nova-t 500 remote only works on cold boot, not after reboot

  • Hi,
    I found this thread yavdr 4.0; grey hauppauge remote on nova-t 500
    Probably you were absolutely right it's a driver related issue - but it seems it existed with v4l-dvb-dkms already.
    Are there any hints within the output of dmesg if there is a problem loading the firmware?

    There are two other recognized IR-receivers attached to your VDR - probably you could use them, too.

    yaVDR-Dokumentation (Ceterum censeo enchiridia esse lectitanda.)

  • Hi,
    I found this thread yavdr 4.0; grey hauppauge remote on nova-t 500
    Probably you were absolutely right it's a driver related issue - but it seems it existed with v4l-dvb-dkms already.
    Are there any hints within the output of dmesg if there is a problem loading the firmware?

    It appears that the only significant difference is the line "dib0700: rc submit urb failed"

    A google search turns up a few other people with the same problem, but no apparent solution. Am wondering if some recent dib0700 cleanups would possibly fix the issue? See eg.

    I assume there's no way to run more recent kernels except using the test repositories?

    There are two other recognized IR-receivers attached to your VDR - probably you could use them, too.

    Well, there's one additional nova-t 500 card with the same problem, and the driver for the other, a c1501 dvb-c card doesn't implement generic RC-5 reception as the nova-t 500 does.

  • c1501 dvb-c card doesn't implement generic RC-5 reception as the nova-t 500 does.

    What protocols are supported by this card?

    sudo ir-keytable

    yaVDR-Dokumentation (Ceterum censeo enchiridia esse lectitanda.)

  • What protocols are supported by this card?

    sudo ir-keytable

    root@htpc2:~# ir-keytable
    Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event2) with:
    Driver budget_ci, table rc-tt-1500
    Supported protocols:
    Enabled protocols:
    Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms
    Found /sys/class/rc/rc1/ (/dev/input/event3) with:
    Driver (null), table rc-dib0700-rc5
    Supported protocols: NEC RC-5 RC-6
    Enabled protocols: RC-5
    Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms
    Found /sys/class/rc/rc2/ (/dev/input/event4) with:
    Driver (null), table rc-dib0700-rc5
    Supported protocols: NEC RC-5 RC-6
    Enabled protocols: RC-5
    Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms

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