Posts by Swifty

    Ok, so some more testing tonight with VDR - I now have pretty reliable ability to record.

    I'm not sure exactly, but I think I should have powered down the HD-PVR after changing the firmware version, I did this earlier and now without any further changes in VDR I have recorded 8 different channels OK, even without any sleep after channel switch.

    I can play all the recordings just fine in XBMC.

    Here ( is a log at level 4 - It doesn't seem much more verbose than before.. I assume all info goes to /var/log/syslog?

    The log shows, a timer being added, and starting ok - then I tried to tune to the same channel that was already recording in XBMC, but as with normal LiveTV channels that aren't recording I just got the buffering indicator at the top of the screen :(

    I tried to stop / start the same channels (so it didn't re-tune the cable box) but that didn't help.. I also tried to add the external switch sleep values (1>5) and there was still no difference.

    I confirmed again that using VDR-SXFE or Streamdev that the same channels work OK. :angst

    Ok, I had some time to do some more testing last night.

    I have fixed all my channels in the channels.conf so I have unique SID's and the first numeric value is set to 1.

    I managed to get a successful recording via VDR of a PVR channel, and it plays back fine with XBMC (I actually scheduled it via XBMC too)

    However, after stopping the recording, and trying another with a different channel, the HD-PVR didn't light up, and VDR started doing it's emergency exit loop again..

    I've loaded the very latest (1.7.1 I think) firmware to the HD-PVR, as it mentioned that it fixes an issue where the PCR is sometimes incorrect (I'm not sure if that matters to VDR at all?) but this didn't help.

    So, currently I've installed MythTV to see if it's any happier working with the HD-PVR (though I'd really like to use VDR!) but I guess it will help to highlight if its a VDR problem or something in the HD-PVR driver...

    Thanks Lars,

    I just read the posts, and it sounds like it could be something I will encounter, but I'm not 100% sure if it's the same issue - since Rob sounds like his was working for the most part at least.. whereas mine refuses to make ANY recording or playback through XVDR.

    I have been searching around with the error message and most seem to point at wrong PID/VID details - could someone confirm if the following channels.conf excerpt is correct for VDR 1.7.27 ?

    Discovery Channel:212:COMPONENT:V:0:4113+4097=27:0;4352=@106:0:0:212:1:9011:0 
    Discovery Channel +1:213:COMPONENT:V:0:4113+4097=27:0;4352=@106:0:0:213:1:9011:0 
    Animal Planet:215:COMPONENT:V:0:4113+4097=27:0;4352=@106:0:0:215:1:9011:0 
    Discovery History:217:COMPONENT:V:0:4113+4097=27:0;4352=@106:0:0:217:1:9011:0 
    Discovery Science:219:COMPONENT:V:0:4113+4097=27:0;4352=@106:0:0:219:1:9011:0

    I used the example from here and simply duplicated it changing the channel name and numbers as I went, but after re-checking my channels.conf just now I seem to have extra things that have been added (I assume by VDR) such at @106 etc... I'm not sure what these mean?!

    The 212,213,215,217,219 values are needed to that the external channel switch script works - hopefully I put them in the right place :)

    It's a really odd problem, since if I use VDRManager (Android) which connects via Streamdev then tuning is working OK... so I'm not sure :rolleyes:

    --- EDIT ---

    Hmmm.... I just duplicated an exisiting channel line and fixed it to exactly match the example from the github page, I ensured UpdateChannels was set to 0 and started VDR - I then stopped it and checked the channels.conf, and the line now has the =@106; added

    Thanks for your assistance.

    I've disabled the other plugins from loading and manually added a timer which now seems to be trying to record :)

    I've put the pvrinput log to level 4 as requested, and when tailing the log for VDR I can see it's crashing VDR shortly after trying to start the record - it seems to point at; ERROR: video data stream broken.

    However, I can cat the output from the HD-PVR to a .ts file and it's growing in size (the VDR recording is always 0kb since it never seems to see any video)

    I can't confirm if the HD-PVR is lighting up blue on the top when trying to start this recording, since I'm doing it all remotely at the moment from work over SSH...

    I'm using VDR 1.7.27 from the YAVDR Precise PPA (testing IIRC).

    Here is the log (pastebin seems down for me at the moment) ;


    Does the problem only exists when using xbmc for viewing Live-TV? Can you replay a pvrinput recording with xbmc which was made with vdr?

    Well, oddly VDR doesn't seem to want to start recording for some reason - it just seems to be ignoring all timers, there not even any acknowledgement in the logs that a timer was just supposed to start..
    But, if I cat the output of the HD-PVR to a .ts file, then I can play it in XBMC OK.

    PS: Don't try to use a translator - it makes no sense :D

    I thought it might be garbage but I appreciate this is a primarily German speaking forum, so thought it was only courteous hehe :)

    Ich habe dies an der xvdr Github angemeldet, aber wenn jemand Hilfe anbieten kann, es wäre toll!

    Ich habe VDR mit dem Plugin pvrinput und verwenden Sie es mit einer Hauppauge HD-PVR-und Kabel-Box.
    Es stimmt gut mit streamdev-Player auf meinem Android-Handy und funktioniert mit VDR-sxfe ok, aber wenn ich spielen mit XBMC / xvdr das Video startet versuchen, ist alles was ich sehe das Zwischenspeichern-Leiste am oberen Rand des Bildschirms, und bleiben Sie saß LiveTV auf dem EPG-Fenster. (die HD-PVR ist mit der Aufnahme beginnen, da die es leuchtet auf der Oberseite)

    Ich habe xvdr mit DEBUG = 1 neu kompiliert und hier ist das Protokoll von VDR nach ein paar Versuchen, um einen Kanal in XBMC starten;
    Sie können am Ende sehen, wenn ich spielen einen Kanal, durch XBMC, die kurz nach xine Melodien ein Kanal selbst (der letzte, den ich sah) und scheint einen Video-Stream in Ordnung erkennen zu stoppen ..

    Hier ist ein Debug-Log von XBMC beim Versuch, einen Kanal zu starten;
    Und schließlich ist ein VDR-Log von erfolgreichen Start eines Kanals über streamdev und mein Android-Handy - nur sofern es etwas gibt, nützlich;

    Ich hoffe, dass diese als nützlich erweisen, wie ich es lieben würde, um diese Arbeit zu bekommen!
    Lassen Sie mich wissen, ob es etwas anderes kann ich testen ..


    I have logged this at the xvdr github, but if anyone can offer help it would be great!

    I have VDR with the pvrinput plugin and use it with a Hauppauge HD-PVR and cable box.
    It tunes fine with streamdev player on my Android phone and works ok with VDR-SXFE, but when I try to play using XBMC/XVDR the video never starts, all I see is the buffering bar at the top of the screen, and stay sat on the LiveTV EPG window. (the HD-PVR does start to record, since the it lights up on the top)

    I have re-compiled XVDR with DEBUG=1 and here is the log from VDR after a few attempts to start a channel in XBMC;
    You can see at the end, when I stop playing a channel through XBMC, that shortly after xine tunes a channel itself (the last one I watched) and seems to detect a video stream ok..

    Here is a debug log from XBMC while trying to start a channel;

    And lastly is a VDR log from successfully starting a channel via streamdev and my android phone - just incase there is anything useful;

    I hope these prove useful as I would love to get this working!
    Let me know if there is anything else I can test..


    I have a low powered device which is running a stripped version of ubuntu.
    I'm interested to know if there is a frontend for VDR that runs well on low power devices (Atom 1.3ghz / GMA500) ?

    xine or vdr-sxfe seem great, but I need some way of also being able to play mp3/videos from my server through the same gui (have to make is easy for my wife) :)

    Can any of the frontends connect to a upnp server or use shares to get music/video?


    Well a quick update.

    I have given up on the xmltv2vdr-plugin and tried the xmltv2vdr perl script instead.
    This worked flawlessly and was really easy to setup - so for the moment I'll just stick with this and use a cron job to update the guide data.

    Thanks to Keine_Ahnung and GDA for the support in trying to get the plugin working - but if I left it longer without EPG data my wife would kill me :p

    Thanks, that would be very much appreciated!

    I've also updated my xmltv2vdr too, just to make sure I hadn't got a bad version - I'm using git from 16/04 now and it's the same (but doesn't complain about subtitles, since there is some handling added)
    Here is my grabber script;

    My tv_grab_uk_rt.conf;

    vdr setup.conf;

    Code = 0;1090522077;V-1-9011-106 = 0;1090522077;V-1-9011-150

    vdr channels.conf;

    Channel 5 HD:150:COMPONENT:V:0:4113+4097=27:0;4352=@106:0:0:150:1:9011:0
    BBC Three:106:COMPONENT:V:0:4113+4097=27:0;4352=@106:0:0:106:1:9011:0

    lastly, /var/lib/vdr/plugins/xmltv2vdr/tv_grab_uk_rt_grabber;

    #no pin

    Many Thanks!

    Well, I have been fighting the EPG again tonight :)

    Still haven't got it to import anything, but I've used sed to remove the xml tags that xmltv2vdr has been complaining about (premier, previously-shown, new) - now when I run an import I get the following logged;

    Apr 18 00:47:00 MicroServer vdr: [20251] xmltv2vdr importer thread started (pid=20009, tid=20251)
    Apr 18 00:47:00 MicroServer vdr: [20251] xmltv2vdr: 'tv_grab_uk_rt_grabber' tv_grab_uk_rt_grabber 14 ''
    Apr 18 00:47:00 MicroServer vdr: [20251] xmltv2vdr: 'tv_grab_uk_rt_grabber' executing epgsource
    Apr 18 00:47:27 MicroServer vdr: [20014] frontend 0/0 timed out while tuning to channel 144, tp 212523
    Apr 18 00:47:45 MicroServer vdr: [20251] xmltv2vdr: 'tv_grab_uk_rt_grabber' parsing output
    Apr 18 00:47:46 MicroServer vdr: [20251] xmltv2vdr: 'tv_grab_uk_rt_grabber' importing from db
    Apr 18 00:47:46 MicroServer vdr: [20251] xmltv2vdr: 'tv_grab_uk_rt_grabber' processed 1 xmltv events
    Apr 18 00:47:46 MicroServer vdr: [20251] xmltv2vdr importer thread ended (pid=20009, tid=20251)

    No matter how many channels are chosen it always shows 'processed 1 xmltv events' - but nothing makes it into the guide.. I've verfied the xml and checked the contents and it all looks ok

    I have ran the tv_validate_file manually to double check and it all seems happy.

    I've stripped the configuration back to just the one channel again so that there isn't so much output - the grabbed xml is here;

    /var/lib/vdr/setup.conf has; = 0;1090522077;V-1-9011-150

    /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf has;
    Channel 5 HD:150:COMPONENT:V:0:4113+4097=27:0;4352=@106:0:0:150:1:9011:0 <----- This is using the PVRInput-Plugin

    /var/lib/epgsources/tv_grab_uk_rt_grabber has;

    Thanks, I've just been making some more tests - after deleting I still don't get the xmltv epg coming into vdr.
    I've tried this with it set to create and to merge, both are giving the same - lots of notes in syslog about unknown element subtitles / previously-shown and that's all.. but the rest of the guide data never makes it to vdr, and that's all that seems to be logged by xmltv2vdr.

    If it successfully completes, does it normally log 'finished epg import' or anything like that ? - as the last message I have is about the unknown elements.

    -edit my vdr is 1.7.27 btw, straight from the yavdr ppa (along with xmltv2vdr-plugin)

    Do you go to the plugin setup menu und make your settings? You need map the channels and setup what infos are should inserted.

    You may also increase the VDR log level to see more Infos in the log, or try the Log View in the xmltv2vdr Plugin setup menu.

    Thanks - yes I've used vdr-sxfe to go into the xmltv2vdr plugin settings and configure channels to grab, I've then mapped those channels to the vdr channels in a few cases (only done some channels to test if it works) - I have set it to 'create' and turned on all properties for the mapping.

    My VDR log level is at 3, and the plugin log viewer doesn't see to tell me anything more after all the notes about some of the unknown elements...

    Is there anywhere else I can see what's happening?

    Thanks for your replies gda and Keine_Ahnung!

    I've used the script posted and added a few more channels to test -and it's getting further at least, but I don't get the guide data added to the channels.

    The syslog notes the following 'error' once;

    But i'm not sure if that is for information (and the xmltv2vdr-plugin will carry on) or if it stops when it notes this... - that is the last message I see from the plugin.
    If I look at the debug log via vdr-sxfe for the grabber is shows lots of lines the same as above, with a few also noting 'unknown element {premier/new/previously shown}'

    Also is it normal for the grabber command to truncate when displaying (see bbcfour.) this is in the config... plus a bunch of other channels are configured too.

    Thanks for the help so far!

    You totally misunderstood Keine_Ahnung. You have not the wrong version, this grabber simply doesn't exist. You have to write one and Keine_Ahnung has explained to you how it would have to work.


    Aaahhhh! You are correct - I had not appreciated what Keine_Ahnung was getting at, I thought he referred to the older xmltv2vdr script when he said the script wouldn't work, rather than the xmltv grabbers themselves! :)

    So, does the 'real' xmltv grabbers get involved at all in the process? - or does the shell script I make just grab the data directly from the sources that xmltv would normally use?
    Is there any example script for the 'grabber' so I can get my head around how it's supposed to work?

    I had been using this guide; Help with vdr-plugin-xmltv2vdr but that makes no mention of making any script :rolleyes:


    Thanks for your reply, I think that's what I've done so far (at the moment I only use 1 channel for testing) so my line in the log is;

    tv_grab_uk_rt 1 ''

    I have just tried that from the command line and xmltv comes back like there are unknown options - it displays the following;

    As you can see, I tried it with the sky channel names, and it gives the same.

    However if I run tv_grab_uk_rt without any of the other options then it starts grabbing the xml epg and outputting it to the console (using the channel list I configured via tv_grab_uk_rt --configure).
    Do I have the wrong grabber version or something? - my tv_grab_uk_rt is;

    This is tv_grab_uk_rt version 1.342, 2011/06/19 06:50:36


    Ich habe gerade diesen Thread gefunden, während der Suche um zu versuchen, das Plugin zu arbeiten :)

    Könnte jemand empfehlen, was falsch sein könnte mit meinem Setup? (Details hier Problem; Kann nicht richtig funktioniert xmltv2vdr :( )

    Ich habe jetzt das Problem mit den Kanälen nicht die Zuordnung über vdr-sxfe gelöst, so dass die Linien in meiner / etc / vdr / setup.conf sind nun korrekt (glaube ich) - aber ich bekomme immer die "xmltv2vdr: 'tv_grab_uk_rt' FEHLER epgsource zurück 1 "Fehler: (
    Gibt es irgendwo kann ich ein paar weitere Informationen siehe zu versuchen und herausfinden, wo der Prozess läuft falsch?

    Vielen Dank!
    I have just found this thread, while searching to try and make the plugin work :)

    Could anyone suggest what might be wrong with my setup? (problem details here; Kann nicht richtig funktioniert xmltv2vdr :( )

    I have now solved the issue with channels not mapping via vdr-sxfe, so the lines in my /etc/vdr/setup.conf are now correct (I believe) - but I always get the "xmltv2vdr: 'tv_grab_uk_rt' ERROR epgsource returned 1" error :(
    Is there anywhere I can see some more information to try and work out where the process is going wrong?
