# Please make this file available to others # by sending it to # # this config file was automatically generated # using lirc-0.8.7(default) on Thu Oct 13 08:49:02 2011 # # contributed by # # brand: Harmony One KLS 1.6 # model no. of remote control: # devices being controlled by this remote: # begin remote name harmony_kls_vdr_1.6 bits 13 flags RC5|CONST_LENGTH eps 30 aeps 100 one 922 858 zero 922 858 plead 937 gap 116048 min_repeat 2 suppress_repeat 2 toggle_bit 2 toggle_bit_mask 0x800 begin codes KEY_UP 0x02c4 KEY_DOWN 0x02c5 KEY_MENU 0x02c9 KEY_OK 0x02c8 KEY_ESC 0x02ca KEY_LEFT 0x02c6 KEY_RIGHT 0x02c7 KEY_RED 0x02c0 KEY_GREEN 0x02c1 KEY_YELLOW 0x02c2 KEY_BLUE 0x02c3 KEY_0 0x12c0 KEY_1 0x12c1 KEY_2 0x12c2 KEY_3 0x12c3 KEY_4 0x12c4 KEY_5 0x12c5 KEY_6 0x12c6 KEY_7 0x12c7 KEY_8 0x12c8 KEY_9 0x12c9 KEY_INFO 0x02cc KEY_PLAY 0x12f5 KEY_PAUSE 0x12f3 KEY_STOP 0x12f6 KEY_RECORD 0x12f7 KEY_FASTFORWARD 0x12f4 KEY_REWIND 0x12f2 KEY_NEXT 0x12f1 KEY_BACK 0x02ca KEY_POWER2 0x12cb KEY_CHANNELUP 0x12e0 KEY_CHANNELDOWN 0x12e1 KEY_PREVIOUS 0x12e2 KEY_VOLUMEUP 0x12d0 KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 0x12d1 KEY_MUTE 0x12cd KEY_SUBTITLE 0x02d2 KEY_EPG 0x02cb KEY_CHANNEL 0x02d3 KEY_FAVORITES 0x02cd KEY_TIME 0x02cf KEY_PVR 0x02ce KEY_SETUP 0x02d0 KEY_PROG1 0x02f0 KEY_PROG2 0x02f1 KEY_PROG3 0x02f2 KEY_PROG4 0x02f3 end codes end remote