vdr installation problems

  • I have Suse10.1, skystar2 dvb card and I've been trying to configure vdr for the past couple of days.
    I believe that I have installed all the pre-required packages before starting with vdr. Then I used xine-lib and xine-ui cvs, patched it with patches from xine-plugin, compiled, installed. After that I did make, make plugins in vdr directory. I created channels.conf using dvb-apps and with

    ./scan -o vdr dvb-s/Hispasat-30.0W | tee channels.conf

    and then I put that file into /video directory.
    Situtaion is this:
    If I try

    and it's just stays like that.

    If I try:

    xine vdr:/tmp/vdr-xine/stream#demux:mpeg_pes

    xine starts up, and reports an error:

    xine engine error
    there's no input plugin available to handle
    'xine vdr:/tmp/vdr-xine/stream#demux:mpeg_pes'
    Maybe MRL syntax is wrong or file/strean source doesn't exist.

    What am I doing wrong?
    There were no errors reported during compilaton/installation of any components.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by syd
    xine engine error
    there's no input plugin available to handle
    'xine vdr:/tmp/vdr-xine/stream#demux:mpeg_pes'
    Maybe MRL syntax is wrong or file/strean source doesn't exist.

    Sure you've installed the xine stuff correctly and starting the right one? Does xine use the correct path to its plugins?


    There were no errors reported during compilaton/installation of any components.

    Well, thats a real miracle. ;)



  • Well, mpeg2 and mpeg4(avi) files on the hdd work when started in xine.
    I didn't have xine-lib or xine-ui installed before I started with vdr, so I think I only have one instance installed. I did have libxine packages installed from before.
    Where can I see if xine is using a correct path to the plugins?
    And I start Xine by typing xine at the terminal, not from a shortcut or entry in kmenu (it didn't add any).

  • From INSTALL file of vdr-xine:



  • I can't believe it!
    That was it. I thought if I use ./vdr -Pxine, xine would be started automatically. But after running that command, I started xine separately, and clicked on vdr button. And it works!
    Thanks very much.

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