Posts by hjt4vdr


    vorhandene debian Pakete auf der kde-full live cd wollte ich noch nachliefern

    vdr 1.6.0-8
    vdr-gui 0.2.10
    vdr-plugin-epgsearch 0.9.24-3
    vdr-plugin-live 0.2.0-4
    vdr-plugin-nordlichtsepg 0.8a-24+c0.sidux.1
    vdr-plugin-osdteletext 0.5.1-37
    vdr-plugin-pvrinput 2008-10-04-1+c0.sidux.1
    vdr-plugin-reelchannelscan 0.4.3~r2-8+c0.sidux.4
    vdr-plugin-text2skin 1.0+cvs20080122.2311-7+c0.sidux.1
    vdr-plugin-tvonscreen 1.0.141-18+c0.sidux.1
    vdr-plugin-xineliboutput 1.0.3-1


    insgesamt installierbar mit apt-get
    apt-cache search ^vdr|sort

    libxine2-vdr - VDR-related plugins for libxine2
    sidux-vdr-client-data - vdr-start-menu and its scripts for sidux-vdr-client
    svdrpservice-dev - VDR svdrpservice plugin development files
    vdr-addon-noad - VDR-Addon to automatically mark advertisements
    vdradmin-am - Web-based administration tool for vdr
    vdr-dbg - Debuggable version of the VDR Video Disk Recorder
    vdr-dev - Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards
    vdr-gui - GUI for Video Disc Recorder (VDR)
    vdr-plugin-autotimeredit - Plugin for VDR to edit the vdradmin autotimers
    vdr-plugin-bitstreamout - Plugin for VDR to play AC3 sound over a sound card
    vdr-plugin-console - Plugin for vdr that implements a virtual terminal
    vdr-plugin-director - Director plugin for vdr to use multifeed option
    vdr-plugin-dvd - DVD playback plugin for VDR
    vdr-plugin-epgsearch - VDR plugin that provides extensive EPG searching capabilities
    vdr-plugin-epgsync - VDR plugin for EPG synchronization between VDR systems
    vdr-plugin-examples - Plugins for vdr to show some possible features
    vdr-plugin-femon - DVB frontend status monitor plugin for VDR
    vdr-plugin-freecell - Plugin for VDR that implements the card game "Freecell"
    vdr-plugin-fritzbox - VDR plugin to access certain functions of an AVM Fritz!Box
    vdr-plugin-games - VDR plugin providing OSD games like tetris, snake and more
    vdr-plugin-live - Web administration plugin for VDR
    vdr-plugin-mp3 - MP3 playback plugin for VDR
    vdr-plugin-mplayer - MPlayer playback plugin for VDR
    vdr-plugin-newsticker - vdr plugin to download and displey rdf news-feeds
    vdr-plugin-nordlichtsepg - Nordlicht's EPG for VDR
    vdr-plugin-osdpip - OSD Picture-in-Picture-PlugIn for VDR
    vdr-plugin-osdserver - VDR plugin to provide other programs access to the OSD
    vdr-plugin-osdteletext - Teletext plugin for VDR
    vdr-plugin-prefermenu - VDR plugin that implements a preferred channels menu
    vdr-plugin-premiereepg - PremiereEpg plugin for VDR
    vdr-plugin-pvrinput - VDR plugin allowing to use a Hauppauge PVR card as input device
    vdr-plugin-radio - VDR Plugin that displays images for radio channels
    vdr-plugin-reelchannelscan - Channelscan for VDR
    vdr-plugin-remoteosd - VDR plugin to control the OSD of a remote VDR
    vdr-plugin-remote - VDR Plugin to support the built-in remote control port of DVB-Cards
    vdr-plugin-skinenigmang - Skin plugin for VDR
    vdr-plugin-sky - Plugin for using a Sky Digibox with vdr
    vdr-plugin-solitaire - Plugin to vdr that implements the card game "Solitaire"
    vdr-plugin-spider - Plugin to vdr that implements the card game "Spider Arachnid"
    vdr-plugin-streamdev-client - VDR Plugin to stream Live-TV to other VDR's - client part
    vdr-plugin-streamdev-server - VDR Plugin to stream Live-TV to other VDR's - server part
    vdr-plugin-sudoku - VDR-Plugin to generate and solve Sudokus
    vdr-plugin-svdrpext - VDR plugin that extends the SVDRP command set of VDR
    vdr-plugin-svdrpservice - VDR plugin that provides a SVDRP service for other plugins
    vdr-plugin-text2skin - Plugin to vdr that loads and views skins
    vdr-plugin-timeline - Timeline plugin for vdr
    vdr-plugin-tvonscreen - Plugin for vdr, that displays EPG data like in a typical TV guide
    vdr-plugin-undelete - Plugin for VDR to undelete or purge recently deleted recordings
    vdr-plugin-vcd - VDR Plugin for playing (S)VCD's
    vdr-plugin-weather - Weather plugin for VDR
    vdr-plugin-wirbelscan - Channelscan plugin for VDR
    vdr-plugin-xine - allows xine to be a display for vdr, the Video Disk Recorder
    vdr-plugin-xineliboutput - VDR plugin for Xine based sofdevice frontends
    vdr-skins - Skins for VDR's text2skin plugin
    vdr - Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards


    Originally posted by netvista-fan
    Ach ja, wegen ATI... die proprietären Treiber sind nicht grad der renner, aber da mittlerweile für die vorletzte GPU reihe die Technischen Daten verfügbar gemacht wurden dürften die open-source Treiber für die X1000 Reihe ziemlich gut werden.

    ack, hab hier eine ATI X1600 und die läuft jetzt mit dem letzten radeon treiber hervorragend. wirklich super. ich wollte vorher schon meinen laptop tauschen, bin jetzt :)

    zu smxi


    Originally posted by netvista-fan
    Hast Du den neuen 2.26.x kernel mit der R5xx (X1xxx Reihe) Unterstützung am laufen?

    Host/Kernel/OS "siduxlap" running Linux 2.6.26-1.slh.3-sidux-686 i686 [ sidux 2008-02 - ˆÁµ²¿Â Preview 1 - kde-lite - (200806032232) ]
    CPU Info (1) Genuine Intel T2600 @ 2048 KB cache flags( sse3 nx vmx ) clocked at [ 2167.000 MHz ]
    (2) Genuine Intel T2600 @ 2048 KB cache flags( sse3 nx vmx ) clocked at [ 2167.000 MHz ]
    Videocard ATI M56GL [Mobility FireGL V5200] X.Org [ 1280x1024@60.0hz, 1280x1024@60.0hz ]
    Network cards Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection
    Intel 82573L Gigabit Ethernet Controller, at port: 3000
    Processes 113 | Uptime 9:22 | Memory 356.3/2026.1MB | HDD ATA HTS721010G9SA00 Size 100GB (54%used) | GLX Renderer Mesa DRI R300 20060815 x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL | GLX Version 1.3 Mesa 7.1 rc3 | Client Shell | Infobash v3.01


    habs selbst gefunden und gleich noch schon vorhandene patches auch hinzugefügt damit kein Fehler kommt.


    dürfte ziehlich sicher ein gcc4.3 Problem sein.
    kennt jemand einen patch?


    also fglrx kann man zumindest mit sidux vergessen. Die kernel sind immer zu neu und der Treiber funktioniert dann nicht.

    Für radeonhd gibts es zur Zeit einfach keine xv Unterstützung.…21f4b3ddcb43ae2
    8. Known Bugs & Limitations
    The following subsystems have not been implemented yet or show some limitations:

    3D acceleration doesn't work together with 2D acceleration, and is only implemented on R5xx upto now. No XVideo (needs 3D engine for scaling). Still, fullscreen video is working fluently for many users.
    No TV and Component connector support so far.
    No RandR rotation support so far.
    Suspend & Resume isn't completely tested, but works on a variety of hardware. Your mileage may vary. Note that typically you need some BIOS workarounds on the kernel command line, ask your distribution for that.

    No powermanagement yet. Depending on your hardware, the fan might run at full speed. This turned out to be really tricky.


    für Windows XP Nutzer die auf Linux umsteigen wollen gibts jetzt auch ein interessantes Windows XP Programm um einen USB Stick mit sidux bootbar zu machen.

    Ich habe den liveusb-creator von fedora etwas umgeschrieben damit es mit sidux funktioniert. Sollte auch mit diesem ISO hier klappen.


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