Beiträge von Rene

    You got it additionally w/ our VDR 1.7.20 packages for yaVDR 0.3.1, isn't it? So, maintaining it, doesn't mean to like it ...

    The last versions of the VDR package I was the one who had to maintain it and I can't express how much I hate the livebuffer patch. It generates a enormous workload and the fact that I even don't use it doesn't make it easier.

    Hi guys!

    Sorry for being late with my reply. Had a pretty tough 2 weeks, and did not get the time to check in here.

    I think it's no point that I to try to explain why the livebuffer-patch is so great :) My wife and myself use it a lot :)

    Could you please help me out in extracting the patch you have in the yavdr-repo. I'm not so good with this kind of things :) I'm good in following instructions :)

    I whish you all a Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! :)

    Hi folks!
    I have still not been succesful with getting VDR to run on the VIP. It makes me wonder if anyone is really successful with their setup, and can use VDR?

    Could you please shere with me which Flash-version of the system you are using... Are you using a stripped down version of the default kernel-1710, or have you compiled a new kernel?

    I have been using the debug-kernel for booting up the box over a nfs-root share, and i wonder if there could be some switches that the default debug-kernel is using that makes VDR fail to run..

    Does anyone know what these errors mean when starting vdr on the vip?

    vip1710: 19:21:27 vip1710: PlayTs written=0 error=9:Bad file descriptor
    vip1710: 19:21:27 vip1710: PlayTs written=0 error=9:Bad file descriptor
    vip1710: 19:21:27 vip1710: PlayTs written=0 error=9:Bad file descriptor
    vip1710: 19:21:27 vip1710: PlayTs written=0 error=9:Bad file descriptor
    vip1710: 19:21:27 vip1710/player: fatal error during select(), exiting
    vip1710: 19:21:27 vip1710: PlayTs written=0 error=9:Bad file descriptor
    vip1710: 19:21:27 vip1710: PlayTs written=0 error=9:Bad file descriptor
    vip1710: 19:21:27 vip1710: PlayTs written=0 error=9:Bad file descriptor
    vip1710: 19:21:27 vip1710: PlayTs written=0 error=9:Bad file descriptor

    And this goes on.. :(

    If you have not deleted it yet, then please mail it to me. I'll could try play around with at a bit :)

    Heh.. i just got informed that a 1.7 streamdev-client should be able to connect to a 1.6 server :)

    But as you say that the vip needs a ts-stream, this might be the reason why i can't get any picture out from my setup..

    Your script is btw a great help in understanding what's going on :) It reminds me on a project with a firewall-box that run on from a flash-memory. That used small config-files with download-info of source-files + specific installation options like configure-parameters, install-paths etc. It also used md5-sums for checking the integrity of the downloaded file. I'll try to combine this and figure out a way on how to make a "packet-manager" for the VIP :)

    By the way. Is anyone running the vip on a nfs-root-share? I run it this way, and it's a really great feature. you don't need to hassle at all with cleaning up stuff before each run of the box :)


    if i understood hans-werner right he used >= vdr1.7.15 because of the TS streams. They running much better on the vip ...

    i try to compile 1.6.0 for you .. wait a hour ;) (the vip is very slow in compile)

    Oh my! Thank you!!! :)

    Could I ask you to enlighten me on how you compile vdr (or anything for the vip)? What kind of make-options etc do you use? What about configure?

    I wonder if it would be a big job to create a cross-compile environment for the vip? This would speed up a lot any compilation :)


    Hat jemand vdr 1.6.x für dir vip kompiliert? Wenn nicht, gibt es irgendwo irgendeine howto wie man hat die vdr 1.7.x kompiliert für die vip?

    SOrry for my crap german writing :)

    I'll go for english too: Has anyone a 1.6.x version compiled for the vip? If not, then does anyone have any guide on how the 1.7.x was compiled. I would like to compile a 1.6.x version, because my vdr is still running as 1.6 (i have not found the courage to upgrade to 1.7 yet :( )

    I just noticed that the current vdr-live plugin does not seem to honour the LOCALE-settings for displaying the times correct.

    I have set my system to use the en_GB.utf8 locale, and this brings me the 24h timeformat. But when checking out for example i18n.cpp in live-0.2.0 it's hardcoded for English to %I:%M %p...

    I wonder if this is an intended behaviour, or is this just something that's left over from the test-phase..?

    Would it be possible to combine the dependencies so that it woud suite also the buntu-distros? It sounds like too much trouble to set up a buntu-repository...

    I'm not so clear about how to create and maintain repositories, but would it be possible to maitain the dependency-stuff etc. dynamically via a database, and then just create packages on the fly based on that, or then by running a script that would generate packages based on pre-defined rules...?

    Cause basically all debian-based distros should have more or less the same base, just the way how some libraries etc packages are named...?

    Ok, now i swapped to sid-packages, but it took away from me the following plugins:

    .. and some other

    for example the burn-plugin needs this stuff..

    Also vdr-plugin-muggle gives me some gray hair.. it's not happy with the available libmad-packages..

    I added the medibuntu-repository, but that did not help..

    Umm.. I mean Hardy.. Not hoary :) I getting already confused with these funny names ;)

    Ok, so I'll switch to the sid-packages and see what's going on with them :) be continued... :)

    I'm using Ubuntu Hoary and the following e-tobi repository

    deb etch base backports addons vdr-extensions
    deb-src etch base backports addons vdr-extensions

    Should i switch to the sid-packages instead of etch?

    What about vdr-extensions vs vdr-multipatch? It's not completely clear to me what's the difference between these two...

    Would it be possible to modify the dependencies in the e-tobi packages so that they would work on ubuntu too?

    One example would be the muggle-plugin:

    And when checking if the missing flac-dependencis, i get this:

    root@vdr:/video0# aptitude search libflac
    i   libflac++-dev                                                                         - Free Lossless Audio Codec - C++ development library
    i A libflac++6                                                                            - Free Lossless Audio Codec - C++ runtime library
    i A libflac-dev                                                                           - Free Lossless Audio Codec - C development library
    p   libflac-doc                                                                           - Free Lossless Audio Codec - library documentation
    i A libflac8                                                                              - Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C library

    To me it looks that the flac-stuff should up2date :)