I'll try to make a patch.
Posts by lnj
The dvb spu decoder takes osd sizes to calculate its sizes. At the same time in case of widescreen screen and 4/3 video incorrect spu text sizes are obtained. It is very clearly visible in dvd menu with dvd plugin. The scaleMode now only changes but is not used in dvbspu.c.
Hence the question, should ScaleMode be processed in the DVB SPU decoder or is it the task of the video output plugin?
kls please tell about it.
As I understand, in the case of drm -g does not work, and should not work, these are the parameters for the window in x11. For drm it is always displayed on the full screen and the resolution is set by the system parameters.
Yes, that's how it should be. Saving the window size and position works when exiting vdr, but saving the full screen works for suspend, for start only with -f.
It is assumed that with a window manager the windowed mode is primary. Without a window manager (naked x11) you use fullscreen allways.
Please, test saving window size/position. Start in windowed mode, enable saving in menu, change size and position on screen, close with stop vdr, not to suspend. Start vdr again, size & position must be restored.
Ok, I'll add it to git.
Judging by the logs it should work now. Start with -f, switch fo mpv, return to vdr, must be fullscreen.
Or start in windowed mode, swith to fullscreen, switch fo mpv, return to vdr, must be fullscreen.
Try this please.
Use with -w disable-ogl-osd
Try this files and post syslog again.
Run in console on vdr and post output:
cat /usr/include/xcb/xcb_icccm.h|grep XCB_ICCCM_NUM_WM_SIZE_HINTS_ELEMENTS
I understood which part of the code doesn't work, now I need to understand why.
Are you sure you replaced the files? there are no debug messages that I added.
Replace this files, enable DEBUG in Makefile, make clean, and compile again.
Try and post syslog.
cooljay032 You used test branch?
I'll do the tests and think about it.
There is no command to switch to full screen after exiting suspension.
Post setup.conf where are the softhddevice settings and with what parameters do you launch it.
Is the geometry and position of the window saved when exiting the softhddevice?
Compile a debug version and post the syslog, maybe we'll find the reason.
Strange. mpv should start in full screen mode, and softhddevice should also return to full screen.
Latest version from git?
If you not use windowed mode, you need use -f for fullscreen.
In windowed mode, it returns to the window size it was before exiting. If you were viewing the full screen and switched to external soft (mpv, browser with external player plugin, or suspend softhddevice), when you exit external soft, everything should return to full screen, the window status is saved before exiting. But for this, you must activate saving window geometry in the menu.
This is if there was an exit to the suspended mode. If a full exit is made, then only -f.
I don't know how to start Kodi.