-- -- VDR Streamdev Client -- -- A script which turns mpv into a client for VDR with the Streamdev-Plugin -- -- Copyright 2017 Martin Wache -- VDR Streamdev Client is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published -- by the Free Software Foundation Version 2 of the License. -- You can obtain a copy of the License from -- https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl2.html -- -- Short instructions: -- 1. Enable the streamdev-server-plugin in vdr -- 2. Modify streamdevhosts.conf to contain the clients IP -- 3. If you want to have channel names and epg info, -- modify svdrphosts.conf to contain the clients IP. -- Also netcat ('nc') needs to be installed and in the path. -- 4. Place this file in one of mpvs script folders -- ( ~/.config/mpv/scripts/) or call mpv with the --script -- command line option -- 5. start mpv -- mpv vdrstream://[vdr-host][:streamdev-port] -- -- When mpv is running in Streamdev client mode, you can use -- the keys UP,DOWN, 0-9 to select channels. -- ENTER will bring up the channel info display. -- The key 'i' will show the epg info for the current runing -- event. -- local options = { host="", svdrp_port="6419", streamdev_port="3000", previous_channel_time=10, epg_update_time=300, } require 'mp.options' read_options(options,'vdr-streamdev-client') local channels = { } local startup = 1 local vdruri local utils = require 'mp.utils' local channel_idx=1 local next_channel=0 local last_channel=1 local epgnow = {} local epgnext = {} local epg_timer -- refreshes the epg info regulary local osd_state="off" function toArray(i) local array={} for v in i do array[#array+1]=v end return array end local function send_svdrp(command) ret = utils.subprocess({ args= {'/bin/bash', '-c', 'echo "'..command ..'" |nc '..options.host..' '..options.svdrp_port}, -- args= {'/bin/bash', '-c', 'echo "'..command -- ..'" >/dev/tcp/'..options.host..'/'..options.svdrp_port}, cancellable=false, }) return ret.stdout end local function parse_lstc(stdout) mp.log("info","Getting channel list") for i in string.gmatch(stdout,"[^\r\n]+") do local code = i:sub(1,4) if (code ~= "250-") then mp.log("info","Unknown code '"..code.."'") else local channel_end=i:find(";") if (channel_end ~=nil) then local channel=i:sub(5,channel_end-1) local sp=channel:find(" ") if (sp ~= nil) then local c =channel:sub(0,sp-1) if (channels[c] == nil) then channels[c]={} end channels[c]['name']=channel:sub(sp+1) -- S19.2E-1-1079-28011 ZDFinfo (S19.2E) -- ZDFinfo;ZDFvision:11953:HC34M2S0:S19.2E:27500:610=2:620=deu@3,621=mis@3,622=mul@3;625=deu@106:630;631=deu:0:28011:1:1079:0 local para=toArray(i:sub(channel_end+1):gmatch("[^:]+")) if (#para>12) then local cid=para[4].."-"..para[11].."-"..para[12].."-"..para[10] --mp.log("info",cid) channels[c]['id']=cid end end end end end end local function get_channels() parse_lstc(send_svdrp('LSTC')) end local function parse_lste(stdout) local epginfo={} local cid mp.log("info","Updating epg") for i in string.gmatch(stdout,"[^\r\n]+") do local code = i:sub(1,5) if (code == "215-C") then cid=i:sub(7) cid=cid:sub(1,cid:find(" ")-1) -- mp.log("info","Channel '"..cid.."'") if (epginfo[cid] == nil) then epginfo[cid] = {} end elseif (code == "215-T") then --mp.log("info","cid '"..cid.."' Titel '"..i:sub(7).."'") if (cid ~= nil) then epginfo[cid]['title']=i:sub(7) end elseif (code == "215-E") then if (cid ~= nil) then local p=toArray(i:sub(7):gmatch("[^ ]+")) epginfo[cid]['start']=p[2] epginfo[cid]['duration']=p[3] end elseif (code == "215-S") then if (cid ~= nil) then epginfo[cid]['subtitle']=i:sub(7) end elseif (code == "215-D") then if (cid ~= nil) then epginfo[cid]['description']=i:sub(7) end elseif (code =="215-c") then cid = nil end end return epginfo end local function get_epg_now() epgnow=parse_lste(send_svdrp("LSTE now")) end local function get_epg_next() epgnext=parse_lste(send_svdrp("LSTE next")) end local function print_time(t) if (t == nil) then return " " end return os.date('%H:%M',t) end local function format_epg(epg_info) local msg=print_time(epg_info['start']) if (epg_info['title'] ~= nil) then msg = msg.." "..epg_info['title'] end return msg end local function show_description() local cinfo=channels[tostring(channel_idx)] local msg="" local cid=cinfo['id'] local einfo=epgnow[cid] if (cinfo and einfo) then msg = msg .. format_epg(einfo) if (einfo['subtitle'] ~= nil) then msg = msg .."\n\n" .. einfo['subtitle'] end msg = msg .."\n\n" .. einfo['description']:gsub("|","\n") end mp.osd_message( msg, 30) end local function format_progress(part,length) mp.log("info","part "..part.." length "..length) ret = "" for i = 1,length do if (i/length>part) then ret = ret .. "--" else ret = ret .. "+" end end return ret end local function show_channel_info() msg=os.date('%H:%M').." "..channel_idx local cinfo=channels[tostring(channel_idx)] if (cinfo) then local cid=cinfo['id'] msg=msg.." "..cinfo['name'].."\n" if (epgnow[cid] ~= nil) then local einfo=epgnow[cid] if (einfo['start'] ~= nil and einfo['duration'] ~= nil) then local part = (os.time()-tonumber(epgnow[cid]['start'])) /tonumber(epgnow[cid]['duration']) msg = msg .. "\n" .. format_progress(part,30) end msg = msg .. "\n" .. format_epg(epgnow[cid]) end if (epgnext[cid] ~= nil) then msg = msg .. "\n" ..format_epg(epgnext[cid]) end end mp.osd_message(msg,5) end local function switch_channel(no) mp.log("info","switch_channel "..no) local sav_channel=channel_idx mp.add_timeout(options.previous_channel_time,function() last_channel=sav_channel end) channel_idx=no mp.commandv("loadfile",vdruri .. channel_idx) show_channel_info() next_channel=0 end local function channel_next() mp.log("info","next channel called " .. channel_idx .. " len channels " .. #channels) channel_idx = channel_idx + 1 --#if (channel_idx > #channels) then --# channel_idx = 1 --#end --mp.commandv("loadfile",channels[channel_idx]) --mp.commandv("loadfile",vdruri .. channel_idx) switch_channel(channel_idx); -- mp.set_property("stream-open-filename",channels[channel_idx]) end local function channel_prev() mp.log("info","next channel called " .. channel_idx .. " len channels " .. #channels) channel_idx = channel_idx - 1 --#if (channel_idx > #channels) then --# channel_idx = 1 --#end --mp.commandv("loadfile",channels[channel_idx]) switch_channel(channel_idx); -- mp.set_property("stream-open-filename",channels[channel_idx]) end local channel_timer=mp.add_periodic_timer(2,function() if ( next_channel ~= 0 ) then switch_channel(next_channel) next_channel = 0 end if ( channel_timer ~= nil ) then channel_timer:kill() end end) local function key(key) if (key == 0 and next_channel == 0) then -- immediatly update last_channel local sav_channel=channel_idx switch_channel(last_channel); last_channel=sav_channel return end next_channel=next_channel*10+key mp.osd_message(next_channel) channel_timer:resume() end local function keypress(k) return function() key(k) end end local function on_start() local url = mp.get_property("stream-open-filename") mp.log("info","channels length "..#channels) if (url:find("vdrstream://") == 1) then if ( startup == 1) then local host_port = url:sub(13) if (host_port:len()>0) then local has_port=host_port:find(":") if (has_port) then options.host = host_port:sub(1,has_port-1) options.streamdev_port=host_port:sub(has_port+1) else options.host = host_port end end mp.log("info","VDR host:"..options.host) mp.log("info","VDR svdrp port:"..options.svdrp_port) mp.log("info","VDR streamdev port:"..options.streamdev_port) vdruri="http://"..options.host..":"..options.streamdev_port.."/TS/" -- set parameters to optimize channel switch time mp.set_property("cache-secs",1) mp.set_property("demuxer-lavf-analyzeduration",1) mp.set_property("ytdl","no") get_channels() -- load epg in background mp.add_timeout(1,function() get_epg_now() get_epg_next() mp.log("info","finished epg") end) -- periodically update epg epg_timer = mp.add_periodic_timer(options.epg_update_time,function() get_epg_now() get_epg_next() end) startup = 0 end -- mp.set_property("stream-open-filename",channels[channel_idx]) mp.set_property("cache-size",1024) switch_channel(1) end mp.log("info","Lua version " .. _VERSION) end mp.add_forced_key_binding("UP",'next_channel',channel_next) mp.add_forced_key_binding("DOWN",'prev_channel',channel_prev) mp.add_forced_key_binding("0",'key0',keypress(0)) mp.add_forced_key_binding("1",'key1',keypress(1)) mp.add_forced_key_binding("2",'key2',keypress(2)) mp.add_forced_key_binding("3",'key3',keypress(3)) mp.add_forced_key_binding("4",'key4',keypress(4)) mp.add_forced_key_binding("5",'key5',keypress(5)) mp.add_forced_key_binding("6",'key6',keypress(6)) mp.add_forced_key_binding("7",'key7',keypress(7)) mp.add_forced_key_binding("8",'key8',keypress(8)) mp.add_forced_key_binding("9",'key9',keypress(9)) mp.add_forced_key_binding("ENTER",'show_channel_info',show_channel_info) mp.add_forced_key_binding("i",'show_description',show_description) mp.add_hook("on_load", 50, on_start)