Or a ticket for Egypt
Here is a roundtrip ticket to Sharm El-Sheikh starts @Fri, Feb 2
There is a bit long stop @Istanbul though.
Who will pay the hotel?
Or a ticket for Egypt
Here is a roundtrip ticket to Sharm El-Sheikh starts @Fri, Feb 2
There is a bit long stop @Istanbul though.
Who will pay the hotel?
Naja, der Solid-Cap Kondensator macht das natürlich zu einer gaaanz anderen Karte ....
We can disregard the Trident and Philips chipsets
What do you think about those attachments?
By the way, when i wrote (New) i didn't mean they were producted last week.
What i meant that they were produced after that old TT S2-3200.
That's great news
It's a good rule that you shouldn't put all eggs in one basket
Postkarte ist schon gekauft ?
Die besten Grüße
Regarding postcards,
I'm from Egypt so i should buy postcard about the pyramids or king Tut etc and send to Claus?
does even the default skin is not working? The skin horchTft is mainly designed to display to a fixed TFT display as replacement of the graphTft Plugin.
Which kind of mobile device you have, with iPhone and iPad it woks fine here.
Yes, none of the skins is wroking.
That's why i posted the problem here,
I think it's my fault because i thought if Live & VDRAdmin AM are working then osd2web should work too.
I'm using an old symbian belle phone so you should not worry about that problem because noone will complain about it anymore
Best regards
Why look for hardware differences, when it is a software problem?
I don't know what is the problem or how to solve it.
I thought all old TT S2-3200 got the same problem.
DVBShop is selling those new ones which are so cheap
(you can find one less than 15€)
So i was thinking if i bought it then the problem will be solved.
Anyway, as i wrote earlier, i will just ditch that card and use Technisat Skystar instead.
Thanks a lot for everone who tried to help.
Best regards
may I ask whats exactly not work from mobile browser?
As you can see in the attachments, Live and VDRAdmin am works fine from mobile browser while osd2web asks me to select skin then it shows nothing.
Best regards
@fnu wrote the only difference is the capacitor
@wirbel you wrote both has the same layout
You didn't mention anything about Trident chipset or STB0899
I'm not talking about the functionality
Because only the manufacturer can answer that question neither me nor you.
Anyway, i will wait till someone spot the difference in demodulator STB0899
You don't know it?
If it works properly on Win 10, it can only be a software problem.
That's why i'm confused.
I tried Ubuntu, LibreELEC and MLD
All have the same problem
However, it works fine and very sensitive to weak signal on Win10!!
Naja, der Solid-Cap Kondensator macht das natürlich zu einer gaaanz anderen Karte ....
No, not the just the capacitor, take another closer look
Beide Karten haben das gleiche Leiterplatten Layout, was ist mit 'neu' und 'alt' gemeint?
Yes, same layout but different components.
Old :
PCI bridge NXP/Philips SAA7146AH
Trident SAA7146AH
Also demodulator STB0899 is different but i will leave it for someone who
got a good observation to spot the difference himself
Hi horchi,
May i know why this plugin doesn't work from mobile browser?
Live & VDRAdmin work fine from mobile browser.
Best regards
Thanks @SurfaceCleanerZ
2 new version
4 old version
And all works fine as you wrote earlier.
It means that my card is faulty.
I will just ditch it and use Technisat Skystar card.
Best regards
My question is so simple
Which TT S2-3200 do you have?
Anyone else who got that card please reply.
Best regards
Yes, there is no signal lock and no picture.
I encounter this problem using Any VDR version from VDR 2.2.0 up to VDR 2.3.8
Kernel 4.8.15 + Crazycat media_build.
Here are some examples which describes my problem
The following channels are working
SRF info HD;Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen:11526:HC23M5O25P0S1:S13.0E:29700:522=27:523=deu@3,524=eng@3;525=deu@106:527:0:14053:318:1700:0
Funbox UHD;SPI:10727:HC34M5O20P0S1:S13.0E:30000:257=36:258=qaa@17,259=deu@17:0:500:4601:318:11100:0
TRAVELXP 4K:10727:HC34M5O20P0S1:S13.0E:30000:457=36:458=eng@15:0:500:4603:318:11100:0
The following channels are not working
BFM TV;Eutelsat:12692:hC34M5O20S1:S13.0E:27500:751=27:752=fra@4:0:0:415:319:9900:0
Arte HD;Eutelsat:11681:HC34M5O20P0S1:S13.0E:27500:571=27:0;572=fra@106,573=qaa@106,574=qad@106,577=deu@106:0;575=fra,576=fra:0:307:319:15900:0
Hot Bird 4k1:12539:HC56M5O20P0S1:S13.0E:30000:111=36:112=eng@15:0:0:1101:318:9100:0
HBO HD;Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.:12284:HC34M5O20P0S1:S13.0E:27500:110=27:210=pol@4;310=eng@106:0;1410=pol,1411=eng:1803,1861,186C,100,1884,B01,500,1813:10510:113:7900:0
HBO2 HD;nc+:10834:VC34M5O35P0S1:S13.0E:27500:593=27:693=pol@4;793=eng@106:0;7201=pol,7211=eng:100,1813,B01,1803,1861,500,1884,186C:3593:318:11600:0
HBO3 HD;nc+:10834:VC34M5O35P0S1:S13.0E:27500:594=27:694=pol@4;794=eng@106:0;7202=pol,7212=eng:100,1813,B01,1803,1861,500,1884,186C:3594:318:11600:0
Perhaps the card is faulty?
If so then how come it works properly on Windows 10?
Is it a driver problem?
Best regards
Thanks for replying @SurfaceCleanerZ
I have signal problems as well using VDR on Ubuntu pc.
I get no signal lock for 90% of DVB-S2 channels.
By the way, i used Technisat Skystar for creating channels.conf
Therefore all the channels are working.
The not working DVB-S2 channels using TT-3200 are on Hotbird although some DVB-S2 channels are working which is so weird.
Do you have Hotbird installed?
Best regards
Thanks for the info Claus, i hope the server will be up and running soon.
Best regards.
I have TT S2-3200 as well which i bought 3 years ago.
I tried all the available patches including stb0899.patch which was described here
And stb0899_signal_strength_v3.patch,
All SD channels and just 10% of the HD channels are working while i get no signal lock for 90% of the HD channels.
I thought the card is defect but when i tried it on Win10 everything is working properly.
I read in your signature that you have 2x TT DVB-S2-3200,
Could you please let me know what exactly you had done to make it work?
P.S. i'm using Ubuntu O.S.
Best regards.
Thanks a lot guys,
I used diseqc, now problem is solved
The right disecq.conf should be as follows:
It's a different scenario because i decided to use 1st tuner for Nilesat and 2nd tuner for Hotbird.
S7W 11700 V 9750 t v W50 [E0 00 00] W50 [E0 00 03] W150 [E0 10 38 F4] W50 t
S7W 11700 H 9750 t V W50 [E0 00 00] W50 [E0 00 03] W150 [E0 10 38 F6] W50 t
S7W 99999 V 10600 t v W50 [E0 00 00] W50 [E0 00 03] W150 [E0 10 38 F5] W50 T
S7W 99999 H 10600 t V W50 [E0 00 00] W50 [E0 00 03] W150 [E0 10 38 F7] W50 T
S13E 11700 V 9750 t v W50 [E0 00 00] W50 [E0 00 03] W150 [E0 10 38 F0] W50 t
S13E 11700 H 9750 t V W50 [E0 00 00] W50 [E0 00 03] W150 [E0 10 38 F2] W50 t
S13E 99999 V 10600 t v W50 [E0 00 00] W50 [E0 00 03] W150 [E0 10 38 F1] W50 T
S13E 99999 H 10600 t V W50 [E0 00 00] W50 [E0 00 03] W150 [E0 10 38 F3] W50 T
Best regards
@SurfaceCleanerZ, thanks for replying.
Femon-Plugin works with the 1st TV-card only, there is no signal with the 2nd TV-card.
Best regards
@mighty-p, thank you for replying.
I don't use diseqc.
What i have is 2 dishes
- Dish (1) LNB aimed @ Hotbird 13.0E .... connected to Technisat Skystar Express HD PCIe
- Dish (2) LNB aimed @ Nilesat 7.0W .... connected to Technisat Skystar USB HD
The problem is the 1st TV-card is working, i get no signal lock if i switch to the 2nd TV-card.
That setup can be done using OpenPLi Enigma2 as you can see in the attachment.
Regarding VDR i can't select which satellite should be used by which TV-card.
I attached VDR LNB setup as well
Device 1 connected to sat cable : own / 1 / 2
Device 2 connected to sat cable : own / 1 / 2
Should i use own, 1 or 2?
Best regards