Beiträge von dmg210

    I have another problem that I hope you can help with. Basically I need to create a custom startup script to fix the overscan graphics settings on my display.

    I've tried the following but for some reason it doesn't apply at startup. Any ideas?

    created script in /etc/init.d/overscan

    sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/overscan
    sudo update-rc.d overscan defaults

    The script content:

    Any ideas which is doesn't work?

    Thanks for your help SeaHawk, its much appreciated!

    For reference I used the following commands to fix the back button / main menu button on my RC6 remote.

    To check the current key map:

    sudo ir-keytable -r

    To verify which keys are what:

    stopped the lirc service?? can't remember the command, then put into testing mode which will display the pressed key codes on the screen

    sudo ir-keytable -t

    Fix the mapping:

    edit: lib/udev/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce

    0x800f0423 = KEY_EXIT (back button)
    0x800f040d = KEY_PROG1 (menu button)
    0x800f0400 = KEY_NUMERIC_0
    0x800f040c = KEY_SLEEP

    change to:
    0x800f0423 = KEY_ESC (back button)
    0x800f040d = KEY_MENU (menu button)
    0x800f0400 = KEY_0
    0x800f040c = KEY_POWER2 / use KEY_MENU (powers off vm)

    to apply changes to driver (until reboot):

    sudo ir-keytable -w /lib/udev/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce

    To apply permanently:

    sudo cp /lib/udev/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce /etc/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce
    sudo mkdir -p /etc/yavdr/templates_custom/etc/rc_maps.cfg/
    sudo vi /usr/share/yavdr/templates/etc/rc_maps.cfg/40_HOPLOrc6

    now edit /etc/yavdr/templates_custom/etc/rc_maps.cfg/40_HOPLOrc6 (in doubt have a look at the output from "sudo ir-keytable" to determin the correct driver-name):

    mceusb * /etc/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce

    and recreate /etc/rc_maps.cfg from templates:

    sudo process-template /etc/rc_maps.cfg