Beiträge von some1

    I did more research and I found this thread. it's says to run in the second terminal the command:

    modprobe ide-scsi

    the problem is that I get the error:

    FATAL: Module ide_scsi not found.

    If someone can guide me where can I download this module and how to load it from a usb key I will really appreciate it.


    if the problem is with the cdrom, then why I can't install from a disk on key too? I tries 2 different disk on key just to make sure the problem is not with the disk on key.

    when I try to install from the cdrom, the installation claims it does not have driver for the cdrom.
    I install ubuntu 10.04 & ubuntu 10.10 with this cdrom without a problem.



    I bought acer aspire revo 3700 and I just got it today.
    I decided to install in it yavdr... this machine comes without a cdrom drive.
    I attached external cddrive but when I tried to install I got the error "Cannot read removable media, or no drivers found".

    So I decided to install it from a usb-key.
    I burn the image from ubuntu 10.10 "USB Startup Disk Creator" but after I boot I got the error "vesamenu.c32 is not an COM32R image"
    I searched on google and found I should try to install it from the disk on key but to burn the image using windows.
    so I burned it from windows but then I got the error "Cannot detect CDROM drive" during the installation again.
    I tried to add to the grub the command "cdrom-detect/try-usb=true" but then it complains it can't read some files.

    please help.

    thank you.

    thanks for the info.
    I wasn't sure about libxineliboutput-sxfe and xineliboutput-sxfe.
    I wrote in the the beginning only the x11-xserver-utils package, but then I edit the post and add the 2 others because I wasn't sure about them.

    anyway the important package is xserver-utils (I think it's installing a missing package that xserver-utils depends on it and that's what solved it).


    I am using ubuntu 10.10 rc.
    I was searching a lot on the web and try to find out a solution to this error:

    $ sudo vdr-sxfe xvdr://127.0.01:37890
    [7482] [input_vdr] Connecting (control) to tcp:// ...
    [7482] [input_vdr] Can't connect to tcp://
    [7482] [input_vdr] (ERROR (xine_input_vdr.c,5834): Operation now in progress)
    [7482] [input_vdr] Can't connect to tcp://
    [7482] [input_vdr] (ERROR (xine_input_vdr.c,6265): Operation now in progress)
    [7482] [input_vdr] Connections closed.
    [7482] [vdr-fe] fe_xine_open: xine_open("xvdr://;demux:mpeg_block") failed
    Error opening xvdr://

    I find nothing useful in google and I struggling it for a long days.
    Finally, I solved this case and it's pretty simple: just install

    sudo apt-get install libxineliboutput-sxfe x11-xserver-utils xineliboutput-sxfe

    I write it here so if anyone have this problem in the future, I hope it will help you too.

    looks like I solved it.
    If anyone have this problem in the future, that's what I did:

    I ran this commands:

    sudo dpkg-divert --remove /etc/firefox/profile/prefs.js

    and then

    sudo apt-get remove yavdr-utils


    I am using ubuntu 10.04 and I tried yavdr.
    I mistakenly installed the package yavdr-utils and now I can't remove it.

    I always get this error:

    dpkg-divert: mismatch on package
    when removing `diversion of /etc/firefox/profile/prefs.js to /etc/firefox/profile/prefs.js.dontremove by yavdr-startup'
    found `diversion of /etc/firefox/profile/prefs.js to /etc/firefox/profile/prefs.js.dontremove by yavdr-utils'
    dpkg: error processing yavdr-utils (--remove):
    subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 2
    Errors were encountered while processing:
    E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

    please help me. I really don't want to reformat my pc.

    thank you.