Nvram wakeup and Abit KT7a Raid?

  • I used the 'guess' prog.
    I've now a newmb file.
    What shoul di do with this one? Where to put it? In the nvram-wakeup.mb-c file? I don't know what to d whith that file.

    Thanks for your help.

  • void vhttpwwwabitcomtw_836a(struct biosinfo *b)
    b->addr_sec = 0x3F;
    b->addr_min = 0x40;
    b->addr_hour = 0x41;
    b->addr_stat = 0x47;
    b->shift_stat = 5
    b->addr_date = 0x51;
    b->addr_stat = 0x6D /* but differs somewhere else */;
    b->shift_stat = 1
    b->addr_chk_h = 0x6D /* guessed */
    b->addr_chk_l = 0x6E

    /* Detection information:
    { vhttpwwwabitcomtw_836a, "vhttpwwwabitcomtw_836a", "<http://www.abit.com.tw>", "8363-686A(KT7[A][-RAID],KT7E)", "v1.0 ~ v1.2", "(null)", "<", "" },

    Thks for your help

  • hi!

    put this into a text file:

    addr_sec   = 0x3F
    addr_min   = 0x40
    addr_hour  = 0x41
    addr_stat  = 0x47
    shift_stat = 5
    addr_date  = 0x51
    addr_chk_h = 0x6D
    addr_chk_l = 0x6E

    and pass the name of that file via --configfile option to nvram-wakeup.
    you may want to try the need_reboot option (see README.mb and 'man nvram-wakeup.conf' for more details)

    I'll add the configuration to the CVS version.

  • It's now working !
    Thanks a lot !

    Just one thing; the vdrshutdown script work when i use the -s option. So vdrshutdown is run after a time of inactivity.
    Is it possible to run the script when i poweroff manually the computer?



  • Zitat

    Original von darkblue
    It's now working !
    Thanks a lot !

    added it to CVS.


    Just one thing; the vdrshutdown script work when i use the -s option. So vdrshutdown is run after a time of inactivity.
    Is it possible to run the script when i poweroff manually the computer?


    sendsvdrp  HITK "POWER"

    (or similar, don't remember the correct syntax right now)
    instead of shutdown.

    One more thing: please run the test described in README.mb
    (look for reboot problem)

Jetzt mitmachen!

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