[ANNOUNCE] iVDR 0.2.6 - VDR WebFrontend für iPod Touch & iPhone 27.12.09

  • Damn, it would saved me some time if I'had founded this sooner. :)

    I wasn't aware we had to segment videos for live streaming too. It explains the cutoff i had.

    I've tested the script provided in the mentionned thread that use segmenter. That was exactly what i was looking for.

    Thanks for the tip.

  • Hi again

    Here is a tweaked version we've made with a friend, if you wanna play with it too.

    Added features:
    - Channel name, epg title, epg desc, streamtype and Logo picturre on streaming page
    - better handling of Quicktime play button if ffmpeg is not started. Now, il you click too early on the Quicktime icon, it loads a loading video (loading.ts ) and then jump automatically on stream-1.ts at the end.
    - Detection of server status and showing Channel selection or streaming page depending of server status.
    - handling of aspect/ratio

    update: http://xmltv.free.fr/istream_0.1c.tar.gz

    I've tested the live_segmenter version too but not really interested about multirate streaming, it takes too much cpu. I prefer to stick with segmenter. It cleans automatically outdated file wthout needing cron job.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://xmltv.free.fr/iphonstream/1.PNG]
    [Blockierte Grafik: http://xmltv.free.fr/iphonstream/2.PNG]
    [Blockierte Grafik: http://xmltv.free.fr/iphonstream/3.PNG]
    [Blockierte Grafik: http://xmltv.free.fr/iphonstream/4.PNG]

  • Hi alib

    I've tested your web-extension on my vdr. Webpage loads, i can select channels and when clicking on a quality-button (tested all on diff. channels) safari seems to load something. Then the start-page of istream appears again - no streaming.
    my system is easyvdr, actual version (0.7.14). streaming with ivdr is working (unlocked iphone 2g - FW 3.01). www-root is /var/www - i copied your package there. file rights seem to be set to 777.
    Is there a log-file where i can see what goes wrong?

    Thanks for your replies - and of course for istream...


    in lighttpd/error.log i get the following error messages when clicking on a quality-button:


    easyvdr 1.7.14 - vdr 1.7.0
    AMD Sempron 140 - Asus M3N78 Pro - DVB-S FF TT 2300 - Mystique SaTiX-S2 Dual - DVD-R - 1TB WD - 2048MB RAM - rebach HTPC extension

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von danielboukreev ()

  • Hi,

    try to edit the php/sh files an remove all sudo commands.
    It should do it.

    Also, check that you have
    - svdrpsend.pl and segmenter in your path.
    - your web user able to use the "at" command (edit /etc/at.allow)
    - ffmpeg in the path

  • Hi

    tried to get it running wiht TheTroll's and alib's hints - what i did:
    - removed all sudo's in index.php and channelselection.php
    - added www-root in /etc/at.allow
    - checked for svdrpsend.pl and ffmpeg in PATH
    - added this line in /etc/sudoers: www-data ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:/var/www/istream/*
    - downloaded segmenter from http://www.querdenken.net/iphone/
    - installed segmenter with dpkg -i segmenter_20090801-1_i386.deb
    - checked for segmenter in PATH

    also tried version 0.1 - still get the following messages when accessing istream:

    2010-02-07 21:09:36: (mod_fastcgi.c.1457)
    2010-02-07 21:09:36: (connections.c.817) missing cleanup in fastcgi
    warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh
    job 17698 at Sun Feb 7 21:09:00 2010
    2010-02-07 21:09:40: (mod_fastcgi.c.1457)
    2010-02-07 21:09:40: (connections.c.817) missing cleanup in fastcgi
    2010-02-07 21:09:40: (mod_fastcgi.c.1457)
    2010-02-07 21:09:40: (connections.c.817) missing cleanup in fastcgi

    thanks for your suggestions


    easyvdr 1.7.14 - vdr 1.7.0
    AMD Sempron 140 - Asus M3N78 Pro - DVB-S FF TT 2300 - Mystique SaTiX-S2 Dual - DVD-R - 1TB WD - 2048MB RAM - rebach HTPC extension

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von danielboukreev ()

  • after linking this ln -s /usr/local/lib/libavutil.so.50 /usr/lib/libavutil.so.50 the page with the epg data and the streaming button appears :)
    then the quicktime-screen appeared, but no video- solved by checking out ffmpeg from svn

    now its working! thanks for your patience and your help - looks great and does what it says.. as i can see it for now


    easyvdr 1.7.14 - vdr 1.7.0
    AMD Sempron 140 - Asus M3N78 Pro - DVB-S FF TT 2300 - Mystique SaTiX-S2 Dual - DVD-R - 1TB WD - 2048MB RAM - rebach HTPC extension

  • Bonjours alib,

    I am happy that I could help :) I saw you took the shell scripts, so the effort was worth atleast something ;)

    Now, I am playing with it, and the way to retrieve the channel list via streamdev:3000 is a nice trick, it works if I am manually accessing it - but not via the index.php - the list stays empty.

    However, I am still using the old fashioned easyVDR with 1.4.7 on it... maybe this the reason? Can I somehow trace what is going on ? (/me = php/html noob)


  • Hi alib,

    no, I could probably with a lot of work, but the easyVDR Streamdev is fixed. But is it the version or maybe something else? If you like I can give you access to my http output, so you can verify yourself (will make it work with any "non-beta" easyVDR being out there in the combination with my .debs) ? If yes just PM me.

    Besides, I wanted to go to ubuntu or gentoo + vdr 1.7x anyways in the nearer future, so do not worry.


    edit: here is the output html of the http://video:3000/channels.html

    I shortened it!

  • the channels.html link should not have Extern paramters in the url, as it's for using externremux.sh, and we don't here.

    HEre is what new streamdev outputs here:

    <li value="1"><a href="C-64810-550-7501.ts" vod  tvid="1">TF1</a> <a href="C-64810-550-7501+1.ts" class="apid" vod>fra</a> <a href="C-64810-550-7501+2.ts" class="apid" vod>eng</a></li>
    <li value="2"><a href="C-64810-550-7502.ts" vod  tvid="2">FRANCE 2</a> <a href="C-64810-550-7502+1.ts" class="apid" vod>fra</a> <a href="C-64810-550-7502+2.ts" class="apid" vod>deu</a></li>
    <li value="3"><a href="C-64810-550-7503.ts" vod  tvid="3">FRANCE 3</a></li>
    <li value="4"><a href="C-64810-600-7611.ts" vod  tvid="4">FRANCE 4</a></li>
    <li value="5"><a href="C-64810-550-7505.ts" vod  tvid="5">FRANCE 5</a></li>

    The script looks for "tvid=" parameter ( giving channel number ) , and it seems your streamdev don't populate it on it's html.

  • Well thanks, that clarifies and confirms that what I fear most is probably now the right thing to do - update my whole system ... gosh, what a nightmare ;)

    So, off to find a non-HD Distribution which is up2date (probably Gen2vdr).. or maybe I buy a new TV set and vdpau card ? ;)


  • Jondalar: why don't you use easyvdr 0.7.14? i have use it as a SD-system... and it works with istream (after some adjustments)
    alib: testing your actual version - works for me after replacing sudo commands

    as istream seems to get a separate addon and this is a thread concerning iVDR - don't you want to open a separate thread for your great addon?
    Besides: streaming in iStream is lightyears beyond streaming in ivdr - quality is much better, iphone keeps cool while streaming and battery life is extending.

    Thanks alib - go on like this


    easyvdr 1.7.14 - vdr 1.7.0
    AMD Sempron 140 - Asus M3N78 Pro - DVB-S FF TT 2300 - Mystique SaTiX-S2 Dual - DVD-R - 1TB WD - 2048MB RAM - rebach HTPC extension

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von danielboukreev ()

  • woher bekomme ich bitte "segmenter" ??? ich kann's nicht finden.

    produktiv: intel dh67bl, sat>ip, octopusnet, 16gig boot-ssd, yavdr 0.6.1, cir lirc
    testing: zotac ion-f itx, 1x tt s2-3600 usb, 8gig boot-ssd, yavdr 0.5 testing
    tv: samsung 75" amp:denon avr-x1300

  • Zitat

    as istream seems to get a separate addon and this is a thread concerning iVDR - don't you want to open a separate thread for your great addon?

    Yep I will for next release, but what I was expecting was more integreting Live HTTP Streaming in iVDR directly as it already have all the needed features. Why reinvent the wheel? :)

    I've sent samples script to the iVDR author to guide him on the right direction. Let's hope he will take the time to make us a new version.

  • izeman: siehe 11 posts weiter oben... da gibts den segmenter - falls die site down ist, pn, dann schick ich dir das .deb-file

    easyvdr 1.7.14 - vdr 1.7.0
    AMD Sempron 140 - Asus M3N78 Pro - DVB-S FF TT 2300 - Mystique SaTiX-S2 Dual - DVD-R - 1TB WD - 2048MB RAM - rebach HTPC extension

  • Zitat

    Original von danielboukreev
    izeman: siehe 11 posts weiter oben... da gibts den segmenter - falls die site down ist, pn, dann schick ich dir das .deb-file

    danke - hab ich glatt ueberlesen ;)
    aber es geht eh nicht ... irgendwo hakt es noch. mal weiter probieren.

    produktiv: intel dh67bl, sat>ip, octopusnet, 16gig boot-ssd, yavdr 0.6.1, cir lirc
    testing: zotac ion-f itx, 1x tt s2-3600 usb, 8gig boot-ssd, yavdr 0.5 testing
    tv: samsung 75" amp:denon avr-x1300

  • Hi,

    lad Dir die Version src+bin runter und kompilier es selbst. Das binary in dem .deb geht ja auch nur auf "alten" easyVDR Systemen.

    Wenn ich mal ein upgrade gemacht hab, dann packe ich da auch gerne aktuellere pakete hin, inkl. Ubuntu usw. Aber eigentlich ist es ja wirklich nicht viel zum übersetzen.

    Halt segmenter Source laden, ob jetzt von mir oder aus dem SVN vom Entwickler (http://svn.assembla.com/svn/legend/segmenter) und dann make clean, make && make install.

    Sollte kein install target drinne sein (ist schon so lange her) dann das binary (segmenter) in den Pfad legen. Wie der aussieht solltest Du wissen bzw. einfach nachlesen, aber klassischerweise ist /usr/bin oder /usr/local/bin ganz gut dafür.


    PS: War die querdenken.net down? Ich habs nicht mitbekommen ... ?

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