# User defined Makefile options for anthra_HD SHELL := /bin/bash ###### The directory environment: DESTDIR ?= PREFIX ?= /usr CONFDIR = $(if $(subst /usr,,$(PREFIX)), $(PREFIX))/etc/vdr SKINDIR = $(CONFDIR)/plugins/text2skin/$(SKIN) THEMESDIR = $(CONFDIR)/themes LOCDIR = /usr/local/src/VDR/locale ###### SKINOPTIONS: ##### to comment an option just place a '#' at the beginning of the line ##### to uncomment an option please remove the leading '#' ######################################################################## ##### !!! Take care to uncomment max ONE option in each section !!!##### ######################################################################## ##### VIDEOSIZE ##### # shows the current videosize in channelInfo # if you uncomment this option, be aware to have text2skin with patch from here: # http://projects.vdr-developer.org/issues/465 # or recent git-version, # otherwise text2skin will not accept the skinfile! VIDEOSIZE = 1 ##################### ##### CHANNELLOGOS ###### #NOLOGOS = 1 LOGOSRIGHT = 1 #LOGOSLEFT = 1 ###### path to the channellogos, escape slashes with backslashes! ###### ###### e.g. CHANNELLOGOSPATH = \/etc\/vdr\/plugins\/text2skin\/liquid-channel-logos4anthra ##### #CHANNELLOGOSPATH = ..\/liquid-logos4anthra_HD CHANNELLOGOSPATH = /var/lib/vdr/channellogos/liquid-logos4anthra_HD ##### SEPARATORLOGOS ###### SEPARATORLOGOS-LEFT = 1 #SEPARATORLOGOS-RIGHT = 1 ###### path to the channellogos, escape slashes with backslashes! ###### ###### e.g. SEPARATORLOGOSPATH = \/etc\/vdr\/plugins\/text2skin\/Separatorlogos ##### SEPARATORLOGOSPATH = ..\/Separatorlogos ###### Number of visible mainmenuentries ###### # less number of entries moves the menu to the middle of screen height #!!!!dont't touch!!!! #!!!!not implemented yet!!!! #text2skin don't like this :( #MAINMENU_12 = #MAINMENU_10 = #MAINMENU_08 = #MAINMENU_06 = ################################# ###### MENULOGOS ##### #MENULOGOS = 1 NOMENULOGOS = 1 ###### EPGIMAGES ###### EPGIMAGES = 1 ###### path to the epgimages, escape slashes with backslashes! ###### ###### e.g. EPGIMAGESPATH=\/etc\/vdr\/plugins\/tvm2vdr\/epgimages ###### #EPGIMAGESPATH = \/etc\/vdr\/plugins\/tvm2vdr\/epgimages EPGIMAGESPATH = \/var\/lib\/epgsources\/tvm2xmltv-img ###### EPGIMAGESFORMAT ##### ####### default EPGIMAGESFORMAT and RECORDINGIMAGEsFORMAT is png, uncomment the following line, if you have jpgs ###### EPGIMAGESJPG = 1 ###### RECORDINGIMAGES ##### RECORDINGIMAGES = 1 ###### Filename of RECORDINGIMAGE RECORDINGIMAGENAME = thumbnail ###### TIMER-INFO_MAIN-MENU ###### TIMER-INFO_MAIN-MENU = 1 ###### MAINMENUFONTS ###### #SMALLMENUFONT = 1 DEFAULTMENUFONT = 1 #LARGEMENUFONT = 1 ###### MENUGROUPALIGNMENT ###### MENUGROUP-CENTER = 1 ##### SIGNAL ###### #DIGIT_SIGNAL = 1 GRAPH_SIGNAL = 1 #####!!!only for yaVDR-users!!!##### yaVDR = 1