VDR window position for TwinView TV: 1024x768 +1280+0

  • How to make start VDR of second Desctop on tv-out (TV), and when VDR reload second time(when falling,crash,etc..) start in this position, second destop on my tv-out ( TV ) , HOW TO SAVED window-mode window size on this position.
    VDR starting each on left-top position of current Desctop 1280x1024, and when returning from fullscreen mode back in left-top position .
    my NVIDIA X settings for Xserver Display Configuration:
    TwinView "metamodes" "TV: 1024x768 +1280+0, DFP: 1280x1024_60 +0+0"
    VDR with Xineliboutput-Plugin on Ubuntu

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