:58:52 rpi3 vdr[1449]: [1809] epg data writer thread started (pid=1449, tid=1809, prio=low)
févr. 04 21:58:53 rpi3 vdr[1449]: [1809] epg data writer thread ended (pid=1449, tid=1809)
févr. 04 22:08:53 rpi3 vdr[1449]: [1896] epg data writer thread started (pid=1449, tid=1896, prio=low)
févr. 04 22:08:53 rpi3 vdr[1449]: [1896] epg data writer thread ended (pid=1449, tid=1896)
An extract of '/var/lib/vdr/channels.conf' :
QuoteDisplay MoreFrance 2;GR1 A:490000:B8D0G8M64T8Y0:T:27500:120=27:0;130=fra@122,131=qad@122,132=qaa@122:0;140=fra,142=fra:0:257:8442:1:0
France 4;GR1 A:490000:B8D0G8M64T8Y0:T:27500:320=27:0;330=fra@122,331=qad@122,332=qaa@122:0;340=fra,342=fra:0:260:8442:1:0
France Ô;GR1 A:490000:B8D0G8M64T8Y0:T:27500:520=27:0;530=fra@122,531=qad@122:0;540=fra:0:261:8442:1:0
franceinfo ;GR1 A:490000:B8D0G8M64T8Y0:T:27500:620=27:0;630=fra@122:0;640=fra:0:262:8442:1:0
F3 Rhħne-Alpes;FTV:490000:B8D0G8M64T8Y0:T:27500:220=27:230=fra@3,231=qad@3,232=qaa@3:0;240=fra,242=fra:0:282:8442:1:0
F3 Alpes;FTV:490000:B8D0G8M64T8Y0:T:27500:720=27:730=fra@3,731=qad@3,732=qaa@3:0;740=fra,742=fra:0:324:8442:1:0
BFM TV;NTN:538000:B8D0G8M64T8Y0:T:27500:320=27:0;330=fra@122:0;340=fra:0:515:8442:2:0