Posts by jbjbjb

    Thanks all of you.

    As I do not have dbus2vdr installed (I need the script for an installation of easyVDR 3 I have in a NUC6) I will take the command proposed by vectra130 and the way I am going to calculate the next [recording/recording in progres] with this command:

    NEXT_TIMER=$(svdrpsend next | grep -hi "250" | awk '{print $3 " " $4 " " $5 " " $6 " " $7}')
    NEXT_TIMER_UTC=$(date -d "$NEXT_TIMER" +%s)

    I checked it and it works fine. With the script proposed by seahawk1986 I can end the script I need.

    Thanks again and regards.

    Javier B.


    I would like to know how can I make a conditional sentence to know if there are some recording in progress. Like:

    If (Recording in progress)??? then;
       do things
       do else things

    It is to prevent an unmount of an external hard disk in order to check it, when a recording is in progress (I schelule recordings in an external 5Tb hard disk).

    Thanks and regards.
    Javier B.


    Too hard for me :(

    Booting with Ubuntu 15.10 in order to know the model of wired network, it seems to be: Intel® Ethernet Connection I218-V. So I go to Intel drivers web page to download the right driver: em-7.6.1.tar.gz.

    The way for installing seems to be easy:

    But... I can not run make command, it seems not to be installed, and I have no network to do it... Is there an esay way to install make command without network connection?.

    [Edited]: The exit of "dpkg --get-selections" command is here:

    Javier B.


    Even without finishing installation, yaVdr starts in Tty1 screen and I can login.

    I think that no sofware has been downloaded from internet and neither post-installation scripts of yaVdr have been executed.

    I found a page with some info about how to install intel wired network driver in ubuntu 14.04.03, I guess I will be able to do the same in yaVdr 0.6 and activate network.

    But, I do not know if I will be able to run the post-intallation scripts after installing the network.

    Tomorrow I will try to activate the network, if it works I will let you know and we will decide next steps.

    Javier B.


    I have tried to install yaVdr 0.6 in the las version of intel NUC (NUC6i5SYK), but the bootable usb of yaVdr 0.6 can not go on since the keyboard selecction.

    I had to record yaVdr 0.6 iso in a DVD, and connect an external DVD reader in order to go on with installation.

    The problem is that the installation software is not able to detect the wired network, so installation is not able to finish.

    I want to try Ubuntu 15.10 64bits, but I do not know if yaVdr 0.6 can be installed from a ppa repository. Is that possible?, what should I do?.

    Javier B.

    Just updated the guide with a command to change to version of the debian package. (dch -i "comment ..")


    I run dch command but it is not installed in my yaVdr. I am not able to install it either.

    I know the package versión by using:

    dpkg -s vdr-plugin-softhddevice | grep Version
    Version: 1:0.6.1rc1.git20150924.1231-0yavdr3~trusty

    Should I run the dch -i "1:0.6.1rc1.git20150924.1231-0yavdr3~trusty" command? But how can I install dch?

    I do not understand how should I update the guide. I am sorry for bothering you again :wand

    Javier B.

    Hi. Thanks for your answer Eisbaer128. May be it is because I am not an advanced user of linux, but I do not understand completely your answer:

    Here a good solution is to change the version of the local install softhddevice-) will add this to the instructions

    I do not know what " to change the version of the local install softhddevice-)" is? Do I remove the part of uninstall softhdevice or should I add some more?
    [I edited already this part of the post]

    After removing teh custom Edid everything is working fine.

    I do not know neither what is customEdid nor how to remove it?. Is it removed already in "xorg.conf.yavdr" or should I use some command?.

    Sorry for my inexperience.

    Javier B.


    I hope to buy a NUC6 in a few weeks, so I installed yaVdr 0.6 in a virtual machine in order to reproduce the Eisbaer128 instructions.

    Those are the step I did. I hope someone can correct me if I did some mistake.

    First of all, the most recent version of intel graphics should be installed

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel

    Next step, source of vdr-plugin-softhddevice should be downloaded.

    sudo apt-get install devscripts  # In order to run afterward the 'dch' command
    sudo apt-get source vdr-plugin-softhddevice
    sudo apt-get build-dep vdr-plugin-softhddevice 
    sudo apt-get install libva-dev # (only in case the file is not already installed)

    IMPORTANT: DO NOT REMOVE manually vdr-plugin-softhddevice. As it is a part of yaVdr, some other software needed for yaVdr would be also removed

    After download and run build-dep, the folder "vdr-plugin-softhddevice-0.6.1rc1.git20150924.1231" was created (If git of plugin changes I guess the numbers in folder will be different next time)

    cd vdr-plugin-softhddevice-0.6.1rc1.git20150924.1231

    In order to avoid intalling new versions of plugin softhdevice, we should increase the number of versión of our softhdevice:

    sudo dch -i "added vaapi and opengl to compile options"

    In order to edit needed files, I installed nano text editor:

    sudo apt-get install nano

    Makefile should be edited:

    sudo nano Makefile

    And some changes in file should be done. This content will change:

    # support VA-API video output module (deprecated)
    #VAAPI ?= $(shell pkg-config --exists libva && echo 1)
        # support glx outputAfter that we change to a created folder in order to build the deb package:
    #OPENGL ?= $(shell pkg-config --exists gl glu && echo 1)

    for this one:

    # support VA-API video output module (deprecated)
    VAAPI ?= $(shell pkg-config --exists libva && echo 1)
        # support glx output
    OPENGL ?= $(shell pkg-config --exists gl glu && echo 1)

    Instead of editing the Makefile you can run those commands that will do automaticaly the changes for you:

    sudo sed -i s/#VAAPI/VAAPI/ Makefile
    sudo sed -i s/#OPENGL/OPENGL/ Makefile

    After that, buildpackage should be run:

    sudo dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc -d

    The result of the previous command is (I am sorry, some words are in spanish):

    Display Spoiler

    We change to the previous folder with "cd .." and vdr plugin should be installed (install dependencies if they appeared in the instalation process):

    sudo dpkg -i vdr-plugin-softhddevice_0.6.1rc1.git20150924.1231-0yavdr3~trusty_amd64.deb  #Not install the packet with dbg on its name

    nVidia drivers should be removed too:

    sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia*

    Config file of plugin should be edited:

    sudo nano /etc/vdr/conf.avail/softhddevice.conf

    and the content should be:

    -v va-api
    # -v va-api-glx

    xorg.conf.yavdr config file should be also edited:

    sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.yavdr

    and the content should be (Avoid to use CustomEdid in xorg.conf, because it cause fails in Kodi):

    That is that I understood that is needed to do, in order to make Intel HD work in NUC5. If some corrections are needed, please be free to tell me and I edit the post to fix them.

    Thanks and regards.
    Javier B.


    I have in mind to buy an intel nuc mini pc, but it has intel HD graphics.

    I know that yaVdr is designed to work with nvidia graphic cards, but I am not able to find a mini pc similar to nuc with an nvidia card (nowadays I have Xtreamer Ultra).

    Someone can tell me if yaVdr will work fine in this pc?. I have translated some threads with google translato, but translation is not very clear and it seems that there are changes to do that are not inmediate for not advanced users.

    Javier B.