Posts by davidea

    i've tried to apply the patch for 1.7.16 , but i've a lot of error,
    a friend from italian board (von fritz) send tell me a link…it/tree/patches (don't work the patch a lot of hunk) (i've copied the whole file and not the single line patched)

    the file i think are for 1.7.20 becouse the date is August, and it compile on 1.7.20!

    tomorrow i try to se if it works on my unicable system!!

    sorry if i write in english, and i hope to understund what do you need!

    you are searching for a splitter?…R-/180681249848

    to connect 2 receiver to a scr lnb? if yes, no problem, the receiver send 18V only when it must send diseqc command, and inside the splitter there's a couple of diode that prevent the 18V to go backward onto the other receiver.

    but, why you will to use the thecnisat 2/1 instead of a single SCR lnb ? do you need one?

    Offiziell scheint das "Single Cable Distribution" zu heißen.

    ok, i think is ok!

    Quoted from "fds2001"

    Hi DeltaKilo!

    Ich habe mir meinen letzten Patch (unicable2.vdr-1.7.14.diff) nochmal kurz angeschaut - und da hatte sich doch tatsächlich ein Fehler eingeschlichen. Keine Ahnung wie das passiert ist...
    (Und es hat sich bisher auch noch niemand sonst beschwert.)

    Hier ist eine korrigierte Fassung (für 1.7.15, sollte aber auch mit 1.7.14 funktionieren). Diesmal doppelt getestet.

    Ich werde diesen Patch voraussichtlich in der nächsten VDR Developer-Version übernehmen.
    Kann ich davon ausgehen, daß unicable2.vdr-1.7.15.diff immer noch der aktuelle Stand ist, oder gibt es da was neueres?

    Falls der Autor in VDR/CONTRIBUTORS genannt werden möchte, bräuchte ich noch den Realname und Email-Adresse.


    thanks from italy
    (scr user with vdr 1.7.16)
    very cool!

    yes,i'm running the last yavdr version, i think of yes, sometinthg is changed, 2 mounth ago i've applied the patch form the treadh you've linked and its' all ok
    now, i've applied the patch, and have some rej, ok,i thinks, i made it manually, but after compilation, when i run it , vdr crashes , restart, crashes and so on!!

    some change in ubuntu?
    in the italian forum,there's another guy who have NOW the same problem, but 4 days ago, (he has making some test, then he have installed several time), it work.

    hi, I'm sorry to write in English, but I do not know German
    i've tried several time to make yavdr unicable compatible, but without success
    always, i receive a failed error from dpatch (or patch), and a rej file (dvbdevice.c.rej) , if i try to apply manually the rejected part, it compile, but when i run it, vdr crash, and every time i've this error

    Mar  6 23:14:21 vdrhd vdr: [6270] ERROR: device 10 reported an invalid number (0) of supported delivery systems - assuming 1

    i've tried to don't apply the patch 64 lnb sharing, but without success, i've the same error
    any help is apprecied!!!

    hi, sorry for english!

    in italy, sky italia use many scr lnb for your subscriptor, then i will try it, compile is ok, but when i try it don't work!!!!
    some channel go, and some other don't go, inspecting with a spectrum analyzer, the channel that don't go, are all frequency shifted about 8 Mhz and the receiver don't lock it!

    after a evening spent on it i've found my mistake, in the diseqc.conf, there are the configuration for astra (19E) and hotbird (13E), but i've only hotbird then, i activate the line for hotbird removing the pound .....

    here the mistake!

    the configuration is for a dual feed scr, and mine is single feed!!!!

    then in this matter i'll try to use my lnb with the command for the dual feed, onto the configuration, there a parameter that explain this, but i've missed it,

    the original is

    S13.0E 11700 V 9750 t V U4 W10 [E0 10 5A 00 00] W10 v
    S13.0E 99999 V 10600 t V U5 W10 [E0 10 5A 00 00] W10 v
    S13.0E 11700 H 9750 t V U6 W10 [E0 10 5A 00 00] W10 v
    S13.0E 99999 H 10600 t V U7 W10 [E0 10 5A 00 00] W10 v

    the working are

    S13.0E 11700 V 9750 t V U0 W10 [E0 10 5A 00 00] W10 v
    S13.0E 99999 V 10600 t V U1 W10 [E0 10 5A 00 00] W10 v
    S13.0E 11700 H 9750 t V U2 W10 [E0 10 5A 00 00] W10 v
    S13.0E 99999 H 10600 t V U3 W10 [E0 10 5A 00 00] W10 v

    take care about the difference on every line the parameter Ux !!!!!!!
    becouse this parameter influence the 'algorithm for controlling tuning.....
    correct this, is all OK.

    thanks to fds2001 for the patch, and thanks to the open source, that make possible to inspect the code and found my mistake!!!!! :lol2


    Originally posted by TomG

    No problem.

    BTW: It's german, not dutch. ;)



    Thanks for the links. According to the second link the problem is solved in the subversion repository of ffmpeg:

    sorry, but, on the current svn version there is the same problem, i've compiled ffmpeg from svn with the command:

    svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg


    If you can't switch to the current subversion version of ffmpeg, use following patch for osdpip as workaround:

    --- a/Makefile
    +++ b/Makefile
    @@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ PACKAGE = vdr-$(ARCHIVE)
     INCLUDES += -I$(VDRDIR)/include
     ifdef FFMDIR
         INCLUDES += -I$(FFMDIR)/libavcodec


    it's ok, i've compiled it without problem, thanks!!!


    Originally posted by TomG

    Das sieht mir nach einem Problem mit ffmpeg oder gcc aus. Welche ffmpeg-Version verwendest du? Ist das eine offizielle Fedora-Version?


    sorry for repling in english, but i don't know dutch :(

    i'm using ffmpeg svn, and compile onto x64 processor, and have the same error, the modify to Makefile don't solve the problem, but i find this:…rch/024557.html

    then i suppose you are right, but i don't know how to solve the problem.
    the first link, suggest :

    Try adding


    before first inclusion of <stdint.h> or first inclusion of ffmpeg headers.
    This macro should be defined when using <stdint.h> with C++ compiler.

    but where? onto the osdpip file, or onto the ffmpeg file?