NFS Mount

  • Hi, I have 3 seperate boxes, all with yavdr 5.0 on them, How do I make it so they don't automatically connect to each other, or mount each other??Or even see each other for that matter. It causes problems now and then when I do stuff on 1 box the other is affected in a negative way, like Freezing. When I go injto web interface recordings on different box show up, I would like them to be Seperate units not connected in anyway.

  • I would check /etc/fstab on each machine and remove everything that points to undesired machines. maybe that helps.

    ION ITX-A mainboard mit NVIDIA und Atom330 auf yavdr 0.4
    Satelco Easywatch DVB-S2 baugleich TT3650. (und noch ne Terratec S7 - geht net, kriegt keinen sync bei HD Sendern)
    Logitech Harmony "Volksfernbedienung" (brilliantes Preis/Leistungsverhältnis)
    Denon 1912 AVR mit Medion TV

  • To disable all avahi-mounts you have to disable the avahi-mounter in /var/lib/vdr/.avahi-mounter or delete the /etc/avahi/services/vdr*.service files on each machine.

    yaVDR-Dokumentation (Ceterum censeo enchiridia esse lectitanda.)

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