Beiträge von davy39

    Thanks for your reply, I've installed xineliboutput to verify my configuration : it's working for tv_grab_fr as you said.
    I've used a little script to recycle the channels.conf made for script, so no need to map manually the channel. :]

    I've seen that "pipe" could be replaced by "file".
    Is there a way to use xlmtv files downloaded from external website ?
    How to configure it ?

    Using the script, I add a column in my channels.conf with the corresponding channel IDs.
    I download them with tv_grab_fr and from
    Then I call the script giving it channels.conf and myxmlfile.xmltv.

    It seems to work (communicate with VDR) but :
    1- I don't know how vdr manage the compatibility between xmltv epg and the ones from air. I don't know where the EPG are saved.
    2- I would like automize the download of several xml epg sources.

    That's why I try to understand how this plugin works.


    Using the script, I add a column in my channels.conf with the corresponding channel IDs.
    Then I call the script giving it channels.conf and myxmlfile.xmltv.

    It seems to work (communicate with VDR) but :
    1- I don't know how vdr manage the compatibility between xmltv epg and the ones from air. I don't know where the EPG are saved.
    2- I would like automize the download of several xml epg sources.

    That's why I try to understand how this plugin works.


    Hi Ashok,
    Thanks you for your answer.
    I use XBMC and vdr-plugin-vnsiserver as front end for vdr so I've no access to the plugin menu...
    Is there a way to configure it by editing some files ?
    I do not understand the structure of the grab_tv_uk file : what is 7 number ? what are the xx ?

    Hi everyone,
    I'm actually using script and would like to use this plugin.
    However, I can't understand how to use it, in particular how to build the file in /var/lib/epgsources/. (with pipe & co). Maybe I'm dummy but Wiki and Readme are not detailed enough for me...

    Could someone explain to me how to do the link between channels name from channels.conf and chanels ID from xmltv files ?
    Is this plugin automaticly launched when I start VDR ?
    Does it automatise downloads from grabbers ?

    Thanks for your help !

    I've installed vdr and xbmc to see satellite channels.
    I'would like to import xml file from (and maybe others) in vdr without succeed...
    I've tryed script by modifying my channel.conf with channel id from xml but got a error message : timeout at ./ line 815, <SOCK> line 173.
    So I would like to use the plugin include in yavdr ppa but I can't understand the way to use it.
    Is there a complete howto in french or english somewhere ? Could you help me ?


    j'ai installé vdr et xbmc pour visualiser les chaines du satellite. Je voudrait importer dans vdr les programes xml de (et peut-être d'autres) mais je n'y parvient pas.
    J'ai bien essayé d'utiliser le script xmltv2vdr python en modifiant mon channel.conf en ajoutant une colonne indiquant l'ID de la chaine du fichier XML mais j'ai obtenu le message suivant : timeout at ./ line 815, <SOCK> line 173.
    Je cherche donc à utiliser le plugin contenu dans les dépôts de yavdr mais n'en comprend pas le fonctionnement.
    Y a-t-il un tutoriel complet en anglais ou français ? Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'indiquer la marche à suivre ?

    Merci d'avance !