I've made version of VDR vnsiserver and Kodi VNSI client which supports movie and tv series artwork and backend resumepoints.
As M-Reimer wrote here https://github.com/vdr-project…1#issuecomment-1114184774 I need testers for this so we can be sure that everything works.
In order to use these new features you need modified vnsiserver and Kodi client. You need to build both yourself. Also latest vdr-plugin-tvscraper is needed (available on yavdr ppa) https://github.com/MarkusEh/vdr-plugin-tvscraper
For using backend resume enable it on Kodi vnsi client settings.
vnsiserver: https://github.com/Dis90/vdr-p…e/tvscraper_backendresume
Kodi Matrix: https://github.com/Dis90/pvr.v…aper_backendresume_matrix
Kodi Nexus: https://github.com/Dis90/pvr.v…raper_backendresume_nexus
Windows/OSX/Android builds can be found here: https://jenkins.kodi.tv/blue/organizations/jenkins/kodi-pvr%2Fpvr.vdr.vnsi/detail/PR-180/6/artifacts
Pull requests made to https://github.com/vdr-projects/vdr-plugin-vnsiserver/pull/1 and https://github.com/kodi-pvr/pvr.vdr.vnsi/pull/180