vdr and dvd at boottime

  • Hiya folks. I have a weird problem. If I start up VDR at boottime (from a script in /etc/rc2.d) I can't watch DVD:s (with DVD-plugin, installed along DVDswitch).The error message is
    No accelerated IMDCT transform found;
    vdr: remap.c: 194: remap_loadmap: Assertion 'home' failed.

    But, if I kick up VDR from the prompt, when the boot sequence is finished, everything is fine. I'm running Ubuntu. Any ideas where I should start troubleshooting?

    Th for any advice.


  • Such problems are typically related to the process launch environment, eg. search path, library paths, environment settings. Put a 'set' call into your VDR scripts and compare the output at boot vs. at prompt.
    The error message seems to be related to a file called djbfft, you may want to search for it too.



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