Anfänger braucht hilfe bei LCD.conf

  • Hallo ich habe mir bei Reichelt ein LCD 204b (20x04) geholt.

    Nun hab ich das Teil verdrahtet (FAQ gemäß^^) usw. und hab wie anscheinend normal, sobald ich das lcd-plugin starte, dass Problem, das der vdr in eine neustartschleife fällt.

    im Forum hab ich dann schon einiges gesucht und herausgefunden, dass ich die LCDd.conf anpassen bzw. durch eine Datei aus dem download Bereich ersetzen soll.

    Aber ich komme nicht in den download Bereich. (Page Not found... Seite kann nicht anzeigt werden)

    Nun bin ich ratlos und hoffe auf Hilfe von euch

    (ist der vielleicht download Bereich kaputt? wenn nein kann mir dann einer nen Link zu der Datei schicken (kann gut sein das ich zu blöd bin^^)

    benutze LINVDR (malzeit image)

    wer einen Rechtschreibfehler findet darf ihn behalten:)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von *Marc* ()

  • Hallo zusammen

    Habe genau das gleiche Problem, unter Linvdr 0.7 mit dxr3 Patch hat's geklappt.

    Jetzt unter Mahlzeit 3.2 geht es nicht ;(



  • ja ich hab irgendwo eine LCD.conf (als Text) gefunden die bei mir, als ich diesen Text in die LCD.conf reinkopiert habe, funktioniert hat.

    wenn du willst kann ich sie mal raussuchen und posten

    Und kann mir einer sagen warum der Downloadbereich net funzt1?!?!
    das is bei mir jedenfalls so!

    wer einen Rechtschreibfehler findet darf ihn behalten:)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von *Marc* ()

  • Bei der Mahlzeit-ISO muss man das Lcdplugin zum Start in der runvdr eintragen und im Setup deaktivieren, sonst kommt es zu den bekannten Neustarts.

    Gruß manni

    VDR 1: LinVDR 0.7, VDR 1.4.1-5, mahlzeitISO, Asrock K7S41GX, Duron 1600, TT 2.1, 120GB HDD
    VDR 2: LinVDR 0.7, VDR 1.4.4, mahlzeitISO, Siemens Scovery P II 550, TT 1.5, 40 GB HDD

  • Moin,

    ich bin zwar noch Newbie, aber ich meine soviel verstanden zu haben, dass sich die Sache mit dem im Setup deaktivieren und in der runvdr von Hand eintragen auf graphlcd bezieht. Hier ging es doch aber um ein 20x4 LCD (also kein Grafik-LCD). Damit müsste doch lcdproc eingesetzt werden, oder?
    Wird LCDproc beim Mahlzeit-ISO auch nur über die runvdr eingetragen und im Setup nicht ausgewählt???


  • du musst in der RCstart (glaube etc/init.d/)

    zwischen den Zeilen

    progress 80 'starting vdr
    execute /etc/init.d/runvdr &

    die Zeile

    execute /usr/bin/LCDd &


  • Und für alle, die wie ich ewig nach einer passenden LCD.conf suchen, hier eine die an ein
    20x04 angepasst ist:

    # LCDd.conf
    # This file contains the configuration for the LCDd server.
    # The format is ini-file-like. It is divided into sections that start at
    # markers that look like [section]. Comments are all line-based comments,
    # and are lines that start with '#' or ';'.
    # The server has a 'central' section named [server]. Further each driver
    # has a section which defines how the driver acts.
    # The drivers are activated by specifiying them in a driver= line in the
    # server section, like:
    # Driver=curses
    # This tells LCDd to use the curses driver. The first driver that is
    # loaded and is capable of output becomes 'the' output driver.
    # All extra drivers can only serve as input.
    # The default driver to use is curses.
    # The drivers can read their own options from the config file, but most of
    # them don't do this yet. They expect 'command-line'-format parameters that
    # were previously placed on the command line. These parameters can be
    # given to the driver in the following way:
    # Arguments="place arguments here"
    # The arguments between the quotes are passed to the driver.
    # As said before these are the same arguments that the driver would have
    # been passed under the old command line format of
    # -d <driver> "<driverargs>"
    # Note that the -d option still works, but not allows driverargs anymore.
    # If -d is specified on the command line, the Driver= options in the
    # config file are ignored.

    # Server section with all kinds of settings for the LCDd server

    # Tells the server to load the given drivers. Multiple lines can be given.
    # The name of the driver is exactly the same as the name of the driver
    # module that is to be loaded, including the case of the letters !
    # (That is: unless a file= option is given in the driver section)

    # Tells the driver to bind to the given interface

    # Listen on this specified port; defaults to 13666.

    # Sets the reporting level; defaults to 2 (warnings and errors only).

    # Should we report to syslog instead of stderr ? Default: no

    # Sets the default time in seconds to displays a screen.

    # User to run as. LCDd will drop its root priviledges,
    # if any, and run as this user instead.

    # Enables the built-in server screen [Default: noscreen]
    # yes : always,
    # noscreen : when there are no other screens active,
    # no : never, the LCD display will be blank when there are
    # no screens active.

    # The server will stay in the foreground if set to true.

    # Where can we find the driver modules ?
    # Always place a slash as last character !

    # Driver sections are below this line, in alphabetical order

    # EMAC BayRAD driver

    Arguments="fill in here"

    # -d --device Select the output device to use [/dev/lcd]
    # -t --type Select the LCD type (size) [20x2]
    # -s --speed Set the communication speed [19200]
    # -h --help Show this help information

    # CrystalFontz driver

    # Select the output device to use [/dev/lcd]
    # Select the LCD type (size) [20x4]
    # Set the initial contrast [140]
    # Set the initial brightness [255]
    # Set the initial off-brightness [0]
    # This value is used when the display is normally
    # switched off in case LCDd is inactive
    # Set the communication speed [9600]
    # possible values: 1200, 2400, 9600
    # Set the firmware version (New means >= 2.0) [no]
    # Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [no]
    # normally you shouldn't need this

    # CrystalFontz633 driver

    # Select the output device to use [/dev/lcd]
    # Select the LCD type (size) [20x4]
    # Set the initial contrast [140]
    # Set the initial brightness [100]
    # Brightness hardware value is between 0 and 100.
    # Set the initial off-brightness [0]
    # This value is used when the display is normally
    # switched off in case LCDd is inactive
    # Set the communication speed [9600]
    # possible values: 19200
    # Set the firmware version (New means >= 2.0) [no]
    # Currently this flag is not in use, there is no such thing as NewFirmware. ;=)
    # Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [no]
    # normally you shouldn't need this

    # Curses driver

    # color settings
    # foreground color [blue]
    # background color [cyan]
    # backlight color [red]

    # display size [20x4]

    # What position (X,Y) to start the left top corner at...
    # Default: (7,7)

    # Matrix Orbital GLK driver

    Arguments="-d /dev/ttyS0 -s 9600"

    # -d, --device select the serial device to use [/dev/lcd]
    # -c, --contrast set the initial contrast value [140]
    # -s, --speed set the serial port speed [19200]
    # -h, --help display this help text

    # Hitachi HD44780 driver
    # See docs/hd44780_howto.txt

    # Port where the LPT is. Usual values are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC

    # Select what type of connection. See documentation for types.

    # If you have a keypad connected. Keypad layout is currently not
    # configureable from the config file.

    # If you have a switchable backlight.

    # Specifies the size of the LCD.
    # In case of multiple combined displays, this should be the total size.

    # vspan=1,2
    # For multiple displays: at what 'logical' lines do the individual displays
    # start.

    # extended=yes
    # If you want to use more than 3 HD44780 controllers on the LPT, you need to
    # specify this. See documentation.

    # DelayMult=2
    # If your display is slow and cannot keep up with the flow of data from
    # LCDd, garbage can appear on the LCDd. Set this delay factor to 2 or 4
    # to increase the delays. Default: 1.

    # DelayBus=false
    # You can reduce the inserted delays by setting this to false.
    # On fast PCs it is possible your LCD does not respond correctly.
    # Default: true.

    #IrMan driver
    #if in trouble with IrMan, try Lirc emulator for IrMan

    Arguments="fill in here"

    # -d --device Select the input device to use
    # -c --config Select the configuration file to use
    # -h --help Show this help information

    # Joystick driver

    Arguments="-d /dev/js0"

    # -d --device Select the input device to use [/dev/js0]
    # -a --axes Modify the axis map
    # -b --buttons Modify the button map
    # -h --help Show this help information

    # LB216 driver

    Arguments="-d /dev/ttyS0 -s 9600"

    # -d --device Select the output device to use [/dev/lcd]
    # -t --type Select the LCD type (size) [16x2]
    # -b --brightness Set the initial brightness [255]
    # -s --speed Set the communication speed [9600]
    # -r --reboot Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS
    # -h --help Show this help information;

    # LCDM001 driver


    # keypad settings
    # Keyname Function
    # Normal context Menu context
    # ------- -------------- ------------
    # PauseKey Pause/Continue Enter/select
    # BackKey Back(Go to previous screen) Up/Left
    # ForwardKey Forward(Go to next screen) Down/Right
    # MainMenuKey Open main menu Exit/Cancel


    # You can rearrange the settings here.
    # If your device is broken, have a look at server/drivers/lcdm001.h

    # HNE LCTerm driver

    # ICP A106 driver

    # Lirc input driver

    # No options

    # Matrix Orbital driver

    Arguments="-d /dev/ttyS0 -t 20x2 -c 120"

    # -d Select the output device to use [/dev/lcd]
    # -t Select the LCD type (size) [20x4]
    # // UNAVAILABLE: -b --backlight Select the backlight state [on]
    # -c Set the initial contrast [140]
    # -s Set the communication speed [19200]
    # -h Show this help information
    # -b display type: lcd, lkd, vfd, vkd\n

    # Seiko Epson 1330 driver

    # Port where the LPT is. Usual values are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC

    # Type of LCD module. G321D is the only one that is tested currently.

    # Seiko Epson 1520 driver

    Arguments="-p 0x278"

    # -p n --port n Select the output device to use port n
    # -h --help Show this help information

    # stv5730 driver

    Arguments="fill in here"

    # -p n --port n Select the output device to use port n
    # -h --help Show this help information

    # SVGAlib driver

    # No options.
    # You should of course have your svgalib configured correctly.

    # Toshiba T6963 driver

    #ECPlpt=on # use bidirectional mode or not

    # Text driver

    # No options

    # Wirz SLI LCD driver

    Arguments="fill in here"

    # -d --device Select the output device to use [/dev/lcd]
    # -s --speed Set the communication speed [19200]
    # -h --help Show this help information

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