cannot delete files

  • hmmm i deleted some movies from home directory but they are still in hard drive.i must delete them cause i need to make a backup of my installation and remastersys cannot make such a big backup. i know that in ubuntu i can delete them from .Trash-0 folder but there is not such one in ubuntu.any ideas?
    also which program you use for backup and restore? (if you do use one?)

    Zotac Zbox HD-ID11, 4gb ram,60 GB ssd , tevii s660 usb, satelco r/c

  • hmmm i deleted some movies from home directory but they are still in hard drive.

    How did you delete them and what makes you think they are still there.


    HP Proliant MicroServer Gen8, Xeon E3-1230, 12 GB RAM, 3xWD red 2TB im RAID 5, 2xSundtek MediaTV Home DVB-C/T, L4M TWIN-C/T, Ubuntu Server 14.04.1, Plex Media Server
    Samsung UE55H6470

  • well i delete them with rm -rf .i believe they are still there as i have around 70gb occupied on hard drive

    Zotac Zbox HD-ID11, 4gb ram,60 GB ssd , tevii s660 usb, satelco r/c

  • well i delete them with rm -rf .i believe they are still there as i have around 70gb occupied on hard drive

    I don't understand your problem. If you can't see the files with "ls" then they are gone and something different occupies the space, again how do you try to delete which files and how do you check it.
    Send full command lines of "rm" and "ls -l"


    HP Proliant MicroServer Gen8, Xeon E3-1230, 12 GB RAM, 3xWD red 2TB im RAID 5, 2xSundtek MediaTV Home DVB-C/T, L4M TWIN-C/T, Ubuntu Server 14.04.1, Plex Media Server
    Samsung UE55H6470

  • you are right .sorry it was a failed attempt to backup with remastersys.thought the files where temporary but they are still there.problem fixed.thread can be closed

    Zotac Zbox HD-ID11, 4gb ram,60 GB ssd , tevii s660 usb, satelco r/c

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