[UPnP/DLNA] Tester gesucht für Release-Candidates des neuen UPnP-Plugins V.1.0.0

  • You're welcome.

    I'll add leading zeros. However, this might cause some additional issues: how many leading zeros shall be added? Say, you have up to 1000 channels. Then, there must be three leading zeros, doesn't it?
    Actually, the devices should support the channelNumber property, but they don't so everything is just a hack.

    I'll try to find the issue with the trailing "~". I don't know why PES recordings are still listed. I scan until the last level of the recordings hierarchy and then let the dvbProfiler determine the metadata. This would return false, if it is a PES recordings.

    Is "Pe 10.07.2009-21:00" a real recordings title? So, the path should be: VDR Recordings/Tractor Pulling/Moottoriurheilua: Tractor_Pulling, Alahärmä/Moottoriurheilua: Tractor_Pulling, Alahärmä/Pe 10.07.2009-21:00 where Pe 10.07.2009-21:00 is the actual file, right?

    Medion Digitainer; AsRock B75 Pro3-M, Celeron G540; Kingston Value 4GB
    Samsung SpinPoint 250GB 2,5"; Samsung WriteMaster DVD-Brenner;
    TT-S2-6400, 2x TT-S2-1600, Ubuntu 12.04 mit YaVDR-Paketen. VDR 1.7.27, UPnP/DLNA-Plugin

  • So, you may now simply use this pattern: "%no;3% %chan% %- |title%" If 3 digits aren't enough, set it to four.

    I doubt that I can fix the '~' issue. The VDR returns that "title". I have for instance: "29.07.12 02:43 Bob Ross - The Joy of Painting~Autumn Images". In your case, the episode may be missing, but I don't know why. Additionally, the PES should be skipped:

    cRecording* recording = Recordings.GetByName(recStr.c_str());
        if(!recording) return false;
        // Sorry, currently unsupported.
        if(recording->IsPesRecording()) return false;

    I don't know, why it's not. Could you please try to investigate why this could happen?

    Medion Digitainer; AsRock B75 Pro3-M, Celeron G540; Kingston Value 4GB
    Samsung SpinPoint 250GB 2,5"; Samsung WriteMaster DVD-Brenner;
    TT-S2-6400, 2x TT-S2-1600, Ubuntu 12.04 mit YaVDR-Paketen. VDR 1.7.27, UPnP/DLNA-Plugin

    Edited once, last by methodus ().

  • Hi, I have been following with interest the thread with Rofafor regarding Sony Blu Ray players. I also have a Sony blue ray player and using the latest git release (HEAD is now at a2ed1e7... Added installation of the channelTitle.conf to Makefile) still cannot get it to play back recordings or live TV. I can navigate the live TV structure from my channels.conf but if I select a channel group i am told "No playable file found". I get the same message when selecting VDR Recordings. Any ideas?

  • One question about live-TV. Have you patched streamdev with this patch: http://projects.vdr-developer.…wnload/1086/ext_head.diff ? It allows to set the DLNA headers for HEAD requests.

    Additionally, it would be very helpful if you may provide some wireshark traces between the server and the client, when it requests a stream. Usually, it's a simple HTTP GET request initiated from a high port by the media player.

    Medion Digitainer; AsRock B75 Pro3-M, Celeron G540; Kingston Value 4GB
    Samsung SpinPoint 250GB 2,5"; Samsung WriteMaster DVD-Brenner;
    TT-S2-6400, 2x TT-S2-1600, Ubuntu 12.04 mit YaVDR-Paketen. VDR 1.7.27, UPnP/DLNA-Plugin

  • Hi Methodus,
    FYI I have just tried the streamdev header patch to no avail - I still get 'No playable file found" when selecting a channel group.
    I will run with wireshark trace tomorrow and provide traces for both 'live TV' and 'VDR recordings'.

  • Thank you very much! If possible, please also try another DLNA server like miniDLNA. Sometimes or more often, they already solved some issues. In some cases, there are only small issues which are fixed very easily. I really need your support to make increase the interoperability with other devices.

    Medion Digitainer; AsRock B75 Pro3-M, Celeron G540; Kingston Value 4GB
    Samsung SpinPoint 250GB 2,5"; Samsung WriteMaster DVD-Brenner;
    TT-S2-6400, 2x TT-S2-1600, Ubuntu 12.04 mit YaVDR-Paketen. VDR 1.7.27, UPnP/DLNA-Plugin

  • Hi Methodus,
    I have been able to run the test this evening and have attached two wireshark captures.
    The first is an attempt to select my live TV group "Favourites" in 'VDR Live-TV' which returns 'There is no playable file'.
    The second is an attempt to select 'VDR Recordings' which also returns 'There is no playable file'.
    The VDR target is and the Blu Ray player is at

  • I found an issue with the resource size attribute. I will fix it tonight. However, as the player does not tell why it refuses to play those streams, might have something to do with the profiles. You may play around with the following profiles:


    You must change them in the dvbProfiler.cxx of the dvb profiler sub-plugin. Just change the string there.

    If it is still not working, you may test the capabilities (GetProtocolInfo) of the DMP with a UPnP analyzer.

    Medion Digitainer; AsRock B75 Pro3-M, Celeron G540; Kingston Value 4GB
    Samsung SpinPoint 250GB 2,5"; Samsung WriteMaster DVD-Brenner;
    TT-S2-6400, 2x TT-S2-1600, Ubuntu 12.04 mit YaVDR-Paketen. VDR 1.7.27, UPnP/DLNA-Plugin

  • Hi wollte heut auch wieder mal testen, bekomms aber einfach nicht gebacken. :wand
    Ich will das ding als DEB Paket bauen und es geht nicht. Mein Problem sin die links für die Shared Libs (denk ich mal)
    Jemand nee Idee wie ich das umbiegen kann oder gar den debian Ordner zurhand?

    Hier mal der Fehlerlog beim starten

    Nov  7 17:59:37 freevdr vdr: [1412] initializing plugin: upnp (1.0.0): UPnP/DLNA compliant Media Server functionality for VDR
    Nov  7 17:59:37 freevdr vdr: [1412] UPnP        Using /etc/vdr/plugins/upnp/httpdocs/ for static content delivery.
    Nov  7 17:59:37 freevdr vdr: [1412] UPnP        Error while opening plugin '/usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libupnp-vdr-provider.so.1.0.0': ../../../libvdr-upnp.so.1.7.26: Kann die Shared-Object-Datei nicht öffnen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
    Nov  7 17:59:37 freevdr vdr: [1412] UPnP        Error while opening plugin '/usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libupnp-dvb-profiler.so.1.0.0': ../../../libvdr-upnp.so.1.7.26: Kann die Shared-Object-Datei nicht öffnen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
    Nov  7 17:59:37 freevdr vdr: [1412] UPnP        Error while opening plugin '/usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libupnp-rec-provider.so.1.0.0': ../../../libvdr-upnp.so.1.7.26: Kann die Shared-Object-Datei nicht öffnen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
    Nov  7 17:59:38 freevdr vdr: [1412] starting plugin: upnp


  • Du müsstest beim Bauen (keine Ahnung, wie genau, da ich mich mit debs noch nicht so sehr beschäftigt habe) VDRLIBDIR=/us/lib/vdr/plugins/ setzen. Damit sollte der Pfad mit dem gelinkt wird, umgebogen werden.

    Medion Digitainer; AsRock B75 Pro3-M, Celeron G540; Kingston Value 4GB
    Samsung SpinPoint 250GB 2,5"; Samsung WriteMaster DVD-Brenner;
    TT-S2-6400, 2x TT-S2-1600, Ubuntu 12.04 mit YaVDR-Paketen. VDR 1.7.27, UPnP/DLNA-Plugin

  • Hi Methodus,
    I have been able to run the test this evening and have attached two wireshark captures.
    The first is an attempt to select my live TV group "Favourites" in 'VDR Live-TV' which returns 'There is no playable file'.
    The second is an attempt to select 'VDR Recordings' which also returns 'There is no playable file'.
    The VDR target is and the Blu Ray player is at

    Could you please send me your metadata.db. I wanted to fix the size issue, but... humm.. there isn't one. Every call to getSize has long int, I don't know, why it returns a negative number. There are two possibilities: 1.: the provider stores the wrongly calculated size (then, it must be wrong in the database) or 2.: the creation of the result set returns the wrong size (then, there must not be any negative number in the DB). Could you please verify that?

    Medion Digitainer; AsRock B75 Pro3-M, Celeron G540; Kingston Value 4GB
    Samsung SpinPoint 250GB 2,5"; Samsung WriteMaster DVD-Brenner;
    TT-S2-6400, 2x TT-S2-1600, Ubuntu 12.04 mit YaVDR-Paketen. VDR 1.7.27, UPnP/DLNA-Plugin

  • VDRLIBDIR=/us/lib/vdr/plugins/

    Sollte es nicht VDRPLUGINLIBDIR heißen?

    @avjui als beispiel :


    versuch das mal bei den make options, so wie von methodus vorgeschlagen.
    ich werde auch die (tage)wochen mal versuchen ein paket zu bauen.
    im moment schaff ich das nicht (fehlende motivation).

    Kenn ich und habe ich auch schon probiert bekomme aber dann bei install einen Fehler

    Hier der Fehler

  • Okay, ich korrigiere: LIBDIR und VDRPLUGINLIBDIR, sorry. LIBDIR muss /usr/lib/vdr sein. VDRDIR muss das Verzeichnis mit den VDR-Headern sein, also bei Ubuntu oder Debian /usr/include/vdr

    edit: Sorry, irgendwie nicht mein Tag, die Variablen oben hast du ja schon gesetzt. Irgendwie werden bei dir die Variablen aber nicht übernommen. Sorry, da weiß ich grad auch nicht weiter, da zoolook das Makefile zusammengestellt hat (PS: danke!)

    Medion Digitainer; AsRock B75 Pro3-M, Celeron G540; Kingston Value 4GB
    Samsung SpinPoint 250GB 2,5"; Samsung WriteMaster DVD-Brenner;
    TT-S2-6400, 2x TT-S2-1600, Ubuntu 12.04 mit YaVDR-Paketen. VDR 1.7.27, UPnP/DLNA-Plugin

    Edited once, last by methodus ().

  • I doubt that I can fix the '~' issue.

    Forget the PES issue - that was my mistake. The annoying '~' comes from RecProvider::GetMetadata(), where you parse the folder and use ExchangeChars() to convert it for displaying (some folders ends with the '/' character).

    # ll /video/Tractor_Pulling/Moottoriurheilua#3A_Tractor_Pulling\,_Alahärmä/Pe__10.07.2009-21#3A00/2009-07-
    total 1330944
    drwxr-sr-x 2 vdr wheel   	4096 Jul 10  2009 .
    drwxr-sr-x 3 vdr wheel   	4096 Jul 10  2009 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 vdr wheel 1360726328 Jul 10  2009 00001.ts
    -rw-r--r-- 1 vdr wheel 	803072 Jul 10  2009 index
    -rw-r--r-- 1 vdr wheel    	350 Jul 10  2009 info

    Now, the uri is "rec://Tractor_Pulling/Moottoriurheilua#3A_Tractor_Pulling,_Alahärmä/" and ul is 70. The folder is set to "Moottoriurheilua#3A_Tractor_Pulling,_Alahärmä/" and after conversion the KEY_TITLE is "Moottoriurheilua: Tractor Pulling, Alahärmä~".

  • Could you please send me your metadata.db. I wanted to fix the size issue, but... humm.. there isn't one. Every call to getSize has long int, I don't know, why it returns a negative number. There are two possibilities: 1.: the provider stores the wrongly calculated size (then, it must be wrong in the database) or 2.: the creation of the result set returns the wrong size (then, there must not be any negative number in the DB). Could you please verify that?

    Could you please send me your metadata.db. I wanted to fix the size issue, but... humm.. there isn't one. Every call to getSize has long int, I don't know, why it returns a negative number. There are two possibilities: 1.: the provider stores the wrongly calculated size (then, it must be wrong in the database) or 2.: the creation of the result set returns the wrong size (then, there must not be any negative number in the DB). Could you please verify that?

    metadata.db as requested.

    Not sure how to answer your question 2, but perhaps you can.

    (Sorry its a bit "overquoted" :] , still getting the hang of things)


  • Hi Methodus,

    Further to my last post - I also have a mediagate MG 800 HD. It can also see the VDR upnp server and can play back all recordings OK but also has problems with live TV.
    I'd like to get that going too but my preference is to sort the Blu Ray player out first.


  • Yesterday, I found out, that Windows Media Player 12 is playing live-tv just fine, but refuses to play recordings. It's damn hard to find out why this happens. Thank you for your database.

    rofafor: Thanks for your investigations, I'll fix this and the sizing issue tonight.

    Medion Digitainer; AsRock B75 Pro3-M, Celeron G540; Kingston Value 4GB
    Samsung SpinPoint 250GB 2,5"; Samsung WriteMaster DVD-Brenner;
    TT-S2-6400, 2x TT-S2-1600, Ubuntu 12.04 mit YaVDR-Paketen. VDR 1.7.27, UPnP/DLNA-Plugin

  • Hallo allerseits,
    ich bekomme auf meinem 64bit Fedora 17 System beim Starten des vdr leider einen Segmentation fault. Hat jemand einen Tip was ich verkehrt mache?

    Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    [Switching to Thread 0x7fffcaffd700 (LWP 19454)]
    0x00007ffff6c44790 in std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string() ()
    from /lib64/libstdc++.so.6

    (gdb) bt
    #0 0x00007ffff6c44790 in std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string() ()
    from /lib64/libstdc++.so.6
    #1 0x00007fffeec2351b in upnp::cMediaManager::ScanURI (this=this@entry=0x555555c32100, uri=
    <error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x646e750200000064>, provider=provider@entry=0x7fffbc002b30)
    at media/mediaManager.cpp:759
    #2 0x00007fffeec23ccb in upnp::cMediaManager::ScanURI (this=this@entry=0x555555c32100, uri="rec://", provider=0x7fffbc002b30)
    at media/mediaManager.cpp:831
    #3 0x00007fffeec242ad in upnp::cMediaManager::Action (this=0x555555c32100) at media/mediaManager.cpp:734
    #4 0x00005555556928e3 in cThread::StartThread (Thread=0x555555c32100) at thread.c:257
    #5 0x00007ffff7978d14 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
    #6 0x00007ffff63b267d in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6

    (gdb) bt full
    #0 0x00007ffff6c44790 in std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string() ()
    from /lib64/libstdc++.so.6
    No symbol table info available.
    #1 0x00007fffeec2351b in upnp::cMediaManager::ScanURI (this=this@entry=0x555555c32100, uri=
    <error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x646e750200000064>, provider=provider@entry=0x7fffbc002b30)
    at media/mediaManager.cpp:759
    profilers = std::list = {[0] = {px = 0x555555c4a5b0, pn = {pi_ = 0x555555c83ec0}}}
    schema = "rec"
    metadata = {properties = std::multimap with 8 elements = {["@id"] = {static Empty = {
    static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, key = "", value = ""}, key = "@id", value =
    "4de0653f-d0a9-5ea5-a31a-f81e5e33849f"}, ["@parentID"] = {static Empty = {
    static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, key = "", value = ""}, key = "@parentID", value =
    "36f007da-384c-52ab-813f-34b5a5ebdf5f"}, ["@restricted"] = {static Empty = {
    static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, key = "", value = ""}, key = "@restricted",
    value = "true"}, ["dc:date"] = {static Empty = {static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>,
    key = "", value = ""}, key = "dc:date", value = "2011-02-13"}, ["dc:description"] = {static Empty = {
    static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, key = "", value = ""}, key = "dc:description",
    value = "Fernsehfilm Deutschland 2011"}, ["dc:title"] = {static Empty = {
    static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, key = "", value = ""}, key = "dc:title", value =
    "Tatort: Stille Wasser"}, ["upnp:class"] = {static Empty = {static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>,
    key = "", value = ""}, key = "upnp:class", value = "object.item.videoItem.videoBroadcast"}, [
    "upnp:longDescription"] = {static Empty = {static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, key = "", value =
    ""}, key = "upnp:longDescription", value =
    "Nadine Berthold hat sehen müssen, wie ihre Eltern ermodet wurden. Nur Inga Lürsen gelingt es, ein Vertrauensverhätlnis zu ihr aufzubauen, als sie zu ihr zieht, um sie vor dem Mörder zu schützen. Stede"...}}, resources = std::list = {[0] = {
    resourceUri = "rec://Tatort/2011-02-", protocolInfo =
    "http-get:*:video/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS_SD_EU_ISO;DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=217", '0' <repeats 29 times>,
    duration = "01:30:00", resolution = "", bitrate = 0, size = 5072608480, sampleFrequency = 0, bitsPerSample = 0,
    nrAudioChannels = 0, colorDepth = 0}}, static validators = std::map with 10 elements = {["@id"] = 0x0, [
    "@parentID"] = 0x0, ["@restricted"] = 0x0, ["dc:creator"] = 0x0, ["dc:date"] = 0x0, ["dc:description"] = 0x0, [
    "dc:title"] = 0x0, ["dlna:containerType"] = 0x0, ["upnp:class"] = 0x7fffeee4cc40, ["upnp:longDescription"] = 0x0}}
    #2 0x00007fffeec23ccb in upnp::cMediaManager::ScanURI (this=this@entry=0x555555c32100, uri="rec://", provider=0x7fffbc002b30)
    at media/mediaManager.cpp:831
    it = "Tatort/2011-02-"
    entries = std::list = {[0] = "Tatort:_Kinderlieb/2009-01-", [1] =
    "Tatort:_Unter_Brüdern/2008-12-", [2] = "Tatort/2010-10-", [3] =
    "Tatort/2010-10-", [4] = "Tatort/2010-10-", [5] = "Tatort/2010-10-",
    [6] = "Tatort/2010-10-", [7] = "Tatort/2010-10-", [8] =
    "Tatort/2010-05-", [9] = "Tatort/2010-06-", [10] = "Tatort/2010-08-",
    [11] = "Tatort/2010-09-", [12] = "Tatort/2010-09-", [13] =
    "Tatort/2010-10-", [14] = "Tatort/2010-06-", [15] = "Tatort/2010-08-",
    [16] = "Tatort/2010-08-", [17] = "Tatort/2010-09-", [18] =
    "Tatort/2010-09-", [19] = "Tatort/2010-09-", [20] = "Tatort/2010-09-",
    [21] = "Tatort/2010-10-", [22] = "Tatort/2010-11-", [23] =
    "Tatort/2010-09-", [24] = "Tatort/2010-09-", [25] = "Tatort/2010-10-",
    [26] = "Tatort/2010-10-", [27] = "Tatort/2010-11-", [28] =
    "Tatort/2010-11-", [29] = "Tatort/2010-05-", [30] = "Tatort/2010-09-",
    [31] = "Tatort/2010-09-", [32] = "Tatort/2010-09-", [33] =
    "Tatort/2010-10-", [34] = "Tatort/2010-11-", [35] = "Tatort/2010-11-",
    [36] = "Tatort/2010-12-", [37] = "Tatort/2010-12-", [38] =
    "Tatort/2010-12-", [39] = "Tatort/2010-12-", [40] = "Tatort/2010-12-",
    [41] = "Tatort/2011-01-", [42] = "Tatort/2011-01-", [43] =
    "Tatort/2011-01-", [44] = "Tatort/2011-02-", [45] = "Tatort/2011-02-",
    [46] = "Tatort/2011-03-", [47] = "Tatort/2011-05-", [48] =
    "Das_fünfte_Element/2009-06-", [49] = "Schimanski/2009-07-", [50] =
    "Schimanski/2010-04-", [51] = "Schimanski/2011-01-", [52] =
    "Tatort:_Eine_unscheinbare_Frau/2009-11-", [53] = "Der_Eisbär/2010-04-", [54] =
    "Stunksitzung_2012/2012-02-", [55] = "Tatort:_Es_ist_böse/2012-04-", [56] =
    "Tatort:_Heimatfront/2012-06-", [57] = "Tatort:_Weil_sie_böse_sind/2012-07-", [58] =
    "Tatort:_Schlafende_Hunde/2012-09-", [59] = "Schimanski:_Sehnsucht/2011-02-", [60] =
    "Tatort:_Gebrochene_Herzen/2012-08-", [61] = "Tatort:_Der_Weg_ins_Paradies/2011-12-", [62] =
    "Best_of_-_50_Folgen_Tatort_Köln/2011-12-", [63] = "Tatort#3A_Scherbenhaufen/2012-03-",
    [64] = "Tatort:_Ihr_Kinderlein_kommet/2012-04-", [65] =
    "Tatort:_Der_Wald_steht_schwarz_und_schweiget/2012-05-", [66] =
    "Der_Baader-Meinhof-Komplex_(1~2)/2012-07-", [67] = "Tatort:_Tote_Erde/2012-10-", [68] =
    "Tatort:_Todesbilder/2012-01-", [69] = "Die_Rache_der_Wanderhure/2012-02-", [70] =
    "Tatort#3A_Vergissmeinnicht/2012-03-", [71] =
    "Tatort:_Die_Ballade_von_Cenk_und_Valerie/2012-05-", [72] =
    "Wunderschön!_Spiekeroog_-_Ferien_auf_der_grünen_Insel/2012-07-", [73] =
    "Tatort:_Eine_Leiche_zuviel/2011-09-", [74] = "Tatort:_Das_letzte_Rennen/2011-10-", [75] =
    "Tatort:_Das_schwarze_Haus/2011-10-", [76] = "Tatort:_Satisfaktion/2012-04-", [77] =
    "Tatort:_Pauline/2012-07-", [78] = "Der_Baader-Meinhof-Komplex_(2~2)/2012-07-", [79] =
    "Die_Toten_Hosen:_Mach_mal_lauter/2012-09-", [80] = "Tatort:_Rabenherz/2011-10-", [81] =
    "Tatort#3A_Müll/2012-03-", [82] = "Tatort:_Kinderland/2012-04-", [83] =
    "Tatort:_Kinderland/2012-04-", [84] = "Schimanski:_Schuld_und_Sühne/2012-05-", [85] =
    "Wunderschön!_Düsseldorf_-_Die_freundliche_Diva/2012-05-", [86] =
    "Tatort:_Der_letzte_Patient/2012-07-", [87] = "Tatort:_Altes_Eisen/2011-12-", [88] =
    "Tatort:_Waffenschwestern/2012-09-", [89] = "U2:_360_at_the_Rose_Bowl/2012-04-", [90] =
    "Tatort:_Eine_bessere_Welt/2012-07-", [91] = "Schimanski_muss_leiden/2012-08-"}
    ss = <incomplete type>
    intersection = empty std::list
    uristrm = <incomplete type>
    metadata = {properties = std::multimap with 7 elements = {["@id"] = {static Empty = {
    static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, key = "", value = ""}, key = "@id", value =
    "36f007da-384c-52ab-813f-34b5a5ebdf5f"}, ["@parentID"] = {static Empty = {
    static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, key = "", value = ""}, key = "@parentID", value =
    "0"}, ["@restricted"] = {static Empty = {static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, key = "", value =
    ""}, key = "@restricted", value = "true"}, ["dc:creator"] = {static Empty = {
    static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, key = "", value = ""}, key = "dc:creator", value =
    "Video Disk Recorder"}, ["dc:description"] = {static Empty = {static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>,
    key = "", value = ""}, key = "dc:description", value = "Watch TV recordings"}, ["dc:title"] = {static Empty = {
    static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, key = "", value = ""}, key = "dc:title", value =
    "VDR Recordings"}, ["upnp:class"] = {static Empty = {static Empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, key = "",
    value = ""}, key = "upnp:class", value = "object.container"}}, resources = empty std::list,
    static validators = std::map with 10 elements = {["@id"] = 0x0, ["@parentID"] = 0x0, ["@restricted"] = 0x0, [
    "dc:creator"] = 0x0, ["dc:date"] = 0x0, ["dc:description"] = 0x0, ["dc:title"] = 0x0, ["dlna:containerType"] = 0x0, [
    "upnp:class"] = 0x7fffeee4cc40, ["upnp:longDescription"] = 0x0}}
    #3 0x00007fffeec242ad in upnp::cMediaManager::Action (this=0x555555c32100) at media/mediaManager.cpp:734
    provider = {px = 0x7fffbc002b30, pn = {pi_ = 0x7fffbc003ef0}}
    uri = "rec://"
    #4 0x00005555556928e3 in cThread::StartThread (Thread=0x555555c32100) at thread.c:257
    No locals.
    #5 0x00007ffff7978d14 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
    No symbol table info available.
    #6 0x00007ffff63b267d in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6
    No symbol table info available.

  • Grundsätzlich sollte es dort keine Probleme geben, da die Map (entries) bei dir ja korrekt gefüllt ist. Es wird beim rekursieren aber die URL nicht richtig übergeben. Ich weiß aber nicht warum. Ich hab auch x64, die Plattform kanns also auch nicht sein.

    Was mir aber seltsam vorkommt, ist die Adresse: 0x646e750200000064. Ist das überhaupt eine gültige Adresse? Ist die nicht selbst für 64bit etwas lang?

    Medion Digitainer; AsRock B75 Pro3-M, Celeron G540; Kingston Value 4GB
    Samsung SpinPoint 250GB 2,5"; Samsung WriteMaster DVD-Brenner;
    TT-S2-6400, 2x TT-S2-1600, Ubuntu 12.04 mit YaVDR-Paketen. VDR 1.7.27, UPnP/DLNA-Plugin

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