Posts by dreamvdrbox


    I have problems,update skindesigner 0.8.0 , tvguideng and weatherforecast



    scroller[14987]: segfault at 70 ip 00007f883b3f04bd sp 00007f87ded31c50
    error 4 in[7f883b336000+14b000]

    Thanks to a new update :]


    Just for info, I did already tried this –x switch found on w_scan Documentation page. But it seems this scan never stops and for me it looks like it is going in the loop.
    One more question after this initial tuning data are found how to use them or are they already imported to the w_scan .date File and i just need to rescan without -x switch?

    I did stop this scan with Ctrl+C after scaning for about 30 minutes, and this is what I got:
    Used command: w_scan -fs -s S39E0 -x > initial-tuning-data.txt




    How to add a new transponder in w_scan?
    I found in w_scan, is there right place to add a new transponders?

    two different lines:


    {5, 10758, 1, 27500, 5 , 0, 0 }, // HOT BIRD 13C 112; 42.2Mbps; NID=318 ; TID=11200;
    {6, 10775, 0, 29900, 3 , 3, 9 }, // HOT BIRD 13C 113; 65.1Mbps; NID=64511; TID=11300;

    Also can someone explain me the first numbers 5 and 6 ? After frequency numbers go 1 and 0 ? Everything else I found the King Sat.

    SkyDe also changed some Transponders, more info here:


    Best regards

    Thanks for this skin! One of my VDR boxes has very little resources and this will be great for it. But, VDR crashes as soon as try to open any osd except the one that opens with the OK button. I can't open the main menu, schedules, recordings, etc.. There's nothing in the VDR log. I'm using skindesigner-0.6.2-git.d9c5219f. Other skins (such as metrixhd for example) work just fine.


    the same problem is with me...


    Hi Klaus

    after the last update (kernel and nvidia) subtitles on Digi is Ok.
    the problem is to Polaris,do not show subtitles on some channels.
    I tested in previous VDR versions, the same problem.
    as what I wrote before,Kodi shows subtitles well,really strange.

    the same strange problem with all Pink channels at 16 east .
    channels open, but working slowly, with some diced .

    you can check if you want, the channel is free.

    Pink Folk;pink:11151:vC23M5O35S1:S16.0E:13260:0:0:0:0:64:366:52012:0

    why I write now about pink?
    because what is also strange, pink channels normally work in Kodi or streamdev and VLC...

    possible that the problem is in softhddevice?


    dreamvdrbox: Ok, i have an idea ;) Could you please change the file views/displaychannelview.c in the following way (line 515ff):

    void cDisplayChannelView::DisplayMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) {
        if (!Text) {
    +       return;
        map < string, string > stringTokens;

    Hopefully with this change the crash should be gone.

    Ciao Louis

    dreamvdrbox: could you please provide a core dump of the crash? With that it is easier to locate the issue.

    Ciao Louis

    dreamvdrbox: could you please provide a core dump of the crash? With that it is easier to locate the issue.

    Ciao Louis

    dreamvdrbox: Ok, i have an idea ;) Could you please change the file views/displaychannelview.c in the following way (line 515ff):

    void cDisplayChannelView::DisplayMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) {
        if (!Text) {
    +       return;
        map < string, string > stringTokens;

    Hopefully with this change the crash should be gone.

    Ciao Louis

    Hi Louis

    now everything is ok!

    I have only one problem :D
    I have a skin without icons..

    [Blocked Image:
    best regards


    I have a rotor and reset my VDR when changing to another satellite ..

    sudo journalctl -f -u vdr:

    It's happening only with SkinDesigner...

    Holo is a beautiful theme . :D

    Greetings from Croatia
