May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr systemd[1]: Starting vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database... May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr systemd[1]: Stopping epghttpd provides a webinterface for epg data... May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Shutdown triggered with signal 15 May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Closing mysql connection and calling mysql_thread_end(5002) May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Info: Released the last usage of mysql_lib, calling mysql_library_end() now May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: normal exit May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Calling sd_notify(STOPPING=1$) May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr systemd[1]: Stopped epghttpd provides a webinterface for epg data. May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Set locale to 'C.UTF-8' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Calling sd_notify(READY=1$STATUS=Ready$MAINPID=5234$) May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr systemd[1]: Started vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database. May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Info: Systemd watchdog not configured, epgd won't be sending keep-alive messages! May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Loading uuid from '/etc/epgd/uuid' succeeded [75DD1898-FDB4-433E-9016-0E6B604C3080] May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr systemd[1]: Starting epghttpd provides a webinterface for epg data... May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Dictionary '/etc/epgd/epg.dat' loaded May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Initialize python script '/etc/epgd/' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Loading plugin: /usr/lib/epgd/plugins/ May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Read 29 option from /etc/epgd/epgd.conf May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Using syslog facility 'user' (8), log level set to (1) May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Info: Calling mysql_library_init() May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Info: Stylesheet '/etc/epgd/epgdata-utf-8.xsl' loaded May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking database connection ... May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Calling mysql_init(5234) May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: SQL client character now 'utf8' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table structure and indices ... May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'analyse' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Set locale to 'C.UTF-8' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: detected UTF-8 May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Read 29 option from /etc/epgd/epgd.conf May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Log level is set to (1) May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Initialize python script '/etc/epgd/' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'channelmap' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Initialize python script '/etc/epgd/' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Dictionary '/etc/epgd/epg.dat' loaded May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Info: Calling mysql_library_init() May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Connecting to database at 'localhost:3306' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Calling mysql_init(5244) May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: SQL client character now 'utf8' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'components' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: SQL-Error in 'prepare(stmt_prepare)' - Table 'epg2vdr.eventsviewplain' doesn't exist (1146) 'Table 'epg2vdr.eventsviewplain' doesn't exist' [select e.cnt_useid, e.cnt_channelid, e.sub_imagecount, e.sub_title, e.sub_shorttext, e.sub_shortdescription, e.cnt_starttime, e.cnt_duration, e.sub_category, e.sub_genre, e.sub_tipp, e.sub_numrating from eventsviewplain e, (select distinct channelid,channelname,ord,visible from channelmap) c where e.cnt_channelid = c.channelid and c.visible & 1 and e.cnt_starttime <= ? and e.cnt_starttime+cnt_duration > ? and e.cnt_channelid like ? and e.updflg in ('A','L','P') order by c.ord, e.cnt_starttime] May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: SQL-Error in 'prepare(stmt_prepare)' - Table 'epg2vdr.eventsviewplain' doesn't exist (1146) 'Table 'epg2vdr.eventsviewplain' doesn't exist' [select e.cnt_useid, e.cnt_channelid, e.sub_imagecount, e.sub_title, e.sub_shorttext, e.sub_shortdescription, e.cnt_starttime, e.cnt_duration, e.sub_category, e.sub_genre, e.sub_tipp, e.sub_numrating from eventsviewplain e, (select distinct channelid,channelname,ord,visible from channelmap) c where e.cnt_channelid = c.channelid and c.visible & 1 and e.cnt_starttime >= ? and e.cnt_starttime <= ? and e.cnt_channelid like ? and e.updflg in ('A','L','P') order by c.ord, e.cnt_starttime] May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: SQL-Error in 'prepare(stmt_prepare)' - Table 'epg2vdr.eventsviewplain' doesn't exist (1146) 'Table 'epg2vdr.eventsviewplain' doesn't exist' [select e.cnt_useid, e.cnt_channelid, e.sub_imagecount, e.sub_title, e.sub_shorttext, e.sub_shortdescription, e.cnt_starttime, e.cnt_duration, e.sub_category, e.sub_genre, e.sub_tipp, e.sub_numrating from (select min(concat(e.cnt_starttime, e.cnt_channelid, e.cnt_source)) PK, e.cnt_channelid, c.ord from eventsviewplain e, (select distinct channelid,channelname,ord,visible from channelmap) c where e.cnt_channelid = c.channelid and c.visible & 1 and e.updflg in ('A','L','P') and e.cnt_starttime > ? and e.cnt_starttime < 127800 + ? group by e.cnt_channelid, c.ord) s, eventsviewplain e where s.PK = concat(e.cnt_starttime, e.cnt_channelid, e.cnt_source) and e.cnt_starttime > ? and e.cnt_starttime < 127800 + ? order by s.ord, e.cnt_starttime] May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: SQL-Error in 'prepare(stmt_prepare)' - Table 'epg2vdr.eventsviewplain' doesn't exist (1146) 'Table 'epg2vdr.eventsviewplain' doesn't exist' [select imageid, merge, sub_actor, sub_audio, sub_camera, sub_category, cnt_channelid, cnt_longdescription, cnt_source, sub_commentator, sub_complongdescription, sub_compshorttext, sub_comptitle, cnt_contents, sub_country, cnt_delflg, sub_director, cnt_duration, sub_episodecompname, sub_episodecomppartname, sub_episodecompshortname, epi_extracol1, epi_extracol2, epi_extracol3, epi_lang, epi_episodename, epi_number, epi_part, epi_partname, epi_parts, epi_season, epi_shortname, cnt_fileref, sub_flags, sub_genre, sub_guest, sub_imagecount, sub_longdescription, sub_moderator, sub_music, sub_numrating, sub_other, cnt_parentalrating, sub_producer, sub_rating, sub_screenplay, sub_scrmovieid, sub_scrseriesepisode, sub_scrseriesid, sub_shortdescription, sub_shortreview, sub_shorttext, cnt_starttime, cnt_tableid, sub_tipp, sub_title, sub_topic, sub_txtrating, all_updsp, cnt_useid, cnt_version, cnt_vps, sub_year from eventsviewplain where cnt_useid = ?] May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: SQL-Error in 'prepare(stmt_prepare)' - Table 'epg2vdr.eventsviewplain' doesn't exist (1146) 'Table 'epg2vdr.eventsviewplain' doesn't exist' [select imageid, merge, sub_actor, sub_audio, sub_camera, sub_category, cnt_channelid, cnt_longdescription, cnt_source, sub_commentator, sub_complongdescription, sub_compshorttext, sub_comptitle, cnt_contents, sub_country, cnt_delflg, sub_director, cnt_duration, sub_episodecompname, sub_episodecomppartname, sub_episodecompshortname, epi_extracol1, epi_extracol2, epi_extracol3, epi_lang, epi_episodename, epi_number, epi_part, epi_partname, epi_parts, epi_season, epi_shortname, cnt_fileref, sub_flags, sub_genre, sub_guest, sub_imagecount, sub_longdescription, sub_moderator, sub_music, sub_numrating, sub_other, cnt_parentalrating, sub_producer, sub_rating, sub_screenplay, sub_scrmovieid, sub_scrseriesepisode, sub_scrseriesid, sub_shortdescription, sub_shortreview, sub_shorttext, cnt_starttime, cnt_tableid, sub_tipp, sub_title, sub_topic, sub_txtrating, all_updsp, cnt_useid, cnt_version, cnt_vps, sub_year from eventsviewplain where cnt_channelid = ? and cnt_starttime <= ? and cnt_starttime+cnt_duration >= ?] May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: SQL-Error in 'prepare(stmt_prepare)' - Table 'epg2vdr.eventsviewplain' doesn't exist (1146) 'Table 'epg2vdr.eventsviewplain' doesn't exist' [select t._starttime, t.action,, t.autotimerid, t.autotimerinssp, t.autotimername, t.aux, t.channelid, t.childlock,,, t.doneid, t.endtime, t.eventid, t.expression, t.file,,, t.lifetime, t.namingmode, t.priority, t.retrys, t.source, t.starttime, t.state, t.tccmailcnt, t.template, t.type, t.vdruuid, t.vps, t.weekdays, t.wrncount, e.cnt_useid, e.cnt_channelid, e.cnt_source, e.cnt_eventid, e.sub_title, e.sub_shorttext, e.sub_shortdescription, e.sub_category, e.sub_genre, e.sub_tipp, e.sub_numrating from timers t left outer join eventsviewplain e on (t.eventid = e.cnt_useid) and e.updflg in ('A','L','P')] May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'episodes' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: SQL-Error in 'prepare(stmt_prepare)' - Can't initialize function 'epglvr'; EPGLV() failed to change locale (1123) 'Can't initialize function 'epglvr'; EPGLV() failed to change locale' [select actor, audio, camera, category, channelid, channelname, country, description, director, duration, episodecompname, episodecomppartname, episodecompshortname, episodelang, eventid, flags, folder, fsk, genre, guest, imgid, inuse, job, longdescription, md5path, moderator, music, name, numrating, other, owner, path, producer, rating, screenplay, scrinfoepisodeid, scrinfomovieid, scrinfoseriesid, scrmovieid, scrnew, scrseriesepisode, scrseriesid, scrsp, shortreview, shorttext, starttime, state, tipp, title, topic, txtrating, vdruuid, year, 100 - ifNull(epglvr(title, ?), 100), 100 - ifNull(epglvr(shorttext, ?), 100) from recordinglist where (state <> 'D' or state is null)and epglvr(title, ?) < 47] May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Calling mysql_init(5244) May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'events' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: SQL-Error in 'prepare(stmt_prepare)' - Table 'epg2vdr.eventsviewplain' doesn't exist (1146) 'Table 'epg2vdr.eventsviewplain' doesn't exist' [select sub_actor, sub_audio, sub_camera, sub_category, cnt_channelid, cnt_longdescription, cnt_source, sub_commentator, sub_complongdescription, sub_compshorttext, sub_comptitle, cnt_contents, sub_country, cnt_delflg, sub_director, cnt_duration, sub_episodecompname, sub_episodecomppartname, sub_episodecompshortname, epi_extracol1, epi_extracol2, epi_extracol3, epi_lang, epi_episodename, epi_number, epi_part, epi_partname, epi_parts, epi_season, epi_shortname, cnt_fileref, sub_flags, sub_genre, sub_guest, sub_imagecount, sub_longdescription, sub_moderator, sub_music, sub_numrating, sub_other, cnt_parentalrating, sub_producer, sub_rating, sub_screenplay, sub_scrmovieid, sub_scrseriesepisode, sub_scrseriesid, sub_shortdescription, sub_shortreview, sub_shorttext, cnt_starttime, cnt_tableid, sub_tipp, sub_title, sub_topic, sub_txtrating, all_updsp, cnt_useid, cnt_version, cnt_vps, sub_year from eventsviewplain where cnt_useid = ?] May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Error: At least 1 statements not prepared successfully May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Starting http server ... May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Listener at port 9999 established, waiting for connections May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr systemd[1]: Started epghttpd provides a webinterface for epg data. May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Calling sd_notify(READY=1$STATUS=Ready$MAINPID=5244$) May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epghttpd: Info: Systemd watchdog not configured, epgd won't be sending keep-alive messages! May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'fileref' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'imagerefs' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'images' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'messages' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_actor' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_actors' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_media' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'parameters' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordingdirs' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordingimages' May 2 12:42:39 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordinglist' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'searchtimers' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_actor' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_episode' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_media' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'snapshot' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'timers' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'timersdone' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'useevents' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'users' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'vdrs' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Closing mysql connection and calling mysql_thread_end(5234) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table structure and indices succeeded May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Calling mysql_init(5234) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: State now 'init' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: SQL-Error in 'select epglv('123', '123')' - Can't initialize function 'epglv'; EPGLV() failed to change locale (1123) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: SQL-Error in 'select epglvr('123', '123')' - Can't initialize function 'epglvr'; EPGLV() failed to change locale (1123) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Error: Missing functions epglv/epglvr, please install first! May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Closing mysql connection and calling mysql_thread_end(5234) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Calling sd_notify(STOPPING=1$) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Info: Released the last usage of mysql_lib, calling mysql_library_end() now May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart. May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1. May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr systemd[1]: Stopped vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database. May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr systemd[1]: Starting vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database... May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Set locale to 'C.UTF-8' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Calling sd_notify(READY=1$STATUS=Ready$MAINPID=5303$) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr systemd[1]: Started vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database. May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Info: Systemd watchdog not configured, epgd won't be sending keep-alive messages! May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Loading uuid from '/etc/epgd/uuid' succeeded [75DD1898-FDB4-433E-9016-0E6B604C3080] May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Dictionary '/etc/epgd/epg.dat' loaded May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Initialize python script '/etc/epgd/' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Loading plugin: /usr/lib/epgd/plugins/ May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Read 29 option from /etc/epgd/epgd.conf May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Using syslog facility 'user' (8), log level set to (1) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Info: Calling mysql_library_init() May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Info: Stylesheet '/etc/epgd/epgdata-utf-8.xsl' loaded May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking database connection ... May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Calling mysql_init(5303) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: SQL client character now 'utf8' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table structure and indices ... May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'analyse' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'channelmap' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'components' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'episodes' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'events' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'fileref' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'imagerefs' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'images' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'messages' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_actor' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_actors' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_media' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'parameters' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordingdirs' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordingimages' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordinglist' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'searchtimers' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_actor' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_episode' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_media' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'snapshot' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'timers' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'timersdone' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'useevents' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'users' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'vdrs' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Closing mysql connection and calling mysql_thread_end(5303) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Checking table structure and indices succeeded May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Calling mysql_init(5303) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: State now 'init' May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: SQL-Error in 'select epglv('123', '123')' - Can't initialize function 'epglv'; EPGLV() failed to change locale (1123) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: SQL-Error in 'select epglvr('123', '123')' - Can't initialize function 'epglvr'; EPGLV() failed to change locale (1123) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Error: Missing functions epglv/epglvr, please install first! May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Closing mysql connection and calling mysql_thread_end(5303) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Calling sd_notify(STOPPING=1$) May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr epgd: Info: Released the last usage of mysql_lib, calling mysql_library_end() now May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE May 2 12:42:40 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart. May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 2. May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr systemd[1]: Stopped vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database. May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr systemd[1]: Starting vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database... May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Set locale to 'C.UTF-8' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Calling sd_notify(READY=1$STATUS=Ready$MAINPID=5349$) May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr systemd[1]: Started vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database. May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Info: Systemd watchdog not configured, epgd won't be sending keep-alive messages! May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Loading uuid from '/etc/epgd/uuid' succeeded [75DD1898-FDB4-433E-9016-0E6B604C3080] May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Dictionary '/etc/epgd/epg.dat' loaded May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Initialize python script '/etc/epgd/' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Loading plugin: /usr/lib/epgd/plugins/ May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Read 29 option from /etc/epgd/epgd.conf May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Using syslog facility 'user' (8), log level set to (1) May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Info: Calling mysql_library_init() May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Info: Stylesheet '/etc/epgd/epgdata-utf-8.xsl' loaded May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking database connection ... May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Calling mysql_init(5349) May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: SQL client character now 'utf8' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table structure and indices ... May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'analyse' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'channelmap' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'components' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'episodes' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'events' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'fileref' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'imagerefs' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'images' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'messages' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_actor' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_actors' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_media' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'parameters' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordingdirs' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordingimages' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordinglist' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'searchtimers' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_actor' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_episode' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_media' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'snapshot' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'timers' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'timersdone' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'useevents' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'users' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'vdrs' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Closing mysql connection and calling mysql_thread_end(5349) May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table structure and indices succeeded May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Calling mysql_init(5349) May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: State now 'init' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: SQL-Error in 'select epglv('123', '123')' - Can't initialize function 'epglv'; EPGLV() failed to change locale (1123) May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: SQL-Error in 'select epglvr('123', '123')' - Can't initialize function 'epglvr'; EPGLV() failed to change locale (1123) May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Error: Missing functions epglv/epglvr, please install first! May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Closing mysql connection and calling mysql_thread_end(5349) May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Calling sd_notify(STOPPING=1$) May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Info: Released the last usage of mysql_lib, calling mysql_library_end() now May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart. May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 3. May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr systemd[1]: Stopped vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database. May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr systemd[1]: Starting vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database... May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Set locale to 'C.UTF-8' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Calling sd_notify(READY=1$STATUS=Ready$MAINPID=5396$) May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr systemd[1]: Started vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database. May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Info: Systemd watchdog not configured, epgd won't be sending keep-alive messages! May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Loading uuid from '/etc/epgd/uuid' succeeded [75DD1898-FDB4-433E-9016-0E6B604C3080] May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Dictionary '/etc/epgd/epg.dat' loaded May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Initialize python script '/etc/epgd/' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Loading plugin: /usr/lib/epgd/plugins/ May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Read 29 option from /etc/epgd/epgd.conf May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Using syslog facility 'user' (8), log level set to (1) May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Info: Calling mysql_library_init() May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Info: Stylesheet '/etc/epgd/epgdata-utf-8.xsl' loaded May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking database connection ... May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Calling mysql_init(5396) May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: SQL client character now 'utf8' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table structure and indices ... May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'analyse' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'channelmap' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'components' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'episodes' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'events' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'fileref' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'imagerefs' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'images' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'messages' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_actor' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_actors' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_media' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'parameters' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordingdirs' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordingimages' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordinglist' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'searchtimers' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_actor' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_episode' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_media' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'snapshot' May 2 12:42:41 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'timers' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'timersdone' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'useevents' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'users' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'vdrs' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Closing mysql connection and calling mysql_thread_end(5396) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table structure and indices succeeded May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Calling mysql_init(5396) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: State now 'init' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: SQL-Error in 'select epglv('123', '123')' - Can't initialize function 'epglv'; EPGLV() failed to change locale (1123) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: SQL-Error in 'select epglvr('123', '123')' - Can't initialize function 'epglvr'; EPGLV() failed to change locale (1123) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Error: Missing functions epglv/epglvr, please install first! May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Closing mysql connection and calling mysql_thread_end(5396) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Calling sd_notify(STOPPING=1$) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Info: Released the last usage of mysql_lib, calling mysql_library_end() now May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart. May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 4. May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr systemd[1]: Stopped vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database. May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr systemd[1]: Starting vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database... May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Set locale to 'C.UTF-8' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Calling sd_notify(READY=1$STATUS=Ready$MAINPID=5446$) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr systemd[1]: Started vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database. May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Info: Systemd watchdog not configured, epgd won't be sending keep-alive messages! May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Loading uuid from '/etc/epgd/uuid' succeeded [75DD1898-FDB4-433E-9016-0E6B604C3080] May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Dictionary '/etc/epgd/epg.dat' loaded May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Initialize python script '/etc/epgd/' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Loading plugin: /usr/lib/epgd/plugins/ May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Read 29 option from /etc/epgd/epgd.conf May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Using syslog facility 'user' (8), log level set to (1) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Info: Calling mysql_library_init() May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Info: Stylesheet '/etc/epgd/epgdata-utf-8.xsl' loaded May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking database connection ... May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Calling mysql_init(5446) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: SQL client character now 'utf8' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table structure and indices ... May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'analyse' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'channelmap' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'components' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'episodes' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'events' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'fileref' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'imagerefs' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'images' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'messages' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_actor' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_actors' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'movie_media' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'parameters' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordingdirs' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordingimages' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'recordinglist' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'searchtimers' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_actor' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_episode' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'series_media' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'snapshot' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'timers' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'timersdone' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'useevents' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'users' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table 'vdrs' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Closing mysql connection and calling mysql_thread_end(5446) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Checking table structure and indices succeeded May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Calling mysql_init(5446) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: State now 'init' May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: SQL-Error in 'select epglv('123', '123')' - Can't initialize function 'epglv'; EPGLV() failed to change locale (1123) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: SQL-Error in 'select epglvr('123', '123')' - Can't initialize function 'epglvr'; EPGLV() failed to change locale (1123) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Error: Missing functions epglv/epglvr, please install first! May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Closing mysql connection and calling mysql_thread_end(5446) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Calling sd_notify(STOPPING=1$) May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr epgd: Info: Released the last usage of mysql_lib, calling mysql_library_end() now May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE May 2 12:42:42 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. May 2 12:42:43 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart. May 2 12:42:43 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5. May 2 12:42:43 hdvdr systemd[1]: Stopped vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database. May 2 12:42:43 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Start request repeated too quickly. May 2 12:42:43 hdvdr systemd[1]: epgd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. May 2 12:42:43 hdvdr systemd[1]: Failed to start vdr-epg-daemon manages EPG data in a MySQL database.