How-to : VDR under gentoo linux

  • Here is a basic guide to get linux up and running and ready for VDR (which is installed at the end using a menu install script)

    Boot up off Gentoo disk 1

    If needed run net-setup eth0

    passwd to set the root password
    /etc/init.d/sshd - If you wish to do this from another pc

    run fdisk /dev/hda (Follow the instructions in Gentoo section 6)
    For me this was -
    n / p / 1 / ENTER / +50M
    n / p / 2 / ENTER / +500M
    t / 2 / 82
    n / p / 3 / ENTER / ENTER
    a / 1

    Now format the partitions
    mke2fs -j /dev/hda1
    mkswap /dev/hda2
    mke2fs -j /dev/hda3

    and mount them
    swapon /dev/hda2
    mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 /mnt/gentoo
    mkdir /mnt/gentoo/boot
    mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /mnt/gentoo/boot

    Start installing:
    cd /mnt/gentoo
    tar -xvjpf /mnt/cdrom/stages/stage2-*.tar.bz2
    mount -o bind /proc /mnt/gentoo/proc
    cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/resolv.conf

    Climb into your new system:
    chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash
    source /etc/profile

    Get everything up to date:
    emerge sync
    export CONFIG_PROTECT="-*"
    export USE="-* bootstrap build"
    emerge portage
    unset USE

    edit /etc/make.conf and set the USE line to :
    USE="alsa dvd perl usb tiff gif avi jpeg mpeg -X -kde -gnome"

    And now start bringing down all the system files you need :
    emerge -p system
    emerge system
    - This line will take a *long* time

    Make sure it is up to date:
    emerge sync
    emerge -up world
    emerge -u world

    Set the timezone to your local time (for me this was)
    ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/GB /etc/localtime

    Get the 2.4 Kernel source code and then compile it
    emerge sys-kernel/vanilla-sources

    cd /usr/src/linux
    source /etc/profile
    make clean
    make menuconfig

    (Code maturity level options / Prompt for development drivers = "*")
    (add in a module for your network card as 'M')
    (add in Multimedia / video for Linux as 'M')
    (add in Filesystems / Ext3 + dos / MSDos + Vfat and '/dev' and 'mount at Boot' all as 'M')

    make dep && make bzImage
    make modules && make modules_install
    cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/kernel-2.4.26
    (change name to fit version number)

    Now install GRUB - the boot loader and configure it
    emerge grub
    root (hd0,0)
    setup (hd0)

    cd /boot/grub
    nano -w grub.conf

    Fill the file with -

    default 0 
    timeout 15 
    title=Gentoo Linux 
    root (hd0,0) 
    kernel (hd0,0)/boot/kernel-2.4.26 root=/dev/had3

    Install a system logger
    emerge app-admin/metalog
    rc-update add metalog default

    Install Cron (runs commands at set times)
    emerge sys-apps/fcron
    rc-update add fcron default

    Edit the FSTAB file
    nano -w /etc/fstab
    Change the lines to show where your drives are eg
    /dev/BOOT becomes /dev/hda1
    /dev/SWAP becomes /dev/hda2
    /dev/ROOT becomes /dev/hda3

    set root passwd

    set machine hostname
    echo pvr-pc > /etc/hostname

    Setup the network
    nano -w /etc/conf.d/net - this is where you put DHCP or your ip addresses
    rc-update add net.eth0 default
    rc-update add sshd default

    basic setup
    nano -w /etc/rc.conf - setup things like keyboard type

    The system is now ready to boot and test.

    Log back in (if you have problems booting then boot off disk 1 again and go back to the 'mount' step)

    Emerge useful packages
    emerge lynx
    emerge vim

    Install ALSA from
    grep audio /proc/pci - look for the model name of the card
    env ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" ALSA_CARDS='intel8x0' emerge alsa-driver - replace intel8x0 with your card

    to support future recompiles add the following line to your /etc/make.conf file

    env ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" ALSA_CARDS='intel8x0' emerge alsa-oss

    nano -w /etc/modules.d/alsa [b] Fill it with :

    ## ALSA portion alias snd-card-0 snd-intel8x0 update-modules

    [b]env ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge alsa-utils

    rc-update add alsasound boot
    /etc/init.d/alsasound start

    amixer set Master 100 unmute
    amixer set PCM 100 unmute

    Emerge packages needed for the VDR install
    emerge dialog

    Now get the VDR install script
    cd /root

    and run it
    sh *.run
    Download the parts you would like and the script does the rest.

    VDR 1.3.45 on a Gentoo (2006.0) Compaq pc
    Plugins for DVD, CD, Image etc (nothing too fancy)

    PVR Web - Helps you to setup VDR

    Edited once, last by Edster ().

  • Hmmm ,
    good work , but what you wrote in thousands lines ,
    i could do in 5 :D :D

    2. Now get the VDR install script
    3. cd /root && wget…
    4. chmod +x && ./
    5. Download the parts you would like and the script does the rest.

    and its more complete


    btw. You r a football fan ?? :mua

  • LOL - I guess your english is better than mine if you can sum it up that quick.

    The idea was to give people a follow through guide where it lists all the bits you need for VDR - but I guess your version takes up less disk space

    VDR 1.3.45 on a Gentoo (2006.0) Compaq pc
    Plugins for DVD, CD, Image etc (nothing too fancy)

    PVR Web - Helps you to setup VDR

  • I do it using the install script as you can tweak the options that way. You can do it using the ebuilds too

    and this was added on by Christian :

    There are also ebuilds for gentoo.
    Add this line at /etc/make.conf


    Now make an emerge rsync.
    At this point you have the official gentoo ebuilds and the ebuilds from

    ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge -p vdr
    ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge vdr

    VDR 1.3.45 on a Gentoo (2006.0) Compaq pc
    Plugins for DVD, CD, Image etc (nothing too fancy)

    PVR Web - Helps you to setup VDR

  • Thank you Ronny

    I have changed the wget line to point to the script off the real server so it should stay up to date now.

    What is the bit about the 'kernel stuff'.
    This seems to be a script to compile the kernel ?
    I do not have this file. Where is it on your pc ?

    VDR 1.3.45 on a Gentoo (2006.0) Compaq pc
    Plugins for DVD, CD, Image etc (nothing too fancy)

    PVR Web - Helps you to setup VDR

  • People pick e-builds and rpms and emerges and all the other metods because they are quick and easy.

    The reasons NOT to use ebuilds -
    1. You do not learn how the software works and clips together
    2. It is setup the way someone else likes it. You can not do much cusomisation on it.
    3. You do not get all the options. Most easy install build of vdr do not include most of the plugins.

    If you are starting off on the vdr path then use Ronnys script. It is *great*

    VDR 1.3.45 on a Gentoo (2006.0) Compaq pc
    Plugins for DVD, CD, Image etc (nothing too fancy)

    PVR Web - Helps you to setup VDR

  • One moment.

    I see no differeces between ebuilds in the install script!


    1. You do not learn how the software works and clips together

    The install script has the same "problem". If you want to know how software works an clips together you should
    a) start to code with some libs
    b) setup linux from scratch


    2. It is setup the way someone else likes it. You can not do much cusomisation on it.

    The same "problem" has also the install scritp. Because you know the ebuilds so good, please tell me, where are the differences of setup are.
    Different paths?


    3. You do not get all the options. Most easy install build of vdr do not include most of the plugins.

    Ok guy, tell me how many ebuilds are supported. And please tell me, how long it takes, if somebody wants a plugin-ebuild.

    He will post it in to the request thread and will wait about 1-2 days. But often i have the ebuild the same day.

    The question for me:
    Why are you using gentoo - a source based distro with ebuilds? It make no sense.

    Greets, Christian

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