Password streamdev-server

  • According to

    vdr -h

    it's a plugin start argument:

    streamdev-server (0.6.0-git) - VDR Streaming Server
      -a <LOGIN:PASSWORD>, --auth=<LOGIN:PASSWORD>  Credentials for HTTP authentication.
      -r <CMD>, --remux=<CMD>  Define an external command for remuxing.

    the plugin-loader expects a plugin configuration in /etc/vdr/plugins/plugin.<pluginname>.conf - so you should be able to place it in /etc/vdr/plugins/plugin.streamdev-server.conf

    yaVDR-Dokumentation (Ceterum censeo enchiridia esse lectitanda.)

    Edited once, last by seahawk1986 ().

  • Have you tried to connect from a host or subnet which is not included in /etc/vdr/plugins/streamdevhosts.conf?
    AFAIK all connections from IP addresses included in streamdevhosts.conf are always allowed without authentification.

    yaVDR-Dokumentation (Ceterum censeo enchiridia esse lectitanda.)

    Edited once, last by seahawk1986 ().

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