<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- configuration of jonglisto-ng -->
<!-- configuration directory in which jonglisto-ng can store some configuration files -->
<directory dir="/var/jonglisto-ng" />
<!-- all available configured VDR instances -->
<!-- name: internal name, used to identify the VDR instance -->
<!-- displayName: name, which will be shown in the GUI as selection -->
<!-- host: hostname or IP address of the VDR instance -->
<!-- port: SVDRP port of the VDR instance -->
<!-- mac: Network MAC address, needed for WOL -->
<instance name="vdr1" displayName="lightweight" host="" port="6419"/>
<!-- optional configuration, which SVDRP command of vdr-plugin-jonglisto jonglisto-ng are -->
<!-- allowed to use in the specified VDR. Some commands falls back to the VDR implementation -->
<!-- other commands will raise a notification in the GUI. -->
<!-- the pseudo commands 'all' and 'none' allows any command or no command at all. -->
<allow vdr="vdr1">
<!-- configuration for epgcollect do not exists. Use the default: all, if the -->
<!-- plugin exists on epgcollect -->
<!-- configuration of the VDR instance which are responsible for EPG and channel data -->
<!-- ref: reference to a configured VDR instance, see configuredVdr.instance.name -->
<!-- updateInterval: jonglisto-ng uses an internal cache for EPG and channel data. -->
<!-- the data will be updated after xxx minutes at the latest -->
<epg ref="vdr1" updateInterval="720" />
<channel ref="vdr1" updateInterval="720" />
<!-- optional configuration of the epg2vdr database, used for e.g. search timers -->
<!-- <epg2vdr host="epgd" port="3306" username="epg2vdr" password="epg" database="epg2vdr"/> -->
<!-- optional the SVDRP server port which shall be created by jonglisto-ng -->
<!-- optional configuration of the time zone: e.g. Europe/Berlin -->
<!-- usually the time zone of the system is used, but this could be not desired -->
<timezone tz="Europe/Berlin" />