ich möchte gerne meinen headless Keller-VDR mit yavdr-ansible neu installieren. Leider bricht das "./install-yavdr-headless.sh" mit dieser Fehlermeldung ab:
TASK [headless-session : enable services for the user session] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
failed: [localhost] (item=tmux.service) => {
"ansible_loop_var": "item",
"changed": false,
"cmd": "/bin/systemctl --user",
"item": "tmux.service",
"rc": 1
Failed to connect to bus: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
Failed to connect to bus: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
failed: [localhost] (item=udiskie.service) => {
"ansible_loop_var": "item",
"changed": false,
"cmd": "/bin/systemctl --user",
"item": "udiskie.service",
"rc": 1
Failed to connect to bus: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
Failed to connect to bus: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
RUNNING HANDLER [Start VDR] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=75 changed=6 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=8 rescued=0 ignored=0
Leider verstehe ich nicht, was mir das sagen soll. Die Installation erfolgt auf Proxmox auf einem priviligierten LXC Container.
Hier noch die group_vars/localhost
# file: group_vars/all
branch: experimental
ppa_owner: 'ppa:yavdr'
# add the following PPAs
- '{{ ppa_owner }}/{{branch}}-main'
- '{{ ppa_owner }}/{{branch}}-vdr'
- '{{ ppa_owner }}/{{branch}}-kodi'
timezone: 'Europe/Berlin'
default_locale: 'de_DE.UTF-8'
generate_locales: # see entries in /etc/locale.gen
- 'de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8'
- 'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8'
- language-pack-de
- language-pack-en
# properties of the user vdr and vdr-related options
# NOTE: user name, uid and confdir must match the values set by the vdr package
user: vdr
group: vdr
uid: 666
gid: 666
home: /var/lib/vdr
etc_confdir: /etc/vdr
confdir: /var/lib/vdr
recdir: /srv/vdr
hide_first_recording_level: false
safe_dirnames: true # escape characters (useful for windows clients and FAT/NTFS file systems)
override_vdr_charset: "" # set the desired charset, e.g. "ISO-8859-9"
# wait for dvb devices by adapter number
# NOTE: This only works for devices that are discoverable by udev, not userspace drivers like sundtek tuners!
# e.g. wait_for_dvb_devices: [0, 1] to wait for /dev/dvb/adapter0 and /dev/dvb/adapter1
wait_for_dvb_devices: []
# this allows to set up streamdev-client - set the server, port and number of devices
# streamdev_client_remote_ip: ""
# streamdev_client_remote_port: 2004
# streamdev_client_num_provided_systems: 1
# copy channels.conf from a local file
vdr_channels_conf: /test/channels.conf.adapter0
# download channels.conf from a given url (supports HTTP(S) and FTP)
# vdr_channels_conf_url: http://example.com/vdr/channels.conf
# add the vdr plugins you want to install
- vdr-plugin-devstatus
- vdr-plugin-markad
- vdr-plugin-live
# set the name of the output plugin (as used by vdrctl) - this defaults to softhddevice on x64 platforms and rpihddevice on Raspberry Pi 2 and 3
# selected_frontend: softhddevice
# set the package name of the output plugin - this defaults to vdr-plugin-softhddevice on x64 platforms and vdr-plugin-rpihddevice on Raspberry Pi 2 and 3
# vdr_output_plugin: vdr-plugin-softhddevice-cuvid
# IP (range) filter for vdr and plugins (this must be an array):
# vdr_allowed_hosts:
# -
# hosts and subnets for svdrphosts.conf (overrides vdr_allowed_hosts):
# vdr_svdrphosts:
# -
# hosts and subnets for allowed_hosts.conf of xineliboutput (overrides vdr_allowed_hosts):
# xineliboutput_allowed_hosts:
# -
# hosts and subnets for allowed_hosts.conf of vnsiserver (overrides vdr_allowed_hosts):
# vnsiserver_allowed_hosts:
# -
# hosts and subnets for streamdevhosts.conf (overrides vdr_allowed_hosts):
# streamdev_server_allowed_hosts:
# -
# dictionary of directories for (shared) files. Automatically exported via NFS and Samba if those roles are enabled
audio: /srv/usermusic
video: /srv/uservideo
pictures: /srv/userpictures
files: /srv/user
backups: /srv/user
recordings: '{{ vdr.recdir }}'
insecure: false # set to true for OS X clients or if you plan to use libnfs as unprivileged user (e.g. KODI)
workgroup: WORKGROUP
windows_compatible: '{{ vdr.safe_dirnames }}' # set to true to disable unix extensions, enable follow symlinks and wide links
# additional packages you want to install
- bpython
- bpython3
- htop
- tree
- vim
- w-scan
- t2scan
- vdrpbd
# choose which channellogos to download from the github.com/Jasmeet181 mediaportal-*-logos repositories
# currently suported langugages/regions are: au, be, cz, de, es, ie, il, it, nordic, nz, ru, uk, us
- au
# - be
# - cz
- de
# - es
# - ie
# - il
# - it
# - nordic
# - nz
# - ru
# - uk
- us
frontend: vdr
# vdr shutdown command - SHUTDOWNCMD variable in /etc/default/vdr
# for standby use "/bin/systemctl suspend"
vdr_shutdown_command: poweroff
# to force quadratic pixels set this variable to the dpi you want
# nvidia_force_dpi: 96
# shutdown: poweroff
# choose one of acpiwakeup, stm32wakeup
wakeup_method: acpiwakeup
# start given number of minutes earlier than the wakeuptime set by vdr
wakeup_start_ahead: 5
# set days of the week for automatic wakeup (1=Monday...7=Sunday),
# set empty string to disable wakeup
# eg. to wake up on Monday and Friday:
# wakeup_days: "1 5"
wakeup_days: ""
# set wakeup time for automatic wakeup
# set empty string to disable
# e.g. for wakeup at midnight:
# wakeup_time: "00:00"
wakeup_time: ""
# settings for grub
timeout: 0
boot_options: quiet splash
# unload dvb drivers before standby, reload them afterwards.
# disable this setting if
# - you don't have local dvb devices (e.g. satip client)
# - your dvb drivers have problems being unloaded
standby_reload_dvb: true
# settings for vdr-addon-lifeguard-ng
# the following settings prevent the shutdown
# if a nfs, samba or ssh connection to this machine is open
lifeguard_enable_nfs: True
lifeguard_enable_samba: True
lifeguard_enable_ssh: True
# list of ip addresses or hostnames which should prevent shutdown
# if the can be pinged
lifeguard_hosts: []
# list of users which sould prevent shutdown if they are logged in
# this is somewhat redudant because systemd check this, too
lifeguard_users: []
# check for local processes
lifeguard_processes: []
# check for active tcp connections of local processes
# syntax: <processname> [:] <port>
- vdr 3000 # don't shutdown if there is an active streamdev connection
# Serial device to configure for a homebrew receiver.
# Choose one of the devices predefined in the variable serial_ir_data in roles/serial-ir/defaults/main.yml
# ttyS0 (COM1), ttyS1 (COM2), ttyS2(COM3) or ttyS3 (COM4)
# or customize the variable as needed
serial_ir_device: ttyS0
# Key for the MPEG2-Decoder
#rpi_decode_mpg2: 0xdeadbeef
# Key for the wvc1-Decoder
#rpi_decode_wvc1: 0xdeadbeef
# Pin for the GPIO remote receiver
# rpi_ir_gpio_pin: 24
# Pin for the GPIO remote sender (needs additional lirc configuration,
# which is at the moment beyond the scope of this playbook)
# rpi_ir_gpio_pin_tx: 13
# Set the memory for the GPU core - rpihddevice needs 256 MB, which is the default value set by the playbook
# rpi_gpu_mem = 256
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