Hallo miteinander,
kann mir jemand kurz auf die Sprünge helfen?
Ich bekomme an meiner Anlage kein Dolby Surround mehr. Ich habe lange nicht mehr Filme mit Dolby Surround angesehen.
Hat jemand Ideen, wie am besten vorgehe, um es wieder hinzubekommen?
vdr (1.7.21/1.7.21) - The Video Disk Recorder
games (0.6.3) - OSD Games Collection
burn (0.2.0) - Versatile convert-and-burn plugin
dvbsddevice (0.0.5) - SD Full Featured DVB device
mplayer (0.10.2) - Media replay via MPlayer
dvd (0.3.6-b03) - turn VDR into an (almost) full featured DVD player
femon (1.7.7) - DVB Signal Information Monitor (OSD)
skinenigmang (0.1.1) - EnigmaNG skin
osdteletext (0.9.1) - Displays teletext on the OSD
extrecmenu (1.2.1) - Extended recordings menu
fritzbox (1.4.1) - Fritz Plugin for AVM Fritz!Box
conflictcheckonly (0.0.1) - Direct access to epgsearch's conflict check menu
epgsearchonly (0.0.1) - Direct access to epgsearch's search menu
epgsearch (1.0.0) - search the EPG for repeats and more
quickepgsearch (0.0.1) - Quick search for broadcasts
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AMD-X2 firmware # modinfo dvb-ttpci
filename: /lib/modules/3.2.0-sabayon/kernel/drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/dvb-ttpci.ko
firmware: av7110/bootcode.bin
license: GPL
author: Ralph Metzler, Marcus Metzler, others
description: driver for the SAA7146 based AV110 PCI DVB cards by Siemens, Technotrend, Hauppauge
alias: pci:v00001131d00007146sv000013C2sd00001002bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v00001131d00007146sv000013C2sd0000000Ebc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v00001131d00007146sv000013C2sd0000000Abc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v00001131d00007146sv000013C2sd00000008bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v00001131d00007146sv000013C2sd00000006bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v00001131d00007146sv000013C2sd00000004bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v00001131d00007146sv000013C2sd00000003bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v00001131d00007146sv000013C2sd00000002bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v00001131d00007146sv000013C2sd00000001bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v00001131d00007146sv000013C2sd00000000bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v00001131d00007146sv0000110Asd00000000bc*sc*i*
depends: dvb-core,saa7146,i2c-core,saa7146_vv,ttpci-eeprom
intree: Y
vermagic: 3.2.0-sabayon SMP mod_unload modversions
parm: ir_protocol:Infrared protocol: 0 RC5, 1 RCMM (default) (array of int)
parm: ir_inversion:Inversion of infrared signal: 0 not inverted (default), 1 inverted (array of int)
parm: ir_device_mask:Bitmask of infrared devices: bit 0..31 = device 0..31 (default: all) (array of uint)
parm: debug:debug level (bitmask, default 0) (int)
parm: vidmode:analog video out: 0 off, 1 CVBS+RGB (default), 2 CVBS+YC, 3 YC (int)
parm: pids_off:clear video/audio/PCR PID filters when demux is closed (int)
parm: adac:audio DAC type: 0 TI, 1 CRYSTAL, 2 MSP (use if autodetection fails) (int)
parm: hw_sections:0 use software section filter, 1 use hardware (int)
parm: rgb_on:For Siemens DVB-C cards only: Enable RGB control signal on SCART pin 16 to switch SCART video mode from CVBS to RGB (int)
parm: volume:initial volume: default 255 (range 0-255) (int)
parm: budgetpatch:use budget-patch hardware modification: default 0 (0 no, 1 autodetect, 2 always) (int)
parm: full_ts:enable code for full-ts hardware modification: 0 disable (default), 1 enable (int)
parm: wss_cfg_4_3:WSS 4:3 - default 0x4008 - bit 15: disable, 14: burst mode, 13..0: wss data (int)
parm: wss_cfg_16_9:WSS 16:9 - default 0x0007 - bit 15: disable, 14: burst mode, 13..0: wss data (int)
parm: tv_standard:TV standard: 0 PAL (default), 1 NTSC (int)
parm: adapter_nr:DVB adapter numbers (array of short)
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viele Grüße,