Das Burn-Plugin verliert zwar immer mehr an Bedeutung, aber ich habe die Anpassungen, die sich angesammelt hatten, mal wieder in ein Release gepackt:
- removed compatibility code of VDR < 2.0 - burn now requires VDR 2.0.0 or higher
- removed test directory
- fixed display of pmtPid (thanks to lhanisch, bug #1285)
- added support for RESDIR: resources are now automatically installed into RESDIR
- added description to README and patch file for mplex to avoid abort if only a few "buffer underruns" are detected (feature #1324)
- prefixed TMPDIR, DVDDEV and ISODIR in Makefile by BURN_ to avoid problems with other plugins
- README updated
- fixed warnings for po files
- fixed gdwrapper warning
- added support for cVideoDirectory of VDR 2.1.2+
- replace requant with m2vrequant (feature #1673 by anonymous)
- added 50-burn.conf for conf.d mechanism
- added support for VDR 2.3.1
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und hier direkt zum Download
Happy compiling