[SOLVED]Sharing recordings on clients

  • Hi,
    depends on what client you use. If they are VDR and you only care about the recordings, I think mounting a remote share (nfs or samba) is the easiest way...

    :vdr2 Server: vdr 2.6.4 (yavdr) im Ubuntu 22.04 docker, Client: Kodi (LibreELEC)

  • Thank you for your answer.
    I have vdr server on Ubuntu 14.04 and vdr client on RPI raspbian.
    So the best way is to share vdr server's recordings folder with nfs or samba and use it as client's recordings folder.
    Am I right ?

  • As you can see from my signature this is exactly what I have (server on Ubuntu 14.04, client on raspbian).
    I have server recordings folder exported via nfs and directly mounted this into client recordings /srv/vdr/video folder, works without problems and you can even delete the recordings from client OSD :D . I don't do timers or recordings on client and there is only 1 server for me, setup needs to be adjusted if that shall be different for you.

    :vdr2 Server: vdr 2.6.4 (yavdr) im Ubuntu 22.04 docker, Client: Kodi (LibreELEC)

  • If you mean that the recording should be done on the server instead on the client, you should take a look at the Remotetimers-plugin

    btw, server <-> client (raspi)

    This are the plugins i use:

  • I tried to use plugin-remotetimers but couldn't find the option to do all timers and recordings on server. I remember I did it in the past, I will give it a try again.
    Btw I'm trying to compile plugin-timersync too.

  • I tried to use plugin-remotetimers but couldn't find the option to do all timers and recordings on server. I remember I did it in the past, I will give it a try again.

    'Default for new timers' -> set to remote.

    BTW: it makes things easier when you have the same UID and GID for the vdr-user on both systems.

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