Ich habe mich mal an der Ausgabe mittels Softdevice über Xv versucht. Ich sehe das OSD und höre beim Abspielen einer Aufnahme Ton, aber es ist leider kein Videobild zu sehen.
Wenn ich per Mplayer eine Aufnahme abspiele, ist ein Videobild zu sehen.
Hat jemand eine Ahnung, wo der Fehler liegt?
Start mit: -P'softdevice -vo xv:full -ao alsa:pcm=default'
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.info vdr: [2281] loading /video0/1.17_Die_Verschmelzung/2005-05-
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.info vdr: [2281] replay /video0/1.17_Die_Verschmelzung/2005-05-
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.debug vdr: [2281] playing '/video0/1.17_Die_Verschmelzung/2005-05-'
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.info vdr: [2281] loading /video0/1.17_Die_Verschmelzung/2005-05-
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.debug vdr: [2302] dvbplayer thread started (pid=2302, tid=2302)
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.info vdr: [2302] resuming replay at index 1701 (0:01:08.02)
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.debug vdr: [2303] non blocking file reader thread started (pid=2303, tid=2303)
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.debug vdr: [2302] SetBrokenLink: no GOP header found in video packet
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.debug vdr: [2302] setting audio track to 1 (0)
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.debug vdr: [2305] [softdevice-audio] samplerate: 48000Hz, channels: #2
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.debug vdr: [2305] [softdevice-audio] Period size 1152 Buffer size 9216
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.debug vdr: [2305] [softdevice-audio] Hardware initialized
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.debug vdr: [2304] [VideoOut]: resolution changed: W(736 -> 720); H(576 ->576)
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.debug vdr: [2304] [VideoOut]: aspect changed (0 -> 0 ; 1.366667 -> 1.333333)
Dec 7 23:48:13 linvdr user.debug vdr: [2304] [VideoOut]: 720x576 [0,0 720x576] -> 1024x768 [0,24 1024x720]
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[softdevice] processing args
[softdevice] argv [0] = softdevice
[softdevice] argv [1] = -vo
vo_argv: xv:full
[ProcessArgs] xv: start up fullscreen
[softdevice] argv [3] = -ao
[softdevice] using alsa device default
[setup-softdevice] alsa ac3Mode set to: 0
[setup-softdevice] alsa AC3 device set to: hw:0,1
[setup-softdevice] A/V Offset set to (0)
[setup-softdevice] Cropping 0 lines from bottom
[setup-softdevice] Cropping 0 columns from left
[setup-softdevice] cropping mode set to 0 (none)
[setup-softdevice] cropping mode toggle key set to 0 (none)
[setup-softdevice] Cropping 0 columns from right
[setup-softdevice] Cropping 0 lines from top
[setup-softdevice] deinterlace method set to 0 none
[setup-softdevice] mainMenu: 1
[setup-softdevice] setting alpha blend mode to pseudo
[softdevice] picture mirroring set to 0 (off)
[setup-softdevice] pixel format set to (I420)
[setup-softdevice] shouldSuspend to: 0
[setup-softdevice] syncTimerMode: sig
[softdevice] UseStretchBlitset to off
[setup-softdevice] vidBrightness: -1
[setup-softdevice] vidContrast: -1
[setup-softdevice] vidHue: -1
[setup-softdevice] vidSaturation: -1
[setup-softdevice] startup aspect set to (4:3 normal)
[softdevice] initializing Plugin
[softdevice] Initializing Video Out
[softdevice] ffmpeg build(3344384)
[XvVideoOut]: osd_image shmid = 294915
[XvVideoOut]: got osd_image: width 1024 height 768, bytes per line 4096
[softdevice] Subplugin successfully opend
[softdevice] Video Out seems to be OK
[softdevice] Initializing Audio Out
[softdevice] Audio out seems to be OK
[softdevice] A/V devices initialized, now initializing MPEG2 Decoder
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