headless yavdr Ubuntu install using PPA

  • I currently run a FreeNas file server on one desktop PC. And a HTPC running yavdr acting as a server/client.

    I would like to turn the PC running FreeNas into a Ubuntu 11.04 desktop with the yavdr PPAs making it a Ubuntu TV & file server.

    1) Is there a guide I can follow?
    2) I know I have to use the PPA ( stable-yavdr , stable-vdr & stable-xbmc ). But which packages do I need to install to just get the basics up and running?
    Obviously I need to install vdr, how do I go about gettings the DVB-S2 drivers, do I use s2-liplianin-dkms from the yavdr PPA or should I just go about it as if it were a normal Ubuntu install (drivers from the manufacturers website)?
    3) Do I need to install XBMC if it is headless
    4) Again if it is headless do I need a decent graphics card, or can I get away with old hardware?
    5) Can I have the yavdr webGUI on a ubuntu desktop - i guess this package
    - would it work, does it have dependencies?

    Finally, I assume the above is the best solution. The other idea I had considered was running an ESXI or other virtualised server with a full yavdr install. Would I need IOMMU compatible hardware if I went this route, or being headless would it not matter?

    Any help would be appreciated, I have found lots of most saying install via the PPAs but I could not find anyone listing the packages required. Thanks

    VDR Server (Ubuntu 64bit 11.10 server) - Case: Antec 300, Mobo: Asus P5QL/EPU, CPU: Dual Core E5200, RAM: 4gb, DVB-S2: Tevii S660 & L4M-Twin S2 v6.2, SAS/SATA RAID CARD: Supermicro AOC-USAS-L8I, HDDs: 1*SSD for OS, 10 drives
    Client (Ubuntu 11.10) - Acer Revo R3610, Logitech Harmony 650

  • Hello,

    1) you have to know what you want - there is an unofficial guide to install a yaVDR-like system (no guarantee this will work and we do not support this method) yavdr 0.4 auf altem 32bit Notebook - but doing so will most likely break your Ubuntu-desktop Installation.
    2) you will need to add the PPA main, too. yavdr-stable won't work on a normal Ubuntu Desktop installation.
    3) Installation of XBMC without a supported graphic card is not necessary
    4) VDR it self will run on old hardware, too.
    5) yavdr-webfrontend has many dependencies to other packages from stable-yavdr if you want to use it, you will have to install yaVDR the traditional way (and eventually reconfigure it to use another desktop environment, which will break some of the webfrontend functions)

    The biggest problem when virtualising yaVDR is forwarding the DVB-cards from the host system to the VM - if you can do that sufficently a headless yaVDR within a VM is no problem.

    yaVDR-Dokumentation (Ceterum censeo enchiridia esse lectitanda.)

    Edited once, last by seahawk1986 ().

  • Thanks for the reply.

    Just for confirmation...

    3) Installation XBMC without a supported graphic card is not necessary

    Are you saying if I have a compatible NVIDIA graphics card I can test if it has all worked on the server via XBMC. If I do not have a compatible NVIDIA card I can't use XBMC. How can I test everything has setup correctly on the server, via VDR xine?

    I assume this is the best choice of platform:
    64bit 11.04 ubuntu destkop with the yavdr PPA is my best bet, to get a working VDR.
    OpenElec clients with the vxdr plugin again from the PPAs to make recording to the server.


    VDR Server (Ubuntu 64bit 11.10 server) - Case: Antec 300, Mobo: Asus P5QL/EPU, CPU: Dual Core E5200, RAM: 4gb, DVB-S2: Tevii S660 & L4M-Twin S2 v6.2, SAS/SATA RAID CARD: Supermicro AOC-USAS-L8I, HDDs: 1*SSD for OS, 10 drives
    Client (Ubuntu 11.10) - Acer Revo R3610, Logitech Harmony 650

  • A Server doesn't need a GUI. You can do a normal Ubuntu-Server installation (or a yaVDR installation, configure it to headless and install needed software packages for file sever functionality - yaVDR is based on Ubuntu so you can use nearly everything from the Ubuntu repositories).

    To remotely access the VDR and it's OSD i would use vdr-plugin-xineliboutput + vdr-sxfe.

    In order to use the pvr-addon xvdr you will have to install vdr-plugin-xvdr and allow remote access in it's configuration file.

    yaVDR-Dokumentation (Ceterum censeo enchiridia esse lectitanda.)

  • I should have enough resources to install the full Desktop version with a GUI. If I get on fine with it I may start again with the Server install, I know it makes more sense but a GUI will just be easier for me and my limited linux.

    I believe the vdr-plugin-xvdr configuration file defaults to allow all traffic from within the subnet, but thanks for the tip.

    VDR Server (Ubuntu 64bit 11.10 server) - Case: Antec 300, Mobo: Asus P5QL/EPU, CPU: Dual Core E5200, RAM: 4gb, DVB-S2: Tevii S660 & L4M-Twin S2 v6.2, SAS/SATA RAID CARD: Supermicro AOC-USAS-L8I, HDDs: 1*SSD for OS, 10 drives
    Client (Ubuntu 11.10) - Acer Revo R3610, Logitech Harmony 650

  • So I have done the following on my Ubuntu Desktop 11.10:

    Added the PPAs
    Installed VDR: sudo apt-get install vdr vdr-plugin-xineliboutput vdr-plugin-xvdr vdr-plugin-vnsiserver vdr-plugin-eepg
    Installed XBMC: sudo apt-get install xbmc xbmc-addon-xvdr
    Edited my channels.conf

    It all works fine in XBMC using VNSI, but there is no XVDR addon within XBMC,which I was expecting??

    Also how do i fore the vdr-plugin-eepg to update?
    I have installed vdr plugin-eepg and configured XBMC to show 5 days of listings, but I am only getting now & next listing. When I was using the yaVDR 0.4.ISO and this addon I got a week of listings.

    Thank you

    VDR Server (Ubuntu 64bit 11.10 server) - Case: Antec 300, Mobo: Asus P5QL/EPU, CPU: Dual Core E5200, RAM: 4gb, DVB-S2: Tevii S660 & L4M-Twin S2 v6.2, SAS/SATA RAID CARD: Supermicro AOC-USAS-L8I, HDDs: 1*SSD for OS, 10 drives
    Client (Ubuntu 11.10) - Acer Revo R3610, Logitech Harmony 650

    Edited once, last by charlie0440 ().

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