Posts by kdeuser
For some reason the AVG2 is not starting from a power off / deep standby .
Standby works ok. Everything works ok except starting from deep stanby.
Front panel lights only on , AVG not responding.
Disconnect and reconnect the power cord is the only way to function.
I removed the Nvidia gpu but the problem is the same.
Also did a new install but the same problem.
Help please and thanks.
Thank you cinfo, i will try your solution.
Thank you for the latest image.
The linux-headers-4.18.0-994-generic are missing....
Where are the headers ?
Alexandro77, i think installing the missing headers the system would solve your problem.
Many thanks .
When you load kubuntu or windows with bootable usb in uefi mode the pc goes straight into uefi command shell but the bm2lts is the only one that boots into clonezilla . This is what i do not understand either.
If bios is set to legacy boot then you get the option to install as well as well as clone. I know nothing about cloning - never done it .
Hi mini73,
Thanks for replying. Yes , i did go into the bios , changed from legacy to uefi but when rebooting was what looked like a console Command . The pc just does not work .
Maybe there is a command you need to enter or download ?
Many thanks again .
Is there some way of installing bm2lts v2.90 then windows then kubuntu ?
Dual boot is ok bm2lts with windows or kubuntu but the problem is the partition limit of 4 in mbr.
Has anybody tried this ?
Many thanks.
Installed v2.90 again but did not update i.e sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and now able to load in channels ok. I set in software.updates to never update.
Everything is ok . Using an updated skin version of Aeon Neux called Aeon Neux Silvo and it is fantastic. Channel switching time is very fast.
Thanks for help.
Hi Enlightened ,
When you make a default list , there is no problem and tdt manual install.
1 - hotbird 13
2 - astra 19.2
3 - astra 28.2
4 - tdt
Works ok with ehd. Now i go to kodi and the pvr is crazy in a loop.
I will try to install just hot bird and see .
Hello again after long time hope everybody is ok.
I do not know if this is a fault with kodi or ehd.
Manually made search of 3 satellites and tdt and ok ehd
Now open up kodi and is trying to load channels from ehd but gets stuck in a loop.
Below is a print of the kodi log .
Hope there is easy solucion
11:12:45.223 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window pvr
11:12:45.223 T:3031390720 ERROR: Keymapping error: no such action '1' defined
11:12:45.224 T:3031390720 INFO: Loading special://masterprofile/keymaps/mouse.xml
11:12:45.224 T:3031390720 INFO: Loading special://masterprofile/keymaps/remote.xml
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window tv
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window files
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window musicfiles
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window musiclibrary
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window visualisationsettings
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window guicalibration
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window videolibrary
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window videofiles
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window scripts
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window tv
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window picturessettings
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window programssettings
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window weathersettings
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window musicsettings
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window videossettings
11:12:45.225 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window networksettings
11:12:45.226 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window pvrosddirector
11:12:45.226 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window pvrosdcutter
11:12:45.226 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window tvsettings
11:12:45.226 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window pvr
11:12:45.226 T:3031390720 INFO: Loading special://profile/keymaps/gen.xml
11:12:45.226 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window pvr
11:12:45.227 T:3031390720 ERROR: Keymapping error: no such action '1' defined
11:12:45.227 T:3031390720 INFO: Loading special://profile/keymaps/mouse.xml
11:12:45.227 T:3031390720 INFO: Loading special://profile/keymaps/remote.xml
11:12:45.228 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window tv
11:12:45.228 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window files
11:12:45.228 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window musicfiles
11:12:45.228 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window musiclibrary
11:12:45.228 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window visualisationsettings
11:12:45.228 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window guicalibration
11:12:45.228 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window videolibrary
11:12:45.228 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window videofiles
11:12:45.229 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window scripts
11:12:45.229 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window tv
11:12:45.229 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window picturessettings
11:12:45.229 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window programssettings
11:12:45.229 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window weathersettings
11:12:45.229 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window musicsettings
11:12:45.229 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window videossettings
11:12:45.229 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window networksettings
11:12:45.229 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window pvrosddirector
11:12:45.229 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window pvrosdcutter
11:12:45.229 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window tvsettings
11:12:45.229 T:3031390720 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window pvr
11:12:45.229 T:3031390720 INFO: Loading special://xbmc
11:12:45.392 T:2953833280 DEBUG: PVR - PVRConnectionStateChange - state for connection 'VNSI started' on client 'VDR VNSI Client' changed from '0' to '7'
11:12:45.392 T:2953833280 ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: SupportChannelScan - Can't get response packed
11:12:45.392 T:2953833280 INFO: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: SupportRecordingsUndelete - Undelete not supported on backend (min. Ver. 1.3.0; Protocol 7)
11:13:16.313 T:3031390720 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml) ------
11:13:16.337 T:2654976832 DEBUG: PVRChannelGroup - Load - 1410 channels added from clients to group 'All channels'
11:13:16.347 T:2654976832 DEBUG: CPVRChannelGroups - LoadUserDefinedChannelGroups - 0 new user defined TV channel groups fetched from clients
11:13:16.347 T:2654976832 DEBUG: CPVRChannelGroups - PersistAll - persisting all changes in channel groups
11:13:16.347 T:2654976832 DEBUG: CPVRChannelGroup - Persist - persisting channel group 'All channels' with 1802 channels
11:13:16.364 T:2654976832 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (88950457, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'RADIO A1', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 764685095, -1)
11:13:16.364 T:2654976832 ERROR: CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
11:13:16.364 T:2654976832 ERROR: CPVRChannelGroups - Load - failed to load channel groups
11:13:16.364 T:2654976832 ERROR: PVRManager - Process - failed to load PVR data, retrying
11:13:49.621 T:2654976832 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (88950457, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'RADIO A1', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 764685095, -1)
11:13:49.621 T:2654976832 ERROR: CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
11:13:49.621 T:2654976832 ERROR: CPVRChannelGroups - Load - failed to load channel groups
11:13:49.621 T:2654976832 ERROR: PVRManager - Process - failed to load PVR data, retrying
11:14:09.907 T:2654976832 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (88950457, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'RADIO A1', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 764685095, -1)
11:14:09.907 T:2654976832 ERROR: CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
11:14:09.907 T:2654976832 ERROR: CPVRChannelGroups - Load - failed to load channel groups
11:14:09.907 T:2654976832 ERROR: PVRManager - Process - failed to load PVR data, retrying
Many thanks .
Hi maier2505,
Sorry for not following up sooner, i have been ill.
The heat sink on the hde was loose. I cleaned and put some cpu paste and now working ok with green light.
Thanks for helping .
I wish you festive greetings, health and prosperity for next year.
I just noticed that after you start the avg2 the green light on the vdr hde goes from green to orange,
I thought this was because the channel was set to tdt and a possible conflict with Kodi so i changed to a satellite channel.
Seemed ok but then made a restart and this time no green light but orange.
My question is , is there a conflict between Kodi and the vdr ?
I only noticed this last night as i was cleaning the avg2. Is it dangerous to have the vdr hde always with orange light ?
I hardly ever use the vdr hde because use Kodi . The vdr hde is good for installing and inicial programming of the avg2 , channel scan , hard drives etc. Then always Kodi.
Many thanks.
Hi cinfo,
The vdr is again working with bm2lts v2.90 .
Many thanks again.
Hi there cinfo,
Many thanks for replying , i hope you are well.
I have the bm2lts v2.90 installed .
However , when you install the default 384.90 driver from ( additional drivers ) the result is no vdr. This is the main problem.
With v2.89 you could install nvidia driver and the vdr would work.
Is there a way to get the vdr to work with the 384.90 default driver ?
Many thanks again.
Hi ,
Is it possible to download bm2lts v2.89 ?
I lost my pen drive this was installed on.
Many thanks.
Many thanks for the ram you are using.
That ram i am not able to locate . However, this ram…LwAAOSwSYpZu8aX
Seems to be the same, just less latency.
Ok, the lack of xmp profile with the ktq87 board is a shame.
Many thanks again.
Anyhow if you have what you want, why change it
Exactly, why change something that works.
I will keep v2.90 , very stable for me , just need some help on ram.
Many thanks again.
I have researched a long time on which RAM modules to install for kontron ktq87 board.
This kit of 32 gb looks good :…LwAAOSwSYpZu8aX
However, a question is in my mind. In my research it looks like this ram has to be modified in the bios to run at full speed which is 1600mhz; but the module on installing runs at 1333mhz. To change the speed you have to enable xmp profile. I went into the bios but can not find anything on xmp .Does the kontron board have this and if so may be you can show where it is.
There is no memory tab or setting in the bios , which is strange.
Many thanks.