Beiträge von kikko77

    my distro is slackware 10
    the kernel module compiled chosing sasem usb device is:

    modprobe lirc_sasem
    modprobe lirc_dev

    but if i load the modules or no the result is the same... :(

    Hi, i have buy a DIGN HV5 case for my vdr box, but i am not able to install lirc.

    I have download the 0.7.0 lirc i configure it to work with usb sasem support. compile is ok, but if i start in a first console lircd with -n option and in a second console irw the fist console print this message:

    root@P4:~# lircd -n
    lircd 0.7.0: lircd(sasem) ready
    lircd 0.7.0: accepted new client on /dev/lircd
    lircd 0.7.0: could not open /dev/lirc
    lircd 0.7.0: default_init(): No such device
    lircd 0.7.0: caught signal

    Help me please

    - the ir is supported from lirc? no
    there is a patch for using it?

    - the lcd is supported from the lcdplugin? no
    there is a patch for using it?

    this case is a good chose for vdrbox? ?
    excuse me for my english, the correct question is:
    this case is a good choice for the vdrbox?

    there is someone in this forum that use dign hv5 for the vdrbox case?
    If yes:
    - the ir is supported from lirc?
    - the lcd is supported from the lcdplugin?
    - it is quite?
    - this case is a good chose for vdrbox?

    Thanks for any replay
