Posts by satfan39


    Originally posted by satfan39

    Is it possible to download some channel.conf file for Astra and Hotbird that already include the xmltv names ? Matching manually the channel names with the xmltv names is quite long ane exhaustive, especially on DVB-S since there are regular dvb frequency and transponder updates.

    I found the "linowsat" site, but this is not what I need but iot does not includes all the xmltv names for the most commonly used xmltv grabbers ( from xmltv.orfg, mc2xml, )

    Please advise if someone is maintaining such information.


    Is it possible to download some channel.conf file for Astra and Hotbird that already include the xmltv names ? Matching manually the channel names with the channel names is quite boring ane exhaustive, especially on DCB-S since there are regular dvb frequency and transponder updates.

    I found "linowsat", but this is not what I need but iot does not includes all the xmltv names for the most commonly used xmltv grabbers ( from xmltv.orfg, mc2xml, )

    Please advise if someone is maintaining such information.