Beiträge von bexizuo

    Thank You for the tip,
    i used standard debian packages, so i don't have development environment ...
    is there other way how to reset CAM during VDR online ?

    Thank You for language understanding ... better for me is English,

    to be exact:
    i installed vdr on BPi, i use it as headless,
    and i used vdr-live plugin and i watched TV through web browser (vlc plugin) on other PC,
    sometimes happen that CAM module gets into bad state:
    dvb_ca adapter 0: CAM tried to send a buffer larger than the link buffer size (32774 > 512)!
    dvb_ca adapter 0: CAM tried to send a buffer larger than the ecount size!
    dvb_ca adapter 0: DVB CAM link initialisation failed :(

    so i found script that uses TCP telnet to send HITK menu commands to reset CAM,
    but when i tried "HITK menu" i don't see any menu on actually watched channel ,

    resetting CAM is the only one reason to have OSD working ... (headless if possible)

    Kind regards,

    Ich installierte VDR auf Bananen pi (armhf) und ich sehe keine OSD, ich sehe nicht, Kanalname oder Menü,versuche ich vdr-fbfe und vdr-sxfe,

    Bitte helfen Sie mir, um OSD Funktion zu erhalten ...
