[SOLVED] SoftHdDevice : autostart with openbox

  • Hi all,
    I wanna start vdr as root with -P'softhddevice -d :0.0 -f -v vdpau -a hw:0,7 -D' at openbox startup on Ubuntu distro.
    How can i do that properly please ?

  • Hi,

    openbox does offer autostart, you need to create:

    #/> cat /root/.config/openbox/autostart.sh
    # Set the wallpaper
    xsetroot -solid "#000000" &

    assuming openbox is also started as "root". Pay attention to the closing "&" ...


    HowTo: APT pinning

  • My root don't have .config folder, tried to create one but don't work.
    My user's openbox autostart file is running at startup but I can't use sudo to start vdr with root privileges with it.

  • walou

    Sure ".config" is only valid for the starting user, but I don't see a real reason why you should run VDR as root. I'm using Ubuntu since many years and don't do it. Ok I'm using VDR from my own package archive, starting it with the provided common start scripts.

    You forgot to mention with any word, that openbox doesn't run as root in your installation. But think about how should somebody help here, having just a part of the information to get a maybe proper answer ...

    In your case you need to write another script, started by autostart, which does run VDR. You need to place VDR in sudoers and VDR itself may complain, that it'll be run as root ...


    HowTo: APT pinning

  • but I can't use sudo to start vdr with root privileges with it.

    You can allow your user to execute a certain script with sudo but without the need to enter a password (so it works in an autostart script):

    $ sudo visudo
    # Add this line to the config file, so the
    # user myuser is allowed to execute 
    # "sudo /usr/local/bin/vdr-start" without 
    # getting asked for a password
     myuser    ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/vdr-start

    yaVDR-Dokumentation (Ceterum censeo enchiridia esse lectitanda.)

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