I'm just using DVB-stream.
I tried to use epgd base on this topisc EPGD Installation auf Ubuntu 18.04 - kurze Anleitung
but I have such errors:
SQL-Error in 'prepare(stmt_prepare)' - Can't initialize function 'epglvr'; EPGLV() failed to change locale (1123) 'Can't initialize function 'epglvr'; EPGLV() failed to change locale' [select actor, audio, camera, category, channelid, channelname, country, description, director, duration, episodecompname, episodecomppartname, episodecompshortname, episodelang, eventid, flags, folder, fsk, genre, guest, imgid, inuse, job, longdescription, md5path, moderator, music, name, numrating, other, owner, path, producer, rating, screenplay, scrinfoepisodeid, scrinfomovieid, scrinfoseriesid, scrmovieid, scrnew, scrseriesepisode, scrseriesid, scrsp, shortreview, shorttext, starttime, state, tipp, title, topic, txtrating, vdruuid, year from recordinglist where (state <> 'D' or state is null)and epglvr(title, ?) < 50]
Mar 7 22:29:41 htpc vdr: [13488] detacher thread thread started (pid=12545, tid=13488, prio=high)
Mar 7 22:29:41 htpc vdr: [13489] animator thread thread started (pid=12545, tid=13489, prio=high)
Mar 7 22:29:41 htpc vdr: video: audio/video difference too big
Mar 7 22:29:41 htpc vdr: video: normal aspect output 1036x583+769+131 Video 1036x583
Mar 7 22:29:41 htpc vdr: [13488] detacher thread thread ended (pid=12545, tid=13488)
Mar 7 22:29:45 htpc vdr: [13491] detacher thread thread started (pid=12545, tid=13491, prio=high)
Mar 7 22:29:45 htpc vdr: [13491] detacher thread thread ended (pid=12545, tid=13491)
Mar 7 22:29:45 htpc vdr: [13492] detacher thread thread started (pid=12545, tid=13492, prio=high)
Mar 7 22:29:45 htpc vdr: [13492] detacher thread thread ended (pid=12545, tid=13492)
Mar 7 22:29:46 htpc irexec[940]: KEY_OK
Mar 7 22:29:48 htpc vdr: epg2vdr: Trying to re-connect to database!
Mar 7 22:29:48 htpc vdr: epg2vdr: SQL-Error in 'prepare(stmt_prepare)' - Table 'epg2vdr.eventsview' doesn't exist (1146) 'Table 'epg2vdr.eventsview' doesn't exist' [select useid, eventid, source, delflg, updflg, fileref, tableid, version, title, shorttext, starttime, duration, parentalrating, vps, contents, description, mergesource, longdescription from eventsview where channelid = ? and updsp > ? and UPDFLG in ('A','L','P','C','D','R')]
Mar 7 22:29:48 htpc vdr: epg2vdr: Retry #4 failed, retrying in 10 seconds!