how to disable vdpau....

  • it's possible to disable vdpau support and run vdr without vdpau???

    i have an old recycled barebone... and i would like to use it as vdr client (only sd channels).

    after installation of yavdr 0.3a the operating system start correctly but vdr crash. i think because my video card (s3 unichrome) don't have vdpau suppurt.

    i can disable this support and run vdr?

    thank you.

  • its possible, but you must buildconfigure it manual. the config to configure the output is /etc/init/vdr-frontend.conf. you can manipulate this file with custom_templates. (see wiki). in additional you must configure /etc/X11/xorg.conf.yavdr with custom_template, too.

    mfg traxanos
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