vdrconvert schreibt kein mpg

  • Hallo alle,

    ich bekomme beim umwandeln von vdr nach mpg keine Filme im mpg Ordner in /film/mpg angezeigt. Obwohl der Rechner arbeitet und auch im /tmp eine Umwandlungs Datei erscheint. Ich habe im Forum leider keine Antwort auf das Problem gefunden.
    Hat jemand eine Idee wo das Problem liegen könnte.
    Ich habe 3 Festplattens im System

    /dev/hda1 /
    /dev/hda5 /film
    /dev/hdb5 /video0
    /dev/hdd5 /video1

    alles andere funktioniert


    liebe Grüße Bernd

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6420 @ 2.13GHz, 4096 MB RAM, VDR 1.7.22 mit ubuntu 10.04 Kernel: 3.0.0-12-generic, TechnoTrend Premium S2-6400 Twin DVB-S2, vompserver-plugin 0.3.1 mit Hauppauge MediaMVP

  • post mal vdr2mpg.log, wär hilfreicher

    Software: e-tobi (1.4.7-2ctvdr3), etch (2.6.18-5-486)
    Hardware: ASUS Pundit AB-P2600, Celeron 2.4GHz, Ram 256MB, Hauppauge DVB-c rev2.1, TT DVB-c Budget rev1.0, 460GB, URC- 8203 @ Zapway IR
    Surround: Denon AVR-1801 & Magnat Prisma 5100a Boxen
    Patches/Addons: nvram, noad, vdrconvert
    Plugins: mplayer, mp3, dvd, dvdselect, text2skin, nordlichtsEPG, vdradmin-am, epgsearch, femon
    EPG: epg4vdr
    UPC Telekabel Austria

  • oder schau in mein Howto.. wie ich das gelöst habe...


    "Life moves fast. Don't miss a thing."
    Rechner: Celeron 2,666 Ghz; 256 SDRAM, TT rev. 1.6 +Satelco Easywatch ,1x 160GB Samsung Festplatte, 1 x 500 GB WD
    Gehäuse : LaScala03 (Silverstone),Zalman CNPS 7000CU .Asus P4S533-MX; AVBoard 1.0
    CTVDR ( Lenny)

  • hallo NeoTrace,

    danke für die Antwort, wo finde ich die vdr2mpg.log?

    Gruß Bernd

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6420 @ 2.13GHz, 4096 MB RAM, VDR 1.7.22 mit ubuntu 10.04 Kernel: 3.0.0-12-generic, TechnoTrend Premium S2-6400 Twin DVB-S2, vompserver-plugin 0.3.1 mit Hauppauge MediaMVP

  • in /var/log/vdrconvert/ liegen alle log dateien die vdrconvert ausgiebt
    musst aber in /etc/vdr/vdrconvert/etc/vdrconvert.env Debug=yes auskommentieren!

    Software: e-tobi (1.4.7-2ctvdr3), etch (2.6.18-5-486)
    Hardware: ASUS Pundit AB-P2600, Celeron 2.4GHz, Ram 256MB, Hauppauge DVB-c rev2.1, TT DVB-c Budget rev1.0, 460GB, URC- 8203 @ Zapway IR
    Surround: Denon AVR-1801 & Magnat Prisma 5100a Boxen
    Patches/Addons: nvram, noad, vdrconvert
    Plugins: mplayer, mp3, dvd, dvdselect, text2skin, nordlichtsEPG, vdradmin-am, epgsearch, femon
    EPG: epg4vdr
    UPC Telekabel Austria

  • obwohl ich in der vdrconvert.env das Debug=yes
    gesetzt habe gibt er mir keine log files aus

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6420 @ 2.13GHz, 4096 MB RAM, VDR 1.7.22 mit ubuntu 10.04 Kernel: 3.0.0-12-generic, TechnoTrend Premium S2-6400 Twin DVB-S2, vompserver-plugin 0.3.1 mit Hauppauge MediaMVP

  • ist vor dem Debug=yes ein # ?
    dann wird es immer noch nicht berücksichtigt -> weill auskommentiert
    darf nicht so aussehen

    Software: e-tobi (1.4.7-2ctvdr3), etch (2.6.18-5-486)
    Hardware: ASUS Pundit AB-P2600, Celeron 2.4GHz, Ram 256MB, Hauppauge DVB-c rev2.1, TT DVB-c Budget rev1.0, 460GB, URC- 8203 @ Zapway IR
    Surround: Denon AVR-1801 & Magnat Prisma 5100a Boxen
    Patches/Addons: nvram, noad, vdrconvert
    Plugins: mplayer, mp3, dvd, dvdselect, text2skin, nordlichtsEPG, vdradmin-am, epgsearch, femon
    EPG: epg4vdr
    UPC Telekabel Austria

  • nein, es ist schon richtig ohne #

    so sieht es aus:

    # Enable Debug


    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6420 @ 2.13GHz, 4096 MB RAM, VDR 1.7.22 mit ubuntu 10.04 Kernel: 3.0.0-12-generic, TechnoTrend Premium S2-6400 Twin DVB-S2, vompserver-plugin 0.3.1 mit Hauppauge MediaMVP

  • post mal deine ganze vdrconvert.env vielleicht hilft das mal

    Software: e-tobi (1.4.7-2ctvdr3), etch (2.6.18-5-486)
    Hardware: ASUS Pundit AB-P2600, Celeron 2.4GHz, Ram 256MB, Hauppauge DVB-c rev2.1, TT DVB-c Budget rev1.0, 460GB, URC- 8203 @ Zapway IR
    Surround: Denon AVR-1801 & Magnat Prisma 5100a Boxen
    Patches/Addons: nvram, noad, vdrconvert
    Plugins: mplayer, mp3, dvd, dvdselect, text2skin, nordlichtsEPG, vdradmin-am, epgsearch, femon
    EPG: epg4vdr
    UPC Telekabel Austria

  • Zitat

    Original von NeoTrace
    post mal deine ganze vdrconvert.env vielleicht hilft das mal


    das wird nicht helfen.

    Füge lieber in vdr2mpg.sh folgende Zeile nach :
    . ./vdrconvert.env

    [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && set -x || LOGFILE=/dev/null


  • hi cat,

    komme erst heute dazu Deinen Ausweg zu beschreiten.

    Ich habe die Lame-3.96 in ein Verzeichnis entpackt, "./config" laufen lassen aber "make" und "make install" kennt er nicht. Ich muß dazu sagen, ich bin bei Linux ein Anfänger. Kannst Du mir weiter helfen?

    Grüße Bernd

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6420 @ 2.13GHz, 4096 MB RAM, VDR 1.7.22 mit ubuntu 10.04 Kernel: 3.0.0-12-generic, TechnoTrend Premium S2-6400 Twin DVB-S2, vompserver-plugin 0.3.1 mit Hauppauge MediaMVP

  • achte auf die schreibweise...
    ./configure <--------- nicht config
    make install


    "Life moves fast. Don't miss a thing."
    Rechner: Celeron 2,666 Ghz; 256 SDRAM, TT rev. 1.6 +Satelco Easywatch ,1x 160GB Samsung Festplatte, 1 x 500 GB WD
    Gehäuse : LaScala03 (Silverstone),Zalman CNPS 7000CU .Asus P4S533-MX; AVBoard 1.0
    CTVDR ( Lenny)

  • entschuldige,
    ich habe mich verschrieben. Ich habe "./configure" auch als Befehl benutzt, und er ist auch durchgelaufen. Trotzdem kennt er "make" und "make install" als Befehle nicht.

    Liebe Grüße

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6420 @ 2.13GHz, 4096 MB RAM, VDR 1.7.22 mit ubuntu 10.04 Kernel: 3.0.0-12-generic, TechnoTrend Premium S2-6400 Twin DVB-S2, vompserver-plugin 0.3.1 mit Hauppauge MediaMVP

  • hhm

    muss gehen... (im Verzeichnis ausführen)
    ich kann erst heute abend testen.. sorry. Muss zur Arbeit.


    "Life moves fast. Don't miss a thing."
    Rechner: Celeron 2,666 Ghz; 256 SDRAM, TT rev. 1.6 +Satelco Easywatch ,1x 160GB Samsung Festplatte, 1 x 500 GB WD
    Gehäuse : LaScala03 (Silverstone),Zalman CNPS 7000CU .Asus P4S533-MX; AVBoard 1.0
    CTVDR ( Lenny)

  • sooo. nun bin ich auf der Arbeit:)

    Wenn du so richtiger newbie bist.... Hast du denn auch den Compiler + tools installiert?

    das geht so:

    apt-get install dpkg-dev gcc g++ libc6-dev make patch fakeroot

    ich nehms mal in die Anleitung mit auf...


    "Life moves fast. Don't miss a thing."
    Rechner: Celeron 2,666 Ghz; 256 SDRAM, TT rev. 1.6 +Satelco Easywatch ,1x 160GB Samsung Festplatte, 1 x 500 GB WD
    Gehäuse : LaScala03 (Silverstone),Zalman CNPS 7000CU .Asus P4S533-MX; AVBoard 1.0
    CTVDR ( Lenny)

  • Das Problem mit den nicht vorhandenen Log-Files hatte ich auch, obwohl das # weg war ist kein Log erzeugt worden.
    Ich hatte nur vdrconvert installiert, keinen Mplayer, kein tosvcd.
    Im Record-Menü wurden keine Einträge fÜr Divx, SVCD und VCD angezeigt. Das manuelle Editieren der reccmds.vdrconvert brachte nichts da sie bei Systemneustart neu geschrieben wurde.
    Dann habe ich manuell tosvcd und w32codecs nachinstalliert und jetzt sind alle Einträge da und es werden auch Logfiles geschrieben.
    Die Konvertierung nach SVCD und Divx geht zwar immer noch nicht (werde mal die Anleitung von Catweazle durchziehen), ich habe auch die LAME 3.95 obwohl ich CTVDR1 (allerdings aktuell geupdatet) habe.

    Wieso schreibt eigentlich vdrconvert seine reccmds.xx.conf nicht nach /etc/vdr/command-hooks sondern in /usr/....., lt. ct liegen hier eigentlich nur Symlinks ?


  • hi
    man bekommt ja auch nur die 3.95 Über die "normalen " Quellen.

    naja, seit ich die 3.96 draufhabe läufts jedenfalls Super bei mir:)

    Konvertiere Im nonstopverfahren seit 2 Tagen...
    Meine Familie merkt es nicht, ob ich denen dann das Original oder die AVI Datei vorsetze... habs getestet:):):)

    Übrigens bei der ctvdr1 hatte ich den gleichen effekt mit dem Lame... Jedenfalls wenn man die momentanen versionen benutzt.

    Früher gings mal...( ca. 8 Wochen zurück)


    "Life moves fast. Don't miss a thing."
    Rechner: Celeron 2,666 Ghz; 256 SDRAM, TT rev. 1.6 +Satelco Easywatch ,1x 160GB Samsung Festplatte, 1 x 500 GB WD
    Gehäuse : LaScala03 (Silverstone),Zalman CNPS 7000CU .Asus P4S533-MX; AVBoard 1.0
    CTVDR ( Lenny)

  • hi,

    nach der Installation mit Deiner Befehlszeile hat es geklappt. Aber selbst mit lame-3.96 habe ich keine mpg files erhalten.
    Aber es hat mit dem vdr2mpg.log jetzt funktioniert.

    hier ist es:

    Fri May 7 08:20:52 CEST 2004 : Start conversion for /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02-
    Fri May 7 08:20:52 CEST 2004 : Begin conversion /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02-
    Got parameter -o
    Got parameter /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02-
    got a directory on the command line
    trying to open /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02-
    Output files will be stored in /film/tmp/vdr2mpg/VDRSYNC.HjhOyd/
    Found 0 to ignore
    Lots of debug stuff will be printed
    Initialising and analysing the streams....
    trying to open /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02-

    10 Mbytes of 0 read
    Created new MPEG stream object for stream e4, master video stream
    sending frame number 1 for analysis of stream e4
    we got the decimal code 228 for e4
    we got the stream 228 (e4), checking Video
    Matched: ³- @# £âÙ at 0 bitview of the header
    we got for fps: 0011

    Want to open /film/tmp/vdr2mpg/VDRSYNC.HjhOyd//vdrsync.mpv

    Created new MPEG stream object for stream c0
    sending frame number 13 for analysis of stream c0
    we got the decimal code 192 for c0
    we got the stream 192 (c0), checking Audio
    No Audio syncword at the beginning of the frame, searching
    found sync for mp2 stream c0
    streamtype is: MPEG1_Layer_2
    bitrate is 192000
    freq is 48000
    copyright is 0
    framelength in byte is 576
    in sec: 0.024
    Want to open /film/tmp/vdr2mpg/VDRSYNC.HjhOyd//vdrsync0.mpa
    analysed the first 2000 packets...
    MPEG1_Layer_2 for stream c0

    audio stream c0 info (MPEG1_Layer_2):
    Sample frequency: 48000
    Bitrate: 192000
    Mode: stereo
    Frame length (bytes) 576
    Frame length (ticks) 2160 (90000 / sec)

    video for stream e4
    video stream e4 info:
    Frame length (ticks) 3600 (90000 / sec)
    Aspect ratio 4:3
    Horizontal size 720
    Vertical size 576
    Frames per Second 25
    Bitrate: 1490800

    Filtering Output through
    Total Input Size is 949429121
    trying to open /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02-

    10 Mbytes of 949 readYes, it did start at 0
    No Audio syncword at the beginning of the frame, searching
    found sync for mp2 stream c0

    First packet ts for stream c0 in buffer 1332395492 last:1332831812

    In stream c0: new start 1332438054
    INSERT FRAMES:wrote additional 0 frames to close -638 ticks, leaving -638
    IN SYNC AUDIO START (c0): diff is now: -638

    CHUNKSTART: dropped 19 frames at the beginning of c0, start is now 1332438692 matching 1332438054 leaving -638

    20 Mbytes of 949 read
    30 Mbytes of 949 read
    40 Mbytes of 949 read
    50 Mbytes of 949 read
    60 Mbytes of 949 read
    70 Mbytes of 949 read
    80 Mbytes of 949 read
    90 Mbytes of 949 read
    100 Mbytes of 949 read
    110 Mbytes of 949 read
    120 Mbytes of 949 read
    130 Mbytes of 949 read
    140 Mbytes of 949 read
    150 Mbytes of 949 read
    160 Mbytes of 949 read
    170 Mbytes of 949 read
    180 Mbytes of 949 read
    190 Mbytes of 949 read
    200 Mbytes of 949 read
    210 Mbytes of 949 read
    220 Mbytes of 949 read
    230 Mbytes of 949 read
    240 Mbytes of 949 read
    250 Mbytes of 949 read
    260 Mbytes of 949 read
    270 Mbytes of 949 read
    280 Mbytes of 949 read
    290 Mbytes of 949 read
    300 Mbytes of 949 read
    310 Mbytes of 949 read
    320 Mbytes of 949 read
    330 Mbytes of 949 read
    340 Mbytes of 949 read
    350 Mbytes of 949 read
    360 Mbytes of 949 read
    370 Mbytes of 949 read
    380 Mbytes of 949 read
    390 Mbytes of 949 read
    400 Mbytes of 949 read
    410 Mbytes of 949 read
    420 Mbytes of 949 read
    430 Mbytes of 949 read
    440 Mbytes of 949 read
    450 Mbytes of 949 read
    460 Mbytes of 949 read
    470 Mbytes of 949 read
    480 Mbytes of 949 read
    490 Mbytes of 949 read
    500 Mbytes of 949 read
    510 Mbytes of 949 read
    520 Mbytes of 949 read
    530 Mbytes of 949 read
    540 Mbytes of 949 read
    550 Mbytes of 949 read
    560 Mbytes of 949 read
    570 Mbytes of 949 read
    580 Mbytes of 949 read
    590 Mbytes of 949 read
    600 Mbytes of 949 read
    610 Mbytes of 949 read
    620 Mbytes of 949 read
    630 Mbytes of 949 read
    640 Mbytes of 949 read
    650 Mbytes of 949 read
    660 Mbytes of 949 read
    670 Mbytes of 949 read
    680 Mbytes of 949 read
    690 Mbytes of 949 read
    700 Mbytes of 949 read
    710 Mbytes of 949 read
    720 Mbytes of 949 read
    730 Mbytes of 949 read
    740 Mbytes of 949 read
    750 Mbytes of 949 read
    760 Mbytes of 949 read
    770 Mbytes of 949 read
    780 Mbytes of 949 read
    790 Mbytes of 949 read
    800 Mbytes of 949 read
    810 Mbytes of 949 read
    820 Mbytes of 949 read
    830 Mbytes of 949 read
    840 Mbytes of 949 read
    850 Mbytes of 949 read
    860 Mbytes of 949 read
    870 Mbytes of 949 read
    880 Mbytes of 949 read
    890 Mbytes of 949 read
    900 Mbytes of 949 read
    910 Mbytes of 949 read
    920 Mbytes of 949 read
    930 Mbytes of 949 read
    940 Mbytes of 949 read
    all Input files processed
    EOF reached

    949 Mbytes of 949 read
    (?-xism:ÿü|ÿý) did not match against ö

    Audio Format change within packet, skipping
    No Audio syncword at the beginning of the frame, searching
    found sync for mp2 stream c0

    499079 PES packets processed
    should do the final flush for stream e4
    Flushing Video Buffer, 131982 bytes left
    The last GOP contains 12 pics
    FINAL: 1332438054::1563558054::64212
    Final flush for stream c0
    should do the final flush for stream c0
    INSERT FRAMES:wrote additional 23 frames to close 49042 ticks, leaving -638
    107020 frames written for stream c0 (2568.48 sec)
    64212 frames written for stream e4 (2568.48 sec)
    found key aspect_ratio
    found subkey 4:3 with value 534
    found key bitrate_value
    found subkey 1490800 with value 534
    found key vertical_size
    found subkey 576 with value 534
    found key fps
    found subkey 25 with value 534
    found key horizontal_size
    found subkey 720 with value 534
    Property aspect_ratio is 4:3
    Property bitrate_value is 1490800
    Property vertical_size is 576
    Property horizontal_size is 720
    Property fps is 25
    MPEG1_Layer_2 for stream c0

    audio stream c0 info (MPEG1_Layer_2):
    Sample frequency: 48000
    Bitrate: 192000
    Mode: stereo
    Frame length (bytes) 576
    Frame length (ticks) 2160 (90000 / sec)

    video for stream e4
    video stream e4 info:
    Frame length (ticks) 3600 (90000 / sec)
    Aspect ratio 4:3
    Horizontal size 720
    Vertical size 576
    Frames per Second 25
    Bitrate: 1490800

    MPEG1_Layer_2 for stream c0
    /film/tmp/vdr2mpg/VDRSYNC.HjhOyd//vdrsync0.mpa for stream c0
    video for stream e4
    /film/tmp/vdr2mpg/VDRSYNC.HjhOyd//vdrsync.mpv for stream e4

    INFO: using reference profile (DVD)
    INFO: profile type is (PAL)

    INFO: Scanning video stream for a sequence header and pulldown type ...
    INFO: no pulldown detected ...
    INFO: Scanning video stream for pictures ...
    *** Scanning video stream: 0% - byte offset 12 of 882673544. (0)%*** Scanning video stream: 1% - byte offset 8827021 of 882673544. (1)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 2% - byte offset 17653961 of 882673544. (2)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 3% - byte offset 26480492 of 882673544. (3)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 4% - byte offset 35307170 of 882673544. (4)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 5% - byte offset 44133818 of 882673544. (5)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 6% - byte offset 52962730 of 882673544. (6)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 7% - byte offset 61787759 of 882673544. (7)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 8% - byte offset 70613979 of 882673544. (8)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 9% - byte offset 79442580 of 882673544. (9)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 10% - byte offset 88267730 of 882673544. (10)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 11% - byte offset 97094167 of 882673544. (11)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 12% - byte offset 105921396 of 882673544. (12)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 13% - byte offset 114747649 of 882673544. (13)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 14% - byte offset 123574831 of 882673544. (14)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 15% - byte offset 132401457 of 882673544. (15)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 16% - byte offset 141227854 of 882673544. (16)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 17% - byte offset 150054533 of 882673544. (17)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 18% - byte offset 158881252 of 882673544. (18)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 19% - byte offset 167708892 of 882673544. (19)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 20% - byte offset 176535430 of 882673544. (20)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 21% - byte offset 185363212 of 882673544. (21)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 22% - byte offset 194188264 of 882673544. (22)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 23% - byte offset 203014972 of 882673544. (23)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 24% - byte offset 211843237 of 882673544. (24)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 25% - byte offset 220669097 of 882673544. (25)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 26% - byte offset 229495170 of 882673544. (26)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 27% - byte offset 238321891 of 882673544. (27)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 28% - byte offset 247148754 of 882673544. (28)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 29% - byte offset 255975513 of 882673544. (29)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 30% - byte offset 264802225 of 882673544. (30)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 31% - byte offset 273628961 of 882673544. (31)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 32% - byte offset 282455665 of 882673544. (32)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 33% - byte offset 291282335 of 882673544. (33)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 34% - byte offset 300110689 of 882673544. (34)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 35% - byte offset 308935955 of 882673544. (35)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 36% - byte offset 317762707 of 882673544. (36)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 37% - byte offset 326589249 of 882673544. (37)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 38% - byte offset 335416902 of 882673544. (38)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 39% - byte offset 344242738 of 882673544. (39)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 40% - byte offset 353069532 of 882673544. (40)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 41% - byte offset 361896214 of 882673544. (41)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 42% - byte offset 370722892 of 882673544. (42)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 43% - byte offset 379549685 of 882673544. (43)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 44% - byte offset 388376365 of 882673544. (44)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 45% - byte offset 397203717 of 882673544. (45)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 46% - byte offset 406030011 of 882673544. (46)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 47% - byte offset 414857457 of 882673544. (47)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 48% - byte offset 423683859 of 882673544. (48)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 49% - byte offset 432511389 of 882673544. (49)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 50% - byte offset 441336784 of 882673544. (50)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 51% - byte offset 450164602 of 882673544. (51)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 52% - byte offset 458990516 of 882673544. (52)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 53% - byte offset 467817275 of 882673544. (53)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 54% - byte offset 476643800 of 882673544. (54)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 55% - byte offset 485470517 of 882673544. (55)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 56% - byte offset 494297310 of 882673544. (56)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 57% - byte offset 503124953 of 882673544. (57)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 58% - byte offset 511951213 of 882673544. (58)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 59% - byte offset 520777514 of 882673544. (59)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 60% - byte offset 529604152 of 882673544. (60)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 61% - byte offset 538431337 of 882673544. (61)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 62% - byte offset 547258440 of 882673544. (62)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 63% - byte offset 556084418 of 882673544. (63)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 64% - byte offset 564912639 of 882673544. (64)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 65% - byte offset 573738225 of 882673544. (65)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 66% - byte offset 582564823 of 882673544. (66)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 67% - byte offset 591391531 of 882673544. (67)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 68% - byte offset 600218138 of 882673544. (68)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 69% - byte offset 609044962 of 882673544. (69)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 70% - byte offset 617872807 of 882673544. (70)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 71% - byte offset 626699438 of 882673544. (71)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 72% - byte offset 635525012 of 882673544. (72)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 73% - byte offset 644352391 of 882673544. (73)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 74% - byte offset 653178491 of 882673544. (74)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 75% - byte offset 662005278 of 882673544. (75)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 76% - byte offset 670831945 of 882673544. (76)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 77% - byte offset 679658783 of 882673544. (77)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 78% - byte offset 688485837 of 882673544. (78)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 79% - byte offset 697312293 of 882673544. (79)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 80% - byte offset 706139174 of 882673544. (80)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 81% - byte offset 714965595 of 882673544. (81)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 82% - byte offset 723792443 of 882673544. (82)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 83% - byte offset 732619633 of 882673544. (83)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 84% - byte offset 741445822 of 882673544. (84)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 85% - byte offset 750272722 of 882673544. (85)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 86% - byte offset 759099435 of 882673544. (86)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 87% - byte offset 767926147 of 882673544. (87)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 88% - byte offset 776753275 of 882673544. (88)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 89% - byte offset 785579599 of 882673544. (89)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 90% - byte offset 794406253 of 882673544. (90)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 91% - byte offset 803233166 of 882673544. (91)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 92% - byte offset 812059761 of 882673544. (92)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 93% - byte offset 820886550 of 882673544. (93)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 94% - byte offset 829713224 of 882673544. (94)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 95% - byte offset 838539971 of 882673544. (95)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 96% - byte offset 847366670 of 882673544. (96)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 97% - byte offset 856194196 of 882673544. (97)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 98% - byte offset 865020152 of 882673544. (98)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 99% - byte offset 873848039 of 882673544. (99)%

    Fri May 7 08:23:49 CEST 2004 : Finish /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02-
    Fri May 7 08:23:49 CEST 2004 : Parts from /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02- completed
    Fri May 7 12:12:51 CEST 2004 : Start conversion for /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02-
    Fri May 7 12:12:51 CEST 2004 : Begin conversion /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02-
    Got parameter -o
    Got parameter /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02-
    got a directory on the command line
    trying to open /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02-
    Output files will be stored in /film/tmp/vdr2mpg/VDRSYNC.qu3sgv/
    Found 0 to ignore
    Lots of debug stuff will be printed
    Initialising and analysing the streams....
    trying to open /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02-

    10 Mbytes of 0 read
    Created new MPEG stream object for stream e4, master video stream
    sending frame number 1 for analysis of stream e4
    we got the decimal code 228 for e4
    we got the stream 228 (e4), checking Video
    Matched: ³- @# £âÙ at 0 bitview of the header
    we got for fps: 0011

    Want to open /film/tmp/vdr2mpg/VDRSYNC.qu3sgv//vdrsync.mpv

    Created new MPEG stream object for stream c0
    sending frame number 13 for analysis of stream c0
    we got the decimal code 192 for c0
    we got the stream 192 (c0), checking Audio
    No Audio syncword at the beginning of the frame, searching
    found sync for mp2 stream c0
    streamtype is: MPEG1_Layer_2
    bitrate is 192000
    freq is 48000
    copyright is 0
    framelength in byte is 576
    in sec: 0.024
    Want to open /film/tmp/vdr2mpg/VDRSYNC.qu3sgv//vdrsync0.mpa
    analysed the first 2000 packets...
    MPEG1_Layer_2 for stream c0

    audio stream c0 info (MPEG1_Layer_2):
    Sample frequency: 48000
    Bitrate: 192000
    Mode: stereo
    Frame length (bytes) 576
    Frame length (ticks) 2160 (90000 / sec)

    video for stream e4
    video stream e4 info:
    Frame length (ticks) 3600 (90000 / sec)
    Aspect ratio 4:3
    Horizontal size 720
    Vertical size 576
    Frames per Second 25
    Bitrate: 1490800

    Filtering Output through
    Total Input Size is 949429121
    trying to open /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02-

    10 Mbytes of 949 readYes, it did start at 0
    No Audio syncword at the beginning of the frame, searching
    found sync for mp2 stream c0

    First packet ts for stream c0 in buffer 1332395492 last:1332831812

    In stream c0: new start 1332438054
    INSERT FRAMES:wrote additional 0 frames to close -638 ticks, leaving -638
    IN SYNC AUDIO START (c0): diff is now: -638

    CHUNKSTART: dropped 19 frames at the beginning of c0, start is now 1332438692 matching 1332438054 leaving -638

    20 Mbytes of 949 read
    30 Mbytes of 949 read
    40 Mbytes of 949 read
    50 Mbytes of 949 read
    60 Mbytes of 949 read
    70 Mbytes of 949 read
    80 Mbytes of 949 read
    90 Mbytes of 949 read
    100 Mbytes of 949 read
    110 Mbytes of 949 read
    120 Mbytes of 949 read
    130 Mbytes of 949 read
    140 Mbytes of 949 read
    150 Mbytes of 949 read
    160 Mbytes of 949 read
    170 Mbytes of 949 read
    180 Mbytes of 949 read
    190 Mbytes of 949 read
    200 Mbytes of 949 read
    210 Mbytes of 949 read
    220 Mbytes of 949 read
    230 Mbytes of 949 read
    240 Mbytes of 949 read
    250 Mbytes of 949 read
    260 Mbytes of 949 read
    270 Mbytes of 949 read
    280 Mbytes of 949 read
    290 Mbytes of 949 read
    300 Mbytes of 949 read
    310 Mbytes of 949 read
    320 Mbytes of 949 read
    330 Mbytes of 949 read
    340 Mbytes of 949 read
    350 Mbytes of 949 read
    360 Mbytes of 949 read
    370 Mbytes of 949 read
    380 Mbytes of 949 read
    390 Mbytes of 949 read
    400 Mbytes of 949 read
    410 Mbytes of 949 read
    420 Mbytes of 949 read
    430 Mbytes of 949 read
    440 Mbytes of 949 read
    450 Mbytes of 949 read
    460 Mbytes of 949 read
    470 Mbytes of 949 read
    480 Mbytes of 949 read
    490 Mbytes of 949 read
    500 Mbytes of 949 read
    510 Mbytes of 949 read
    520 Mbytes of 949 read
    530 Mbytes of 949 read
    540 Mbytes of 949 read
    550 Mbytes of 949 read
    560 Mbytes of 949 read
    570 Mbytes of 949 read
    580 Mbytes of 949 read
    590 Mbytes of 949 read
    600 Mbytes of 949 read
    610 Mbytes of 949 read
    620 Mbytes of 949 read
    630 Mbytes of 949 read
    640 Mbytes of 949 read
    650 Mbytes of 949 read
    660 Mbytes of 949 read
    670 Mbytes of 949 read
    680 Mbytes of 949 read
    690 Mbytes of 949 read
    700 Mbytes of 949 read
    710 Mbytes of 949 read
    720 Mbytes of 949 read
    730 Mbytes of 949 read
    740 Mbytes of 949 read
    750 Mbytes of 949 read
    760 Mbytes of 949 read
    770 Mbytes of 949 read
    780 Mbytes of 949 read
    790 Mbytes of 949 read
    800 Mbytes of 949 read
    810 Mbytes of 949 read
    820 Mbytes of 949 read
    830 Mbytes of 949 read
    840 Mbytes of 949 read
    850 Mbytes of 949 read
    860 Mbytes of 949 read
    870 Mbytes of 949 read
    880 Mbytes of 949 read
    890 Mbytes of 949 read
    900 Mbytes of 949 read
    910 Mbytes of 949 read
    920 Mbytes of 949 read
    930 Mbytes of 949 read
    940 Mbytes of 949 read
    all Input files processed
    EOF reached

    949 Mbytes of 949 read
    (?-xism:ÿü|ÿý) did not match against ö

    Audio Format change within packet, skipping
    No Audio syncword at the beginning of the frame, searching
    found sync for mp2 stream c0

    499079 PES packets processed
    should do the final flush for stream e4
    Flushing Video Buffer, 131982 bytes left
    The last GOP contains 12 pics
    FINAL: 1332438054::1563558054::64212
    Final flush for stream c0
    should do the final flush for stream c0
    INSERT FRAMES:wrote additional 23 frames to close 49042 ticks, leaving -638
    107020 frames written for stream c0 (2568.48 sec)
    64212 frames written for stream e4 (2568.48 sec)
    found key aspect_ratio
    found subkey 4:3 with value 534
    found key bitrate_value
    found subkey 1490800 with value 534
    found key vertical_size
    found subkey 576 with value 534
    found key fps
    found subkey 25 with value 534
    found key horizontal_size
    found subkey 720 with value 534
    Property aspect_ratio is 4:3
    Property bitrate_value is 1490800
    Property vertical_size is 576
    Property horizontal_size is 720
    Property fps is 25
    MPEG1_Layer_2 for stream c0

    audio stream c0 info (MPEG1_Layer_2):
    Sample frequency: 48000
    Bitrate: 192000
    Mode: stereo
    Frame length (bytes) 576
    Frame length (ticks) 2160 (90000 / sec)

    video for stream e4
    video stream e4 info:
    Frame length (ticks) 3600 (90000 / sec)
    Aspect ratio 4:3
    Horizontal size 720
    Vertical size 576
    Frames per Second 25
    Bitrate: 1490800

    MPEG1_Layer_2 for stream c0
    /film/tmp/vdr2mpg/VDRSYNC.qu3sgv//vdrsync0.mpa for stream c0
    video for stream e4
    /film/tmp/vdr2mpg/VDRSYNC.qu3sgv//vdrsync.mpv for stream e4

    INFO: using reference profile (DVD)
    INFO: profile type is (PAL)

    INFO: Scanning video stream for a sequence header and pulldown type ...
    INFO: no pulldown detected ...
    INFO: Scanning video stream for pictures ...
    *** Scanning video stream: 0% - byte offset 12 of 882673544. (0)%*** Scanning video stream: 1% - byte offset 8827021 of 882673544. (1)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 2% - byte offset 17653961 of 882673544. (2)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 3% - byte offset 26480492 of 882673544. (3)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 4% - byte offset 35307170 of 882673544. (4)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 5% - byte offset 44133818 of 882673544. (5)%*** Scanning video stream: 6% - byte offset 52962730 of 882673544. (6)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 7% - byte offset 61787759 of 882673544. (7)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 8% - byte offset 70613979 of 882673544. (8)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 9% - byte offset 79442580 of 882673544. (9)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 10% - byte offset 88267730 of 882673544. (10)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 11% - byte offset 97094167 of 882673544. (11)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 12% - byte offset 105921396 of 882673544. (12)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 13% - byte offset 114747649 of 882673544. (13)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 14% - byte offset 123574831 of 882673544. (14)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 15% - byte offset 132401457 of 882673544. (15)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 16% - byte offset 141227854 of 882673544. (16)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 17% - byte offset 150054533 of 882673544. (17)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 18% - byte offset 158881252 of 882673544. (18)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 19% - byte offset 167708892 of 882673544. (19)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 20% - byte offset 176535430 of 882673544. (20)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 21% - byte offset 185363212 of 882673544. (21)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 22% - byte offset 194188264 of 882673544. (22)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 23% - byte offset 203014972 of 882673544. (23)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 24% - byte offset 211843237 of 882673544. (24)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 25% - byte offset 220669097 of 882673544. (25)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 26% - byte offset 229495170 of 882673544. (26)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 27% - byte offset 238321891 of 882673544. (27)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 28% - byte offset 247148754 of 882673544. (28)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 29% - byte offset 255975513 of 882673544. (29)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 30% - byte offset 264802225 of 882673544. (30)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 31% - byte offset 273628961 of 882673544. (31)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 32% - byte offset 282455665 of 882673544. (32)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 33% - byte offset 291282335 of 882673544. (33)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 34% - byte offset 300110689 of 882673544. (34)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 35% - byte offset 308935955 of 882673544. (35)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 36% - byte offset 317762707 of 882673544. (36)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 37% - byte offset 326589249 of 882673544. (37)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 38% - byte offset 335416902 of 882673544. (38)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 39% - byte offset 344242738 of 882673544. (39)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 40% - byte offset 353069532 of 882673544. (40)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 41% - byte offset 361896214 of 882673544. (41)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 42% - byte offset 370722892 of 882673544. (42)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 43% - byte offset 379549685 of 882673544. (43)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 44% - byte offset 388376365 of 882673544. (44)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 45% - byte offset 397203717 of 882673544. (45)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 46% - byte offset 406030011 of 882673544. (46)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 47% - byte offset 414857457 of 882673544. (47)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 48% - byte offset 423683859 of 882673544. (48)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 49% - byte offset 432511389 of 882673544. (49)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 50% - byte offset 441336784 of 882673544. (50)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 51% - byte offset 450164602 of 882673544. (51)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 52% - byte offset 458990516 of 882673544. (52)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 53% - byte offset 467817275 of 882673544. (53)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 54% - byte offset 476643800 of 882673544. (54)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 55% - byte offset 485470517 of 882673544. (55)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 56% - byte offset 494297310 of 882673544. (56)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 57% - byte offset 503124953 of 882673544. (57)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 58% - byte offset 511951213 of 882673544. (58)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 59% - byte offset 520777514 of 882673544. (59)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 60% - byte offset 529604152 of 882673544. (60)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 61% - byte offset 538431337 of 882673544. (61)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 62% - byte offset 547258440 of 882673544. (62)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 63% - byte offset 556084418 of 882673544. (63)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 64% - byte offset 564912639 of 882673544. (64)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 65% - byte offset 573738225 of 882673544. (65)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 66% - byte offset 582564823 of 882673544. (66)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 67% - byte offset 591391531 of 882673544. (67)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 68% - byte offset 600218138 of 882673544. (68)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 69% - byte offset 609044962 of 882673544. (69)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 70% - byte offset 617872807 of 882673544. (70)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 71% - byte offset 626699438 of 882673544. (71)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 72% - byte offset 635525012 of 882673544. (72)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 73% - byte offset 644352391 of 882673544. (73)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 74% - byte offset 653178491 of 882673544. (74)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 75% - byte offset 662005278 of 882673544. (75)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 76% - byte offset 670831945 of 882673544. (76)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 77% - byte offset 679658783 of 882673544. (77)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 78% - byte offset 688485837 of 882673544. (78)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 79% - byte offset 697312293 of 882673544. (79)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 80% - byte offset 706139174 of 882673544. (80)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 81% - byte offset 714965595 of 882673544. (81)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 82% - byte offset 723792443 of 882673544. (82)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 83% - byte offset 732619633 of 882673544. (83)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 84% - byte offset 741445822 of 882673544. (84)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 85% - byte offset 750272722 of 882673544. (85)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 86% - byte offset 759099435 of 882673544. (86)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 87% - byte offset 767926147 of 882673544. (87)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 88% - byte offset 776753275 of 882673544. (88)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 89% - byte offset 785579599 of 882673544. (89)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 90% - byte offset 794406253 of 882673544. (90)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 91% - byte offset 803233166 of 882673544. (91)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 92% - byte offset 812059761 of 882673544. (92)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 93% - byte offset 820886550 of 882673544. (93)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 94% - byte offset 829713224 of 882673544. (94)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 95% - byte offset 838539971 of 882673544. (95)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 96% - byte offset 847366670 of 882673544. (96)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 97% - byte offset 856194196 of 882673544. (97)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 98% - byte offset 865020152 of 882673544. (98)%
    *** Scanning video stream: 99% - byte offset 873848039 of 882673544. (99)%

    Fri May 7 12:16:11 CEST 2004 : Finish /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02-
    Fri May 7 12:16:11 CEST 2004 : Parts from /video0/%Das_Haus_am_Eaton_Place/2004-02- completed

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6420 @ 2.13GHz, 4096 MB RAM, VDR 1.7.22 mit ubuntu 10.04 Kernel: 3.0.0-12-generic, TechnoTrend Premium S2-6400 Twin DVB-S2, vompserver-plugin 0.3.1 mit Hauppauge MediaMVP

  • da fehlt ja noch der halbe kram

    die vdrsync-Prozesse sind nicht da...

    lass mich raten... du hast dir divx version 5.05 installiert?

    wenn ja... das hatte bei mir auch alles in dieser Richtung zerstört...


    "Life moves fast. Don't miss a thing."
    Rechner: Celeron 2,666 Ghz; 256 SDRAM, TT rev. 1.6 +Satelco Easywatch ,1x 160GB Samsung Festplatte, 1 x 500 GB WD
    Gehäuse : LaScala03 (Silverstone),Zalman CNPS 7000CU .Asus P4S533-MX; AVBoard 1.0
    CTVDR ( Lenny)

  • ich habe eigentlich, bewußt, nichts in die Richtung installiert, was kann ich machen um das wieder los zu werden.


    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6420 @ 2.13GHz, 4096 MB RAM, VDR 1.7.22 mit ubuntu 10.04 Kernel: 3.0.0-12-generic, TechnoTrend Premium S2-6400 Twin DVB-S2, vompserver-plugin 0.3.1 mit Hauppauge MediaMVP

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