SUSE 10.1 v4l cvs driver probs

  • Hey!

    I have installed the v4l cvs drivers.
    All i get is:
    vdr: no primary device found - using first device!

    SUSE 10.1.
    kernel 2.6.15-rc5-git3-2-default
    I have read the udev.txt file and made the rules for udev, but no change.

    So how do i "start" the drivers in runvdr?

    I use: ./insmod load

    Maybe someone can tell me what i need to do before i "make" the v4l drivers?

    I can also not get the driver in SUSE 10.1 to work with VDR.


  • Hello "brother in mind",

    actually I have the same trouble with Suse 10.1 Beta4. X( I installed / configured the "udev rules" as described here, but with no success. Do you have a solution now? Yes? Thanks for answering.

    By the way: searching for "Tecnotrend DVB-C 1500" I've seen your thread .
    Is your combination DVB-C FF + Budget working now? I'm interested because since ten days I own the DVB-C 1500 as an addition to my "old" DVB-C 2100. To use the new C 1500 I need a new kernel >= 2.6.15). So I decided to switch to the new Suse 10.1. What a mistake (see above) ;)

    Good luck + bye!


  • I guess most people don't install beta SuSE releases on their VDR.

    It would help if you would include the card(s) you want to use. btw, cvs has been replaced by hg, the latest cvs drivers might not run well with a current kernel as in 10.1.
    Also: what vdr do you want to use, did you compile it by yourself?

    I have SUSE 10 with self compiled drivers and I load the modules directly in runvdr insead of using the

    # Load driver if it hasn't been loaded already:
    if [ $LSMOD -eq 0 ] ; then
    /sbin/modprobe ves1820
    /sbin/modprobe dvb-ttpci
    /sbin/modprobe budget_av
    /sbin/modprobe budget

  • Is it a better choice to try with 10.0? I have it on cd's.

    I want to use:
    TT DVB-S 1.5 or 2.1 as videoout

    I want to use the latest VDR, i compiled it by myself.

  • For me SuSE 10 is OK. But I use a kotd which is the development version of the SuSE kernel.

    The TT-DVB-C1500 might require newer drivers than the stock kernel for 10 provides.

    And for libaries needed for divx replay or converting VDR recordings to DVD you need external sources for packages or compile some stuff yourself.

  • I had this with gentoo and V4L, I simpy make && make install in the DVB directory and the driver now works perfectly.

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