Beiträge von mesiu84

    Can be, but this is very difficult to debug for me. I need to check, what info is written into the log-file.


    I guess this is what you're looking for. The only error from log file I've found after switching to non-FTA channel:

    2015-06-22 22:08:20.943mReqId= 1177 fd= 27 fillDataBlk_iPlusDuration Risk an overrun, so starting 40004
    2015-06-22 22:08:21.227mReqId= 1177 fd= 27 fillDataBlk_iPlusDuration - ERROR: r= 4211725 %188 = 149
    2015-06-22 22:08:21.541mReqId= 1177 fd= 27 fillDataBlk_iPlusDuration - ERROR: r= 948233 %188 = 149

    There may be more errors, I will try to add bigger log soon.

    Just wondering: What is you setting of "UseStreamDev4Live" in the "smarttvweb.conf"? If it is true (default), then you are actually using streamdev plugins for live.

    Generally, I cannot debug non-FTA, since I only have FTA.


    I've tested both configurations. It works little better when streamdev is turned off in smarttvweb.conf, but still have to move channel up or down to see anything on the channel I'd like to watch (non-FTA channel). Maybe there is some kind of timeout before it reads the codes to decode the channel?

    Once again I'm looking for some help. I've noticed that the widget works fine but has some problems with openning some channels on TV. All of them are non-FTA channels. For example. If I try to open HBO channel it won't work. But If I first open HBO Commedy (which works) and then try to switch once again to HBO it starts working. Does anyone know what is wrong? Maybe some smarttvweb.conf reconfiguration is required. Anyone has some idea?

    It looks like I've found a solution for my problem. It turned out that it's a EPG problem, because DVB providers here in poland don't use UTF-8, and that was causing error from above action. I've added those 2 lines into setup.conf:
    EPGBugfixLevel = 3
    EPGScanTimeout = 0
    and now all looks fine (except some strange characters in EPG).
    I've also turned off epgsearch plugin and all other epg plugins which i was trying to test.

    It looks like I've found some solution for the problem above, but only for a part of it. It turned out that /usr/local/bin/runvdr script was starting VDR with locales ISO-8859-2. I've changed it and now it's starting with UTF-8. That solved part of the problem, because now I'm able to modify channels.conf and I can see the channels in LIVE option in Samsung Widget. But there is one problem with that. If I add only 1 channel to channels.conf all is fine. I can see it without problems in TV app. Then If I stop VDR and add all my other programs (about 200) and start the VDR with new list all those programs are refreshed in TV app. All works fine until I turn off and on the TV. After it's On again i can see the same error I've mentioned above:

    Unhandled Status - Status = 200 Errno = NaN

    The only way to solve it is once again, stop VDR -> add only 1 channel to channels.conf -> start VDR -> enter TV app and check if all is OK (it is and I can see that one program) -> stop VDR -> add all other programs into channels.conf -> start VDR -> and now I'm able to see all programs in TV app, but again only until I reboot the TV.

    Is there any way to solve this strange behaviour? Is there anyone else having the same problem?

    you have likely some unsupported characters in some of your info files. The best would be to save your recordings to a file by (1) browse to http://:8000/recordings.xml and the (2) Save-As. Then (3) go to an XML validator to check the XML. After that (4), look-up the according info files and correct then.

    Check the Troubleshooting section in http://projects.vdr-developer.…vweb/wiki#Troubleshooting


    I've opened the url you mentioned but the only thing i see is this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <rss version="2.0">
    <title>VDR Recordings List</title>

    I would just like to mention that all other programs don't have problem with my channels.conf (Kodi, Plex Media Server and one more but I've forgot it's name :D )
    I have really no idea what I'm dooing wrong.

    I can see all channels when I open http://IP:8000/web/index.html and select Channels (but only in Chromium, Firefox doesn't show anything, but I'm guessing it's my settings problem and I don't want to look for it now). I've used vim and searched for strange chars in channels.conf but diddn't found anything.

    Here is a sample of my channels.conf (just the beginning):

    TVP 1 HD;nc+:11449:hC34M5O20S1:S13E:27500:534=27:634=ORY@4;734:834:100,1813,B01,1803,1861,500,1884:15037:318:1300:0
    TVP 2 HD;Cyfrowy Polsat S.A:12264:VC34M5O20P0S1:S13.0E:27500:1542=27:1540=pol@4;1541=org@106:0:1884,1803,100,1813,1861,500,B01:3106:113:7800:0
    Polsat HD;Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.:12264:VC34M5O20P0S1:S13.0E:27500:601=27:614=pol@4:264:1803,1861,500,B01,100,1813,1884:3107:113:7800:0
    TV4;Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.:11158:vC56M2O0S0:S13E:27500:289=2:290=pol@4,291=mis:296:1861,1803,100,B01,B00,500,1813,1884:13103:113:13200:0
    TVN HD;TVN:11508:vC34M5O20S1:S13E:27500:532=27:820=org@4;821:591;6101:500,1803,1861,100,1813,B01,B02:15821:318:1600:0
    TVN 7 HD;TVN:11508:vC34M5O20S1:S13E:27500:536=27:860=ORG@4;861:594;6105:B01,500,100,1813,1803,1861,B02:15827:318:1600:0
    TV PULS;nc+:11488:hC56M2O0S0:S13E:27500:171=2:124=pol@4,125=aud:512:100,1813,1803,1861,500,B01,B00,1884:5112:318:1500:0
    Puls 2;TVN:11508:vC34M5O20S1:S13E:27500:524=27:728=pol@4,731=org:583:B00,B01,500,100,1813,B02:15813:318:1600:0
    Polsat2;Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.:11158:vC56M2O0S0:S13E:27500:401=2:402=pol@4,403=mis:264:1861,1803,100,B01,500,1813,1884:13110:113:13200:0

    Does anyone know what is wrong?

    I've installed all according to plugin installation instruction. Here is a list of plugins that I'm using with VDR:
    - smarttvweb
    - restfulapi
    - vnsiserver
    - xvdr
    - streamdev-server
    - epgsearch
    - live

    Maybe here is something wrong, please help.

    Thank you