Tested. Not bad the 404 idea
No particular prob except the fight against the DRM protection
Tested. Not bad the 404 idea
No particular prob except the fight against the DRM protection
I tested on Rpi4 the last version of iptv plug (with radio image) without radio plug and again looks like softhd drm gles doesn't love the background.
It loads the image plus icon and info of the channell for a couple of seconds but when the last two disappear the screen gets black.
On Ubu it's all okay
Yes the prolem is there but ... much more important .... enjoy your vacations
Today I've reinstalled Vdr on my RPI4 (bookworm lite OS) with the new Iptv plugin and it's ok and quite fast
The bad news is softhddevice-drm-gles doesn't support the background image of radio plugin so we have a sad blank screen.
If I remember well the old soft-drm did it
Mannaggia a google tranlator (italian imprecation)
Obviously it goes only in case of zapping not during a recording on a second device
With ples no it's not going vlcinput
To Dr. Seltsam
Also mit vlc extern (vlc2input) funktioniert die Wiedergabe auch noch nach dem Starten einer Aufnahme. Störgeräusche habe ich keine. Allerdings habe ich von jeher mit vlc2input das Problem, dass Script und/oder vlc beim Kanalwechsel nicht beendet werden und man dann plötzlich mehrere Instanzen laufen hat. Dann kommt der Ton abgehackt und in Fetzen.
Adding "killall -9 vlc" at the beginning of vlcinput solve the problem
As I wrote a couple of days ago the sound of radio iptv streaming is definetely ok (vlcinput is the faster in zapping) with the three different systems (vlcinput - F=RADIO H=V - F=RADIO H=F)
In all the three i have the background image (with info with vlcinput)
Vlc version 3.0.20 Vetinari (revision 3.0.20-1-g2617de71b6) but with ubuntu classic 3.0.16 was is ok too
Plugin-radio Siricco version
Softhddevice (2.3.7-GIT9c1f886) in all my two pc (nvidia nd intel)
Recording a stream: vlc is unable to reproduce the ts file but ffplay or mpv have correct sound and blank screen
The infos are coming from vlc itself not from a RDS data
In my github i can give all what you need
Then download two files: the first for iptv side
iptv_conf.tar.gz (here vlcinput is already patched) and the addresses of the radio channells (fundamental the APID!!! 128 or 256 or 320)
The second for the plugin radio
radio_scripts.tar.gz (with the receving part radioinfo-o-128 or 256 or 320)
This is fundamental for reading correctly the log coming from vlc
Last but not least thing I use not the classic plugin radio but this one coming from
More difficult to explain than apply
I confirm what Dr. Seltsam wrote. In my test using vlcinput and zapping through all radio channells is quite faster respect the protocol F=RADIO both with H=V or H=F.
Plus I use a vlcinput with an old patch by lnj which works togheter with the plugin-radio so i have a background image with info about for example the singer and the title of a song.
And at the same time I confirm too that the streaming of a playlist using the new version is definetely ok
I have exactly the opposite. Tested only radio channells . Zapping with the FFmpeg i note a sort of micro stop and go as with Vlc I have no problem at all.
Extract of channell.conf I use
The Outlaw vlc:240:S=1|P=0|F=RADIO|U=https%3A//ice24.securenetsystems.net/OUTLAW|A=24|H=V:I:0:0:257:0:0:24:1:34:24
The Outlaw ffmpeg:250:S=1|P=0|F=RADIO|U=https%3A//ice24.securenetsystems.net/OUTLAW|A=25|H=F:I:0:0:257:0:0:25:1:35:25
Aardvark Blues FM vlc :260:S=1|P=0|F=RADIO|U=https%3A//edge3.peta.live365.net/b77280_128mp3|A=26|H=V:I:0:0:257:0:0:26:1:36:26
Aardvark Blues FM ffmpeg:270:S=1|P=0|F=RADIO|U=https%3A//edge3.peta.live365.net/b77280_128mp3|A=27|H=F:I:0:0:257:0:0:27:1:37:27
With the same example of Dr. Seltsam here is okay
but I use a Vdr configuration different on Ubu
in /etc/vdr/plugins/iptv I have the .cfg file
and I have no Vdr in /usr/local/share
Not compiling because at line 125 of /po/ca_Es.po
msgstr ""STREAM
instead of
msgstr "STREAM"
Now it starts correctly ... Not deeply tested but after checked using italian tv & radio stream it seems oka
In any case I don't understand why and where the plugin call to the libraries
Many thanks
I'm getting crazy
No problem compiling this new version but starting vdr I have this type of reply
Quotevdr: /usr/lib/vdr/libvdr-iptv.so.2.6.9: undefined symbol: SSL_connect
the new channels.conf and channels.cfg are in the right folders as per Zabrimus instruction
All libraries ssl openssl are correctly installed
Really I cant' resolve the problem "undefined symbol: SSL_connect"
With new test realease on Intel (va-api) syncro is ok ... not jumping back
I confirm the switch committed is now ok
I confirm
It's works like a charm